- Ammonium is only occasionally taken in and then almost completely synthesized in liver to urea.
- Only traces of salts escape synthesis and circulate in blood.
Physiological role:
- Role in phase of excretion.
- Buffering of urine with a sparing of alkali.
- Its liberated in decomposition accompanying muscle and nerve activity.
- This process is irreversible and results in weakening and paralyzing effects of muscles and nerves under the influence of ammonia.
- Ammonia develops in erythrocytosis.
- Excess of metabolic end product damage the erythrocytes.
- Excess of ammonia is expelled through respiratory system, involvement of mucous membrane of respiratory passages is important.
Important remedies:
- Ammonium Acet.
- Ammonium Benz.
- Ammonium Brom.
- Ammonium Carb.
- Ammonium Caust
- Ammonium Iod.
- Ammonium Mur.
- Ammonium Phos.
- Ammonium Picric
- Ammonium Valer.
Sphere of action:
- Blood (Scorbutis, Uraemia, Carbonized blood)
- Heart
- Mucous Membrane (Nose, throat, lungs, Larynx )
- Skin ( Erythema, Scarlatina)
- Nervous system (Peripheral, Central)
- Shows labored croupy breathing. Weak action of heart.
- Slow manner of reaction/defective power of reaction.
- Relaxed fibers. Always tired and fatigued, tendency to corpulency
- Fat/Initially, later Emaciation
- Bloated/Relaxable Fibres. Corpulence tendency
- Tired/Fatigued. Slow, defective reaction
- Hydrogenoid
- Chilly
Clinical conditions:
Septic/Scorbutis, Uraemia/carbonized blood, Erythema/Scarlitina, Muscle weakness, Paralysis, Raised BP & Sweat, Bleeding/Ulceration, Cold/sinusitis, Lung Problems, Emphysema, Heart and Stomach, Sciatica, Inflm.of Joints, Contractures.
- Rancor, Grudge, Resentment, Anger, Aggression, Hate/Critical
- Close Minded, Reserved, Disappointment, Gloom/Bitterness, Idealism
Antagonized by:
Ver Vir/digitalis, Aconite/cold, Cardiac sedatives
Action favored by:
Heat/Opium/iodine, Valeriana/asafetida, Alcohol
Acidums, Ign, Natrums, Nitricums, Inflm.of of Muscles, Inflm.of of RT Central vasomotor
Collapse, Prolong anesthesia, Ammonia intoxication
Physical features:
- Desires: Coffee, Alcohol, Sweet, Sour,
- Aversion: Meat, potato
- <3hr, lying, Exhaustion
- Discharge: Acrid, yellow water
- Disappointment, Accompanied by bitterness and gloom.
- Darkness or depression of mind.
- Sullen, dejected.
- Discontented, thoughts of frustration.
- Disappointments caused by too much idealism.
- Believe in envisioning the things as they should be or according to preconceived standards.
- Overlook negative sides.
- Over critical, Attempting to live in accordance with their own ideas.
- Understanding feelings of ammoniums is like taking breath in ammonia, face gets distorted in disgust and starts back in horror.
- Anger, Aggression,Hate
- Extreme feeling of dislike.
- Animosity -This is expressed in morose, ill humored, gloomy, hatred, malicious or suppressed anger.
- Critics – Leads to cynicism.
- Sarcastic, Close minded, Keep anger inside. Reserved ness.
- Restrain their feelings.
General features:
- Inflammation of mucus membranes.
- Inflammation of respiratory passages.
- Vasomotor collapse
- Expectorant
- Act on PNS and CNS producing ammonia intoxication and long maintained muscle weakness.
- Complete paralysis of lower extremities.
- Central exciting action on blood pressure and sweat production.
- Septic and scorbutic states with tendency to bleeding.
- Desires for coffee, chocolates, sweet, sour, and tobacco.
- Aversion to meat, potatoes, and alcohol.
General modalities:
- Aggravation: Bathing, Stretching, Cold, potatoes, Open air, 3 A.M
- Amelioration: Lying, Eating
Clinical applications:
- Biting and caustic nature of complaints.
- Discharges burning, acrid, yellow, watery, and leads to ulceration.
- Bright redness, swelling, burning of skin and mucus membranes.
- Exhaustion
- Cold, sinusitis, lung troubles, emphysema.
- Heart troubles, stomach complaints.
- Sciatica, inflammation of joints, contractures.
- Antagonized by Verat vir, Digitalis, Aconite, cold.
- Action favored by heat, opium, iodine, valeriana, asafoetida, and alcohol.