Additions to Kent’s Repertory – Book Review

Dr Aji Punnen

The Author of the book Additions to kent’s repertory is by C M Boger. It is published by Indian books & periodicals syndicate.

Additions can be from Boericke’s materia medica & Clarke’s dictionary

It consists of 1129 symptoms.

Rubrics are given continuosly in numbers in the order of chapters in kents repertory.

It contains symptoms from chapter Mind to Extremities.

Chapters name is not given in the beginning of rubrics with exceptions

  • Kidneys, prostate gland, urethra, urine, genitalia, bladder, back. 

Lochia is given as a heading. ( pg 69)

Rubrics are represented in italics. Subrubrics are represented in roman.

Three gradation of remedies are used.

  • Italics
  • Roman

In rubrics with some medicines  specifications are given

e.g. Eye, injuries – nux vom ( blood shot) ruta (bone)

In between rubrics some explanations of abbreviations are given

  • Anthx – Anthoxantum – a sweet vernel grass – See boerickes mm & clarkes dictionary
  • Branc – branca ursine,hog weedm. SeeBoericke’s mat. Med under Heracleum
  • Chlol – Chloral hydrate. See Kent’s Repertory
  • Epiph – Epiphegus Virginana or Orobranche. See Boericke’s Mat. Med or Clarke’s Dictionary.
  • Tel – Tela aranearum

Specifications of rubrics or subrubrics are given in brackets

  • Exertion agg (r)
  • Lower  right (to axillae)

Addition of remedies

Absorbed – Nux vomica. In BBCR absorbed rubric must be looked in Mind, introspective in which nux vomica is given in 2 marks.

Anger on awaking – ars, lyc, phos. In BBCR rubric ispresent in Sleep chapter with out phos

ANGER – evening – zinc

ANSWERS – slowly – Gels, Rhod

Anticipation – Nat murr

Aversion to members of family – Con, Hep, Kali phos, Lyc, Merc, phos, Plat

Busy – Bar. Carb, Lach, Mosch, Sep

Busy fruitlessly – Lil tig

Carried desires – Bor, chel, kreos

Censorious – Graph

Company aversion to – Lil tig

Company aversion to yet dreads being alone – ars, stram, tarent

Consolation agg – sabal, sulph

Destructive clothes – Plb

Dictatorial – Arn, ver

Fear  crowd – arn, asaf

Fear disaster, disease – elat, psor, puls, tab . Fear disaster & disease are separate rubrics in Kent’s Repertory.In the rubric fear disaster elat, psor, & puls are present in kent’s Repertory.

Fear misfortune – bry, caust, nat. carb

Forsaken feeling – meny, sec

Haughty – gran, Lil tig

Home wants to go – acon, cimic, coff, meli, valer

Hurry occupation in – cimic

Indifference – tell, tab

Kill desire – sil, syph

Loquacity, babbling – lyc

Loquacity, changing quickly from subject to subject – arg nit, tub

Love disappointed – phos

Mistakes localities – arg nit, flour ac, sil

Somnambulism – dict

Sympathetic – tarant

Talks to himself – mag

Timidity —  crot hor

Weeping amel – puls

Addition of Rubrics or subrubrics

  • Anger coffee agg – Calc phos
  • Anger pain agg – Ant tart
  • Anger Sympathy agg – Sabal
  • Anger trifles at – phos, sep
  • Aversion Darkness – Sanic    In Kent’s Repertory rubric is represented as fear dark in which sanicula is present.
  • Aversion water – Amm carb

Will muscles refuse to obey – gels, lil tig. In Kent’s repertory there is a rubric  Mind Will muscles refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away in which Helleborus is the medicine.

Some important rubrics in all chapters are given 


  • Dark room in –alum, pic ac
  • Headache after – merc, phos
  • Injuries to head – arn, ruta
  • Nausea with – ptel
  • Nervous – phos
  • Old people – con, gran 


  • Hair falling parturition after  – hep,sil
  • Hair falling mouschtache – plb
  • Injuries scalp – calend
  • Pain mental exertion from – cupr
  • Pain exposure to sun – verat vir 


  • Cataract – nat sulph
  • Fistula lachrymalis – graph, kreos
  • Injuries – nux vom, ruta
  • Lachrymation headache during – lach, nat mur
  • Pain glaucoma in – acon
  • Stye left eye – sulph
  • Tears thick – tarent 


  • Blurred headache before – lac defl, psor
  • Dim headache during – hyos, ign 


  • Discharge pus like – bry
  • Discharge purulent – acon
  • Pain air draft – act spicata
  • Pain damp weather – nux mosch, petr
  • Wax foul – caust 


  • Acute headache during – acon, coff, phyt
  • Impaired damp weather in – calend 


  • Coryza amel general symptoms – thuja
  • Discharge posterior nares – bufo, caust
  • Epistaxis amenorrhoea with – sep
  • Epistaxis on blowing wind instruments – rhustox
  • Epistaxis hemorrhoids suppressed – sulph
  • Picking nose – lyc
  • Polypus – kali iod
  • Sneezing dust causes – benz ac
  • Snuffles of new born – merc 


