Application of Heartbeat and Pulse chapter of BBCR in cardiovascular disorders
Dr G Supriya Pai
PG Scholar,Department of Practice of Medicine
Government Homoepathic Medical College, Bangalore.
It is the expansion and elongation of the arterial wall imparted by the column of blood and is passively produced by the pressure changes during ventricular systole and diastole.
Commonly pulse is examined in the radial artery of hand which is most accessible peripheral artery. Moreover as soon as the hand is touched of the patient, it builds doctor-patient relationship.
- Rate
- Rhythm
- Volume
- Condition of the arterial wall
- Comparison between two radial pulses
- Radio-femoral delay
- Any special character
- Palpation of other peripheral arteries.
RATE: Rate is the number of beats per minute. Normally it ranges between 60-100 beats per minute. Usually it remains 140 beats per minute at birth.
Sino-atrial node is the natural pacemaker of the heart.
- TACHYCARDIA: Pulse rate above 100 beats per minute. Normally it is found in children.
Sinus tachycardia: Pulse rate above 100 beats per minute where the impulse is originating from SA node. The heart rate in sinus tachycardia varies between 100-160 beats per minute.
Physiological | Pathological |
Exercise, emotion, excitement | Heart failure |
Intense pain | Thyrotoxicosis |
Anxiety | Severe anaemia |
In children | Pyrexia , drugs |
During pregnancy | Shock( acute MI) |
Smoking | Myocarditis |
Acute haemorrhages | |
Hypoxia |
Relative tachycardia: Here the increase in pulse rate is more than 10 beats per minute with per degree rise of temperature.
Causes: Acute rheumatic carditis
Diphtheritic myocarditis
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Paroxysmal tachycardia: Pulse rate above 160 beats per minute. It is divided into two types.
1. Supraventricular
2. Ventricular
Causes: Rheumatic carditis
Ischemic heart disease
Hypertensive heart disease
WPW syndrome
Main chapter – FEVER
Subchapter – CIRCULATION
Subsection – PULSE
- Pulse; abnormal in general
- Pulse; quick (accelerated)
- Pulse; AGGRAVATION- Ascending (steps)
Beer, from
Coffee, after
Illness, with a sense of
Mental excitement
Pains, during the
Tea, after
Tobacco, smoke, smoking
Walking, going about etc.
Whisky, from
Wine, after
Main chapter – FEVER
Sub-chapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – PALPITATION
- Palpitation, in general
- Anaemia, in
- Anxious
- Ascending (steps) on
- Climacteric, during
- Drinking
- Drugging from
- Emotions from
- Excitement from
- Goitre with
- Mental exertion agg
- Paroxysmal
- Rheumatic metastasis from
- Vital loses from
- Walking, agg.
Main chapter – FEVER
Sub-chapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – HEARTBEAT
- Heartbeat , rapid (see- pulse-quick)
- Heartbeat, tremulous
- Heartbeat, vigorous
Pulse rate is below 60 beats per minute, commonly found in
- Athletes, yoga, meditation or during deep sleep.
- Myxoedema
- Obstructive jaundice
- Increased intra-cranial tension
- Drugs like beta blockers/ digitalis
- Hypothermia
- Heart block
- Sinus sick syndrome
- Vasovagal attacks
- Severe hypoxia
- Organo-phosphorus poisoning
Sinus Bradycardia: Pulse rate below 60 beats per minute where the impulse is originating from SA node.
Relative Bradycardia: Here the increase in pulse rate is less than 10 beats per minute with per degree rise of temperature
Causes: Any viral fever
First week of enteric fever
Sometimes in pyogenic meningitis
Brucellosis, Weil’s disease.
Chapter – FEVER
Subchapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – PULSE
- Pulse; slow
- Pulse; weak
Chapter – FEVER
Sub-chapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – HEARTBEAT
- Heartbeat, ceasing as if
- Heartbeat, weak ( see pulse- weak)
Pulse deficit: It is the difference between the heart rate and the pulse rate. It is commonly found in atrial fibrillation and multiple ectopic beats. It is due to the fact that some weak heart beats are not transmitted to the radial artery.
