Ask Dr Mansoor

Dr Mansoor AliDr Mansoor Ali answers your queries related to homeopathic education, homeopathic treatment, competitive exams, job opportunities etc.

He is an experienced and qualified Homoeopathic practitioner and teacher, born and brought up at Calicut , a district in Kerala, (India).

Now working at the prestigious Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College Calicut as Associate Professor in Department of Casetaking and Repertorisation.

CV of Dr Mansoor Ali 

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  1. Mr Nambiar seem to have understood sensations well but have not understood the concept of Levels which is an equally important part of the Sensation method. The vital sensation is derived from the 5th level, the deeper level than emotion and delusion.So the jealousy a Hyoscyamus patient feels at emotional level is all togather different than a jealousy a snake remedy evokes.Which a repertory will not be able to differentiate and there understanding of the kingdom helps.
    How to differentiate the degree,intensity and type of any fear or dependence is not taught by repertory or any mathematical calculation. Homoeopathy is not only a science, but also an art.Understanding of vital sensation helps to fine tune your understanding of materia medica, repertory and case taking and finally your selection of similimum.No repertory teaches you how to differentiate similar medicines and
    what the difference is in degree,type and root of sensitivity of Pulsatilla, Lachesis and Phosphorus.

    This method is not opposing the scientific approach but it is beyond it which has its roots in fundamental principles.And application of this method in practice has helped in prescribing with more confidence and clarity and bringing better results for sure.

    Someone who has thought of out of the box and showed a new path has always paid the penalty including Dr. Hahnemann. To criticize is an easy job but to create is a huge task.Ending these lines with deep regards to Dr. Sankaran for enriching homoeopathy with his revolutionary work and insights.

  2. sir,this year i got selected in the m.d(hom) entrance exam of NIH.(west bengal university of health sciences).i have got 5th rank…but i m confused with the choice of subjects..can u please suggest me which subject to opt for and which subject would have a better prospect and job opportunities in future?

    • All are educational field only PG has much weieghtage..just inquire which subject has good teachers there…any way PG means your own work…

  3. ‘The effectiveness of homeopathy has been in dispute since its inception. One of the earliest double blind studies concerning homeopathy was sponsored by the British government during World War II in which volunteers tested the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies against diluted mustard gas burns. The methodological quality of the research base is generally low, with such problems as weaknesses in design or reporting, small sample size, and selection bias. No individual preparation has been unambiguously demonstrated to be different from a placebo. Further, as the quality of the trials become better, the evidence for homeopathy preparations being effective diminishes, and the highest-quality trials show that the remedies themselves have no effect.] Abstract concepts within theoretical physics have been invoked to suggest explanations of how or why remedies might work, including quantum entanglement,[126] the theory of relativity and chaos theory. However, the explanations are offered by nonspecialists within the field, and often include speculations that are incorrect in their application of the concepts and not supported by actual experiments. A 2010 inquiry into the evidence base for homeopathy conducted by the United Kingdom’s House of Commons Science and Technology Committee concluded that homeopathy is no more effective than placebo.’

    how do you explain the efficacy?

  4. SIR,
    I have passed B.H.M.S EXAM with hons marks in anatomy &p.s.m.completed housestaffship last year.but for very few marks cannot crack W.B p,g entrance.what are the other scops for me?

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