Anger the volcano

Dr Amrutha Manoharan
No one is spared from this emotion whether young or old all have this emotion. When the anger assumes the most violent form in children it comes under the temper tantrum disorders. on the other hand, if an old person is getting angry, he/ she will sometimes shout, break things, beat someone. All of us have experienced this emotion at least even once in there lifetime.

Anger means displeasure; A strong feeling of grievance and is a strong feeling that comes when one has been wronged or insulted, or when one sees cruelty or injustice; the feeling that makes people want to quarrel or fight. [5]

The emotion that all of us experienced in our life  – ‘’ANGER’’

Emotions more or less begin inside two almond-shaped structures in our brains which are called the amygdala. The amygdala is the part of the brain responsible for identifying threats to our well-being, and for sending out an alarm when threats are identified that results in us taking steps to protect ourselves.

When a person becomes angry the brain releases neurotransmitter chemicals known as catecholamines, which is responsible for the sudden outburst of energy.

At the same time, your heart rate accelerates, your blood pressure rises, and your rate of breathing increases. Your face may flush as increased blood flow enters your limbs and extremities in preparation for physical action.


  • Unfairness – We believe that we have been treated unfairly. We tell ourselves that we deserve more, and we buy into this story that someone has wronged us.
  • Lost – We feel that we have lost something that we have identified ourselves with. Feelings, pride, money, car, job.
  • Blame – We blame other people or external situations for having caused our loss, for taking advantage of us unfairly. The blame often only resides in our heads and is a product of our imagination. We fail to see things from other people’s perspectives. We become deeply selfish.
  • Pain – We experience pain, mental distress, and anxiety. The pain causes physical responses in our body, which disturbs our natural energy flow and state of wellbeing.
  • Focus – We focus on the thing we don’t want, and energize it by complaining about it passionately, and repeating it to as many people who will listen. This creates a downward spiral of anger. “What we focus on expands”, this is true regardless of the emotion.


  • Disease state 
  • Deprivation of physical need anger, thirst or sex
  • Being teased
  • During unfulfilling wish
  • Neglect or no attention
  • Family worries
  • Frustration


The fastest way to change negative feelings is by changing our physical position right away. The easiest way to physically change is by moving our eye position. When we are in a negative state, we are likely looking down. Suddenly looking up (into our visual plane) will interrupt the negative patterns of sinking into the quicksand of bad feelings.

Sit down and write down exactly what it is that you want out of the current situation. Your job is to describe the end result you would like to see. Be clear, realistic and fair. Be specific with your description. Including dates of when you would like to see the results.

Meditation is training for the mind to calm the noise in our mental space, to lower our though count, to draw out inner wisdom and mostly it helps us to recognize and remain anchored in our divine state.

When you are in angry  mood , Close your eyes ,  close one nose with your finger ,  slowly exhale and slowly inhale practice this  at least 10 times when you are in angry. Repeat this for 5 -10 minutes .

Simply to laugh open mouth when you are in angry is a good technique to overcome from the anger.

Forgive what others have done to you  , this is the best method to overcome from anger. Unable to forgive someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

 The best thing is to get away from situations that make you angry and avoiding the trigging  factors .

3 MARK remedies  – acon, anac, aur, bry, caust, cham, cina, coffe, coloc, hep Ign, kali c, lach, lyc, mer, natm, nitac, nux vom, petr, sep, staphy, sulp.

ANGER –  TEMPER TANDRUMS 3 mark  – cal p, cham, cina
2 mark – ign, nux v, staphy, stram, tub.

KENT[4] MIND – Anger Violent
3 Mark  – acon, anac, aur, cham, hep, nit ac, nux vomic, staphy, tarent


  1. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE – with tendency to use violent language, irresistible desire to swear and curse, Absence of all moral restraint. Disposition to take everything amiss , to contradict to fly into a rage.
  2. AURUM METALLICUM  – Constant rapid questioning without waiting for reply. Cannot do things fast enough. Over sensitiveness; (Staph) to noise, excitement, confusion. Every opportunity is sought for self-destruction. Ill humored and aversion to conversation. Grumbling, quarrelling humour. The least contradiction excites his wrath[1]
  3. BRYONIA ALBA – Exceedingly irritable; everything puts him out of humour. Aversion to conversation . after being angry he is chilly has red face and 
  4. CHAMOMILLA  – Impatient, intolerant of being spoken to or interrupted; extremely sensitive to every pain; always complaining. Spiteful, snappish. Complaints from anger and vexation. Mental calmness contraindicates Chamomila.
  5. IGNITA AMRA      Changeable mood; introspective, contradiction aggravation.
  6. LACHESIS MUTUS  – Great loquacity, mainly a remedy for climatic period.
  7. NUX VOMICA – Very irritable: sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious. Cannot bear noises, odors, light, etc. Does not want to be touched. Time passes too slowly. Even the least ailment affects her greatly. Disposed to reproach others. Sullen, fault-finding.
  8. SEPIA OFFICINALIS – Indifferent to those loved best. Averse to occupation, to family. Irritable; easily offended. Dreads to be alone. Very sad. Weeps when telling symptoms. Miserly. Anxious toward evening; indolent.
  9. STAPHYSAGRIA – Impetuous, violent outbursts of passion, hypochondriacal, sad. Very sensitive as to what others say about her. Dwells on sexual matters; prefers solitude. Peevish.
  10. TARENTULA HISPANICA –  Sudden alteration of mood. Foxy. Destructive impulses; moral relaxation. Must constantly busy herself or walk. Sensitive to music. Averse to company, but wants some one present. Ungrateful, discontented. Guided by whims.


  1. Ahamed sayeed.Disease of mind.B jain publishers. page 6.
  2. Boerick  William.Boerick’s new  manual of homoeopathic materia medica and repertory.
  3. https;//
  4. Kent tyler james. Repertory of homoeopathic  materia medica.B 2.
  5. Misra Bhusan Bichitra.Bjain publishers. Textbook of psycology for homoeopathic students page201.
  6. Murphy Robin.Homoeopathic medical repertory. Page1509. 3rd edition .Bjain.
  8. of anger.

Dr. Amrutha Manoharan .B.H.M.S, M.D(Hom.), Diploma in YOGA
Junior Research Fellow
National Homoeopathy Research Institute In Mental Health.
Sachivothamapuram,Kottayam (Kerala) .  

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