Chapter – FEVER, subchapter – CIRCULATION, sub-section – PULSE
Pulse; slower than heartbeat.
RHYTHM: Rhythm is the spacing of successive beats (pulse waves) in time. Normal pulse is regular in rhythm and is known as ‘Sinus Rhythm’, because it is generated by SA node.
- Regularly Irregular: irregularly comes at regular interval and is seen in extra-systoles, secondary heart block, sinus arrhythmia, pulsus bigeminus
- Irregularly Irregular/ completely Irregular: Irregularity between two pulse beats in every aspect (rate, rhythm, volume, totally chaotic)
Commonly seen in atrial fibrillation, multiple ventricular extrasystole, atrial flutter, varying degrees of heart block.
Sinus Arrhythmia: It is the increase in pulse rate with inspiration and decrease in pulse rate with expiration. It is a physiological phenomenon commonly observed in children and athletes.
Ectopic Beat/Rhythm:
Synonyms: Premature beat, extrasystoles
In ectopic rhythm, the impulse arises from the sites other than SA node that is from atrial wall, AV node or ventricular wall. The ectopic beat is small, occurs prematurely and is followed by a compensatory pause. This pause results in ‘missed beat’ or ‘dropping beat’ in pulse.
Pulse felt in wrist: small pause followed by small beat, big pause followed by big beat.
Causes: overindulgence of tea, coffee, cigarette, alcohol.
Rheumatic, ischemic, hypertensive, thyrotoxic and cardiomyopathic heart disease
Digitalis overdose.
Chapter – FEVER
Subchapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – PULSE
- Pulse; abnormal in general
- Pulse; changeable in general
- Pulse; double in general
- Pulse; irregular
- Pulse; intermittent – losing 1 to 2 beats
The 3rd beat
The 4th beat
4th to 5th beat
6th beat
10th to 30th beat
- Pulse; unequal, uneven
- Pulse; AGGRAVATION – ascending steps
Beer, from
Coffee, after
Illness, with a sense of
Inspiration (sinus arrhythmia)
Mental excitement
Pains, during
Tea, after
Tobacco, smoke, smoking
Walking, going about
Whisky from
Wine, after
Main chapter – FEVER
Sub-chapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – HEARTBEAT
- Heartbeat; double(see pulse chapter)
Irregular rhythm with normal heart rate:
Causes: multiple extra systoles, sinus arrhythmia
Rubric: Chapter – FEVER
Subchapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – PULSE
Pulse; quicker than heartbeat.
VOLUME: It is the amplitude of the pulse wave or the excursion/ uplift felt at the wrist and usually reflects the width of pulse pressure (systolic BP- diastolic BP) which depends on two factors
- Stroke volume
- Compliance of the arteries.
The carotid, brachial or femoral arteries are more useful for assessing pulse volume and character than the radial pulse.
Normal pulse pressure 30-60 mm of Hg (normal pulse volume)
Changes in pulse volume:
- High pulse volume: pulse pressure > 60mm of Hg
- Hyperkinetic circulatory states: after exercise, severe anaemia, pyrexia, pregnancy, aortic incompetence, thyrotoxicosis, arterio-venous communication (PDA, Paget’s disease), chronic cor pulmonale, hepato-cellular failure, beriberi.
- Atherosclerosis: arteries are rigid; less complaint so there is wide pulse pressure as the systolic BP is high or systemic HTN.
- Complete heart block, bradycardia due to any cause.
Bounding pulse: It is commonly seen in Hyperkinetic circulatory states where the pulse volume is high with increased blood flow.
Chapter – FEVER
Subchapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – PULSE
- Pulse; full
- Pulse; hard
- Pulse; large
- Pulse; strong
- Pulse; tense
- Low volume pulse (pulsus parvus): pulse pressure < 30 mm of Hg
Seen in shock (acute MI, massive haemorrhage, hypervolemia, septic shock, cardiogenic shock)
Severe aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis,
Congestive cardiac failure, pericardial effusion, constrictive pericarditis.
