Balangir District Govt of Odisha – Bhubaneshwar, Orissa
Advt. No 4931, Date : 26.12.2016
Medical Officer AYUSH (Ayurvedic)/Pharmacist recruitment in Balangir District – Govt. of Odisha
Medical Officer AYUSH (Ayurvedic)Â
No. of Post : 02
Qualification : Must have passed Bachelor Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)/ Bachelor Degree in Homeopathic Medicine & surgery (BHMS) from recognized university. Must have completed compulsory internship If any. Candidate having PG degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery/ Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery will be given additional weightage. Must have passed Odia up to M.E. Slandered. Must have registered in the Odisha state council/Board of Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Medicine and should have valid registration certificate
Remuneration : Rs.17,000/-
Age : 21-37 yrs
Medical Officer AYUSH (Homeopathy)Â
No. of Posts : 6 nos. UR-03 (W-1) ST-02 (W-01) SC-01
Qualification : Must have passed Bachelor Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)/ Bachelor Degree in Homeopathic Medicine & surgery (BHMS) from recognized university. Must have completed compulsory internship If any. Candidate having PG degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery/ Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery will be given additional weightage. Must have passed Odia up to M.E. Slandered. Must have registered in the Odisha state council/Board of Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Medicine and should have valid registration certificate
Remuneration : Rs.17,000/-
Age : 21-37 yrs
Walk In Interview will be held in the following times :
MO AYUSH (Ayurvedic)/17.01.2017
MO AYUSH (Homeopathy)/18.01.2017
Venue: DPMU, NHM, Dist Head Quarter Hospital, Balangir.
Registration timing will be from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon only on walk-In-interview dates.
All the interested candidates may attend the walk-in-interview mentioned above date, time and venue. The authority reserved the right to cancel any or all the application without assigning reason thereof.
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