Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America

achenaThe Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America (ACHENA) is pleased to announce a 30 day public comment period on ACHENA Eligibility and Initial Curriculum Review Standards. ACHENA welcomes comments from all segments of the homeopathic community

Council for Homeopathic Certification
The Board for the Council for Homeopathic Certification has announced policy updates and changes to the eligibility requirements for certification

The Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America, (ACHENA) formerly known as the Council for Homeopathic Education, has been accrediting schools of homeopathy since 1982.  In 2012, ACHENA completed a public comment process and issued its Accreditation Manual 2012: Structure, Scope,  

Process for Review of Public Comments:
ACHENA has established a committee of 3 individuals to deliberate on the comments submitted in response to these eligibility standards.  This committee will be charged with carefully reviewing and considering each comment, proposing revisions and preparing a summary of comments received and deliberations for consideration by the full ACHENA commission.  A final revised document will be posted by November 18th, 2014.



  1. Very good decision though late.
    Homoeopathy is the most advanced healing science in this universe if given proper nourishment in the form of research can do a lot that too with little funds.
    Dedication devotion & hard work with individualist humanitarian approach are the key words for its success.
    I suggest the committee members to have these words in mind while deciding about it.
    Dr S S Vithal MD

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