Ayush practitioners forced to prescribe allopathy medicines across India

medicinesEven as the State government policies strictly prohibit Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (Ayush) doctors from prescribing allopathy medicine, plenty of doctors, appointed at various Primary Health Centres (PHCs), are forced to do so.

With no cases being filed against the doctors for doing so, it is indeed evident that the government has only taken a double stand regarding the same. Also, neither the government nor doctors vouch for anything gone wrong in these cases.

While doctors who prescribe the medicine have been seeking that it be implemented in the policy so as to wash their hands of the legal issues, the government has turned a blind eye to the situation for long.

“Half the time, ayurvedic and homeopathy medicines run out of stock. Orders are not placed for the same nor is it made available immediately,” he said adding that the higher ups told them that they were to administer allopathy medicine in case ayush medications were not available. [Source]



  1. Those ayush doctors are not competent to there pathy they are practicing other pathy means Allopathy.Actually they are not doctor, they are allopathic quack. Those are telling Homoeopathy doctor Practice threre own pathy because they are having sufficient knowledge regarding there pathy and they are treat the patient and cured completely.

  2. Many ayush doctors are lnterested to practice allopathy. so the fault lies with us not with them.we should show our efficacy in the treatment of acute cases. Special training along with sufficient medicines should be supplied to the health center.

  3. In karnataka nrhm postings are only for ayurvedics.NO Posting for homoeopathy and other brach of ayush.when i asked district nrhm officer he told ” you people dont know anything about allopathic drugs!!!its just pathetic.

    • i don’t know why these people say that homoeopathic physicians don’t know this or that we have studied Davidson’s POM, Harrison’s POM, CMDT etc. So how people can say we don’t know. its absurd. We shoudn’t prescribe Allopathy but it doesn’t mean that we don’t know the modern system.

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