Aphorisms and footnotes in Organon of Medicine –at a glance

books3Aphorisms and footnotes in Organon of Medicine – at a glance

1) Mission of physician
2) Highest ideal of cure
3) Knowledge of physician.
4) Preserver of health
5) Exciting and fundamental cause, importance of constitution
6) For the physician the disease consist only totality of symptoms.
7)  Totality of symptoms
8)Once symptoms are eradicated disease is cured
9) Vital force
10) With out vital force organism is dead.

18) Totality is the sole guide to direct us in choice of remedy
19-21 What is curative in medicine
22)  2methods of treatment
23) Antipathic method
24,25) Merits of homoeopathy
26-35) Natural law of cure and explanation
26-natural law of cure
27-Curative power of drugs
28,29-modus operandi of cure
30-34 Superiority of artificial morbific agents
36-46)What happens when dissimilar &similar disease meets
46-Fixed miasm ,accessory miasm
50)Limitation of natural morbific agent
51) Happy go lucky operations are cure offered by nature.
52) practicing onetime homeopathically & at another time allopathically is criminal treason against homoeopathy
54,55,56)Different modes of treatment
63-65)Primary action& secondary action
71) 3 point operation
72)General survey of disease acute & chronic disease
73)Acute disease &classification
74)Drug diseases
75)Drug diseases are most incurable
76Drug diseases are to be remedied by vital force itself
77)Pseudo chronic disease
78)Natural chronic disease
79)Syphilis & Sycosis
80,81) Psora fundamental cause
83)Requisite qualities of physician
1)Freedom from prejudice, 2)Sound sense, 3)Attention in observing & fidelity in tracing the picture of disease
84-104)Case taking
91-Pure symptom should considered
92-Conjoint malady
94-99 Difficulty in taking chronic cases
95-Lessor accessory symptoms-Due to long suffering patient become used to these symptoms & pay little attention
97-Indolent patients
100to102-Epidemic diseases &genus epidemicus
105-145)Drug proving
108-Proving should be done in healthy human beings
109-Hahneman was the first to start proving on healthy human beings
113-Proving of narcotic medicines secondary action are to be observed
115-Alternating actions
123-medicine for proving should be given in simple unadulterated form
125-Diet of prover
126-Qualities of prover
127-Medicine to be proved both in males &females
128-Proving should be done in 30th potency
140-Proving in illiterate provers
141-Physician is the best prover
143-Real materia medica
147)Homoeopathic specific remedy is similimum
153-Characteristic symptoms
155-61)Homoeopathic aggravation
157-What is homoeopathic aggravation
158-Prognostic value of homoeopathic aggravation
161-In acute disease aggravation lasts for few hours in chronic disease first 6,8 or 10days
162-171)Imperfectly selected medicine
163-accessory symptoms, are new symptoms appearing after administration of partially indicated medicine.
164-Small no. of symptoms is not an obstacle to the cure.
165-Unhomeopathic medicines.
169,170-When totality of symptoms is not covered by a single medicine but 2 medicines partially cover more suitable given first .And it is not advisable after the employment of more suitable of the 2 medicines .to administer other with out fresh examination.
171-To treat non venereal chronic disease several antipsoric remedies can be given in succession
172-184)One sided diseases
173-What is one sided disease
174-One sided disease with a affection of external kind is called local malady
180,181-Accessory symptoms while treating one sided disease
183-Second prescription
185-203) Local maladies treatment
185-Allopathic idea of local maladies was that external parts are only involved and rest of body did not participate in this disease
186-Surgical diseases
190-Judicious treatment of local ailments is internal medicine
194-External application should not be done
204-209) Treatment of chronic diseases
204-Cause of chronic disease

207-Treatment history
208-Personal history
209-Base of prescription
210-230)Mental disease their classification & Treatment
210-One sided diseases are psoric in origin.
211-Mental disposition determines selection of remedy.
216-Mental diseases first type after disappearance of physical symptoms.
219-Lucid interval.
220-Treatment of these type of mental disease with antipsoric treatment.
221,222,223-Menatal disease second type, sudden out break of insanity they should be first treated by acute medicines followed by antipsoric treatment.
224-Mental diseases third type, mental disease of doubtful origin.
225-Mental disease fourth type ,due to emotional factors like anxiety, worry, vexation.
228-General management of mental disease.
231-234)Intermittent &Alternating disease.
235-244)Intermittent fever.
236-Time of administration of medicine .
242-In epidemics of intermittent fever repeated dose Sulphur or Hepar sulph in high potency is to be given..
244-In fever endemic in marshy districts small dose of potentised solution of cinchona bark to be given.
245-251)Repetition of medicines.
246-Necessities for rapid cure.
1-medicine must be homoeopathic
2-given in minute doses
3-repeated at suitable intervals

247-Repeatition of medicine at interval of 14,12,10,8,7 days
248-Schein symptoms caused by excess of homoeopathic medicines.
252)Obstacles to cure
253)Signs of improvement
257)Physician should avoid making favorite remedies
259-261)diet &regiment in chronic disease
262-263)Diet in acute disease
264-266)Selection of genuine medicines
267-271)Preparation of medicines
270 ( in 6thedition)50 millisimal scale
272,273)1 single simple medicine at one time
274)”It is wrong to attempt complex means when simple means suffice”, advantages of single simple medicines.
275-287)Strength of the dose for homoeopathic use
275-Large dose injures.
280- optimum dose to avoid aggravation.
284-Route of administration of drugs.
286)Magnetism electricity & galvanism.
287)use of north &south pole.
291)Water bath.

1)Theoretical medicine.
6)Prima causa morbid.
7)Causa occasionalis to be removed.
symptomatic or palliative treatment directed towards a single symptom to be rejected.
8)homoeopathy remove symptoms but disease remains-Hufelands journal.
10)What happens when vital force is absent.
11) Materia pecans(material causeof disease).
Dynamic influence.
17) Moral remedy-mental conviction remove the disease.
22)The other mode of treatment(allopathy).
31)Derangement of health means anything hyperphysical. It signifies that diseases are not mechanical or chemical alterations.
33)Hahneman used belladonna to prevent scaralatina.
40)Treatment of complex diseases can be affected by alternation of mercurial preparations with remedies specific for psora.
61)Physiological system of medicine by Broussau
67)Conditio in which palliatives are admissible.
73) Aconite used as prophylactic for purpura miliaris
80)Psora is hydraheaded monster.
93)Any cause of disgraceful character to be interrogated.
94)Special points of inquiry in females.
108)Before Hahnemann Von haller practiced drug proving on healthy human beings.
119)Surrogates are substitutes.
141)Advantages of proving by physician.
145)Hahnemann made proving on healthy human beings.
149)Mongrel sects (In 6th Edition under 148).
183)When symptoms are indistinct a dose of opium can be given to make it distinct.
205)Meta schematism-If not treated properly by dynamic internal medicines disease will be transferred to more important organs.
229)Violent mania should be treated in mental asylums.
232)Double alternating disease
260)Obstacles to cure
272)Dr Aegidi`s idea of double remedy is rejected
276)Chronic china malady
282)In fig warts external application be made with simultaneous internal application of same medicine.


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