Abortion rule change- Ayush doctors for Medical Termination of Pregnancy

MTPGovernment of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Maternal Health Division, New Delhi, vide Notification No.12015/49/2008-MCH, the 29th October 2014 has proposed Amendments in the MTP Act, which has proposed provisions to allow Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathic docotrs even Nurses (GNM/Auxiliary Midwife) are allowed to do MTP

But FOGSI opposing

As per this amendment MTP can be conducted by medical practitioners with government-recognised qualifications in Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha or homoeopathy as well as nurses with qualifications in general nursing or auxiliary nurse midwifery.

The Centre has indicated it wants to expand the role of traditional medical practitioners in public health activities through a nationwide programme that seeks to promote the use of traditional medicine.

Ministry of Health and family Welfare, Government of India is proposing to amend the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971. A copy of the draft is available here.

Public can send their opinion by email saurabh.mittal98@nic.in

Last date : 10th November 2014

But body of Indian doctors has opposed a government proposal that appears intended to allow practitioners of traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda and homoeopathy to perform medical termination of pregnancies.

Members of the Federation of Obstetrician and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) today said the proposal to amend the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1971 could expose pregnant women to avoidable risks during abortion. “This doesn’t look good. On one hand they want to reduce maternal mortality and, on the other, they are proposing this?” said Sonia Malik, a New Delhi doctor who heads a FOGSI committee on infertility disorders.

Only doctors with MBBS degrees are now allowed to perform the procedure.

Health ministry officials said the document was intended to draw responses from the medical community.

“The ministry is likely to take all views into consideration. This is still under debate and discussion; this is not necessarily the final document,” an official said.

This is a WHO project. The Pilot project was started in Nepal and it was a successful initiative.
No where in the bill the allopath doctors are denied to practice MTP.

Download draft : http://mohfw.nic.in/showfile.php?lid=2986  or from Homeobook


  1. Not only m.t.p….euthanasia should be allowed by ayush prac. Condition should be good condition of college hospitals.training to students (and no. Of patients. ). India having lots of population and other wise peoples are dying daily by other reasons including food addiction .poisons .accidents. Wrong chemicals. Medicines .food.water.residence problems and problems etc . etc . etc

  2. Ayush doctor lack experience, they need to be given practical exposure, as there had been very little
    work done with Ayush medicines, though there are better drugs but they have been very less used

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