AYUSH Research Portal

research8AYUSH Research portal is meant for dissemination of research findings in the domain of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Yoga & Naturopathy and Homeopathy researchers and allied faculties.

Main aim of the portal is to show case the research findings in an organized fashion  and preempt duplication of work to encourage interdisciplinary research and generate evidence for wider acceptance of these systems worldwide.

Portal provides information under the headings
1. Standard Treatment Guidelines
2. Preventive promotive health
3. Preclinical and Clinical Studies
4. Literary and Fundamental Research
5. Drug standardization
6. Local health traditions
7. Drug monographs
8. Formulary of India and other formularies 9. References from Classical text books and
10. Plant monographs.

The information provided is categorized as per individual AYUSH medical systems against standard set of Medical conditions, based on WHO disease classification ICD-10, and navigation is provided  according to ICPC’s (International Classification of Primary Care) in 17 disease categories.

The Portal provides the relevant indigenous name of the medical conditions pertaining to each medical system, which further adds to clarity. The users can browse from a dashboard which provides access to all the  categories with visually clear buttons meant for the purpose. On selection of the displayed results, the user will get information in the form of an abstract, and where ever possible, full text of the article.

An important value addition of the portal is categorization of Clinical Research work into Grade A,B,C based on “General Guidelines for methodologies on Research and Evaluation or Traditional  medicine published by World Health Organization (WHO). The grading allows the researchers and also policy makers to assess the current R&D status of AYUSH and plan further to fill in the gaps.

The portal content development is a three tier exercise involving rigorous collaborative content uploading and editing process to ensure high quality content. The application has been developed by  Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS), and the content is being provided by all AYUSH Research councils, Drug standardization laboratories, and National Institutes.

AYUSH  Research Portal accessible through :  http://ayushportal.nic.in

In the wake of stiff competition at home as well as worldwide for a legitimate recognition for AYUSH systems, the portal will serve as platform to further the cause of Strengthening these systems.


  1. I like this portal and wish to be viewed by all the Homoeopaths of the India,and take part in research, and give the appropriate reply to the statement of Lance and Dr. Venkatraman’s statement in Chennai in ultimo. I also appreciate the effort of Dr.Epshita Singh of Jabalpur for taking the kneen interest for this pathy.

  2. Respected Sir,
    Withdue respect I beg to say that I have done my B.H.M.S. in 2010 with 80.4 % marks & I topped the Rani Durgawati University Jabalpur (M.P).I have also worked in different hospitals as well as clinics also. Currently I am practicing in HELTRON Homoeopathic clinic, jharsuguda (Odisha).I am also pursuing M.B.A (Health Care) Last Sem from Sikkim Manipal University. I feel that I would be a perfect fit for your company. In addition to my work experience. I am very pleasure to say that i am extremely interested in yours group and I would like to be part of this group that’s why; I would use my best endeavors to be useful.I am enclosing my current resume for your need please.
    Looking forward for yours positive reply.
    Thanking you,
    With Regards,
    Dr. Epshita Singh
    B.H.M.S (Gold Medalist)

  3. As per the latest changes in the portal, the research information is now reorganised into four categories i.e clinical research, preclinical research, fundamental research and drug research. All the councils are working dedicatedly for improving the quality of data on the portal. This portal will help in promoting AYUSH systems worldwide.

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