Thready pulse: This is a low volume pulse with rapid pulse rate. This type of pulse is seen in peripheral circulatory failure.
Ex. Cardiogenic shock, haemorrhage, dehydration
‘Jerky pulse’ felt in Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis (IHSS)
Chapter – FEVER
Subchapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – PULSE
- Pulse; jerky
- Pulse; small
- Pulse; soft
- Pulse; thin
- Pulse; thread
Normally the arterial wall is impalpable and may be palpable in old age due to atherosclerosis.
The artery becomes tortuous, thickened, feels like a cord (Monckeberg’s medial sclerosis i.e. Calcification of medial coat of large arteries)
Absent radial pulse: Anatomical abnormality, severe atherosclerosis, Takayasu’s disease, embolism into radial artery, death.
Subchapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – PULSE
- Pulse; contracted
- Pulse; empty
- Pulse; imperceptible (not felt)
- Pulse; suppressed (obliterated)
CHARACTER OF THE PULSE: The volume, waveform and some special features (ex. Collapsing nature) altogether give rise to character of pulse which is helped in clinical diagnosis of specific diseases or disorders.
- Anacrotic pulse: It is a low volume pulse with an upstroke felt in the ascending limb of pulse wave. Anacrotic pulse is found in severe valvular aortic stenosis, typically known as ‘parvus-et-tardus’ (slow rising low volume pulse)
- Dicrotic pulse: When the upstroke is felt in the descending limb of pulse wave. The first wave is the percussion wave while the second wave is exaggerated dicrotic wave. It is felt due to hypotonia of vessel wall.
– Second week of typhoid fever (due to circulatory vasculo-toxins)
– Endotoxic shock
– Hypovolemic shock
– Diffuse myocardial disease.
3. Pulsus Bisferiens: It is high volume double beating pulse, single pulse wave with two peaks in systole. Seen in aortic stenosis and incompetence; hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.
4. Pulsus alterans: when the alternate pulse waves are weak i.e. low volume (the rhythm remains regular in contrast to ectopics)
Seen in LVF (severe myocardial failure) where some ventricular muscle fibres are healthy and some degenerated and thus produce normal and weak beat respectively.
- Pulsus Bigeminus: Clinically two beats and a pause thereafter recur in regular fashion. The second beat is an ectopic beat and thus there is pause after it. Commonly found in digitalis toxicity and 3:2 heart blocks. In pulsus trigeminus 3 beats and a pause recur in regular fashion.
- Water hammer pulse: High volume collapsing pulse characterised by – high volume, sharp rise, ill sustained, sharp fall. Seen in aortic competence.
- Pulsus Paradoxus: Here the pulse volume decreases with inspiration and increase with expiration. The paradox is that the heart sounds may still be audible on auscultation over the time when no pulse is palpable at the radial artery.
Causes: acute severe asthma, cardiac tamponade, chronic constrictive pericarditis, COPD, SVC syndrome, restrictive cardiomyopathy.
In health there is fall in systolic BP in inspiration which is < 10mm of Hg, but in pulsus paradoxus there is exaggerated inspiratory fall in systolic BP > 10 mm of Hg.
Chapter – FEVER
Subchapter – CIRCULATION
Sub-section – PULSE
- Pulse; abnormal in general
- Pulse; changeable
- Pulse; double (pulsus bigeminus, dicrotic, anacrotic)
- Pulse; irregular
- Pulse; jerky
- Pulse; jumping (water hammer pulse)
- Pulse; slow, alternating with quick pulse (pulsus alterans)
- Pulse; spasmodic
- Pulse; ticking (like a clock)
- Pulse; unequal, uneven
- Boger Boennighausen’s Characteristics & Repertory.
- Bedside clinics in medicine – Dr Arup Kumar Kundu
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