  • Cracked lips – mang
  • Eruption pimple forehead – chin
  • Peeling lips – nit ac
  • Saddle across nose – tril
  • Sunburn – thuj
  • Wrinkled forehead – syph 


  • Covers mouth with hand – ip, lach, rumx,kali bich
  • Cracked tongue – kali iod
  • Dryness thirstless but – arn, ign, kali bich, sep, ver
  • Indented tongue – Bapt, Calc Carb, Crot Tig, Pip Meth, Puls
  • Mapped tongue – lil tig
  • Odor menses during – ov gal pel


  • Abscess roots – merc I f
  • Caries roots – flour ac
  • Grinding – glon


  • Dryness thirst without —  kali c , lyc, sep
  • Induration tonsils – cham,cupr, graph
  • Pain cold from a – lach
  • Pain from damp weather – lach
  • Pain from exertion – caust, lac c
  • Pain washing , bathing agg – lach

External throat

  • Goiter – graph, mang
  • Left – chel
  • Right – hep, mag carb


  • Apetite increased headache before – sep
  • Aversion sweets – hippoz, rad brom, senec
  • Aversion tobacco – lob
  • Desire cold drinks – kali mur, sac lac
  • Desire fat – mez, nat carb, rad brom, tub
  • Desire pungent things – caps, china
  • Desire sweets – merc dulc
  • Desire tobacco smoking – med
  • Desire vegetables – cep
  • Desire warm drinks – spig
  • Pain cold drinks after —  carb veg, elaps,phos
  • Pain raising arms high – anac


  • Distension tranverse colon – bell
  • Hard liver – lach, mur ac
  • Itching inguinal region – bar carb, camph, coc.c
  • Pain must bend double – calc carb
  • Pain icecream after  — bellis


  • Constipation of the aged – alum, cycl. Alumina is present in the rubric Rectum Constipation  Old people
  • Constipation of babies – caust, verat
  • Constipation women in – sep
  • Diarrhea children in – jal, senna
  • Diarrhea milk after – chin, iod
  • Diarrhea tuberculosis during – arg nit, ars, chin, ferr phos
  • Fissure perineum – amm carb


  • Hard first then fluid – Mag carb


  • Inflammation chronic – ars, eup pur, sulph
  • Retention spinal affections in – phos
  • Urging must hasten – kali carb, lath
  • Involuntary night morning toward – cina
  • Can only pass urine by standing – alum


  • Pain —  solidago

Prostate gland

  • Enlarged – ferr pic, hydrang, solidago
  • Senile – sabal. In the rubric Prostate enlargement Senile in Kent’s Repertory Sabal is present as one mark remedy.


  • Discharge last drop – agar, kali iod, petr


  • Copious drunk more than is – apis, lac c, lact ac, lyc, nat carb, sars, sep, zinc
  • Odor offensive – lac can
  • Sediment sand – sep
  • Sugar – con, mur ac


  • Itching scrotum – scroph
  • Perspiration exertion after – sep
  • Enlarged uterus – merc I r
  • Itching pregnancy during – calc carb

Larynx & trachea

  • Hoarseness damp weather – hep, mang
  • Voice lost damp weather – bar carb
  • Voice lost singers – arum tri, graph


  • Asthmatic night – cham
  • Asthma walking against wind – nat mur
  • Difficult cold food agg – ars
  • Difficult injury from – petr
  • Difficult palpitation during – kalm, manc
  • Difficult rocking amel – sec
  • Snoring – merc cor


  • Cold drinks amel – cina
  • Expectoration amel – china, kali carb
  • Weather change of – eriodictyon


  • Atrophy of mammae – cham, chin, fago, ferr, onos,sil
  • Bleeding nipples – sil
  • Drumming heart sounds – lob purp
  • Eruptions axillae – carb an
  • Inflammation pluero –pneumonia – ran bulb
  • Itching axillae – asar
  • Itching mammae – sil
  • Pain after herpes zoster – zinc
  • Pain heart emotions agg – phos, thuja
  • Palpitation slight causes from – anac
  • Perspiration axillae offensive – con


  • Cracking cervical region – alston, zing
  • Curvature – aur
  • Injuries coccyx – kali bich
  • Pain bending forward agg –  sep
  • Pain exertion from – berb, cann ind, caust, ferr, kali carb, lyc, phos ac, sec, sep, verat alb
  • Pain lying back on amel – casc
  • Pain lumbar region child birth after – kali carb
  • Hemorrhoids with – aesc, bell, ham, nux vom
  • Lifting – hura


  • Corns suppurating – thuja
  • Cracked skin finger tips – nat mur
  • Cracked heels – ars, coc.c, kali phos,
  • Cracked soles – merc cor
  • Cracked toes – psor
  • Cracking joints – benz ac, caust, graph
  • Eruption palm desquamation – graph
  • Nates boils – acon
  • Foot desquamation – manc
  • Inflammation knee – lyc, merc

Dr. Aji Punnen,
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