1) Environmental Diseases and Homoeopathic therapeutics
- Biological effect of radiation on children? Medicines for bad effect of radiation.
- Chemical pollutants? General Management, Medicinal management with 3 medicines.
- Lead poisoning:- symptoms & diagnosis with Therapeutics.
- Rat-bite fever:- clinical features, diagnosis & Therapeutics.
- Snake bite:- pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, general management & Therapeutics.
- Arsenic intoxication:- pathophysiology, clinical manifestations with Therapeutics.
2)Digestive system and Homoeopathic therapeutics
- Clinical approach to a child with jaundice?
- Clinical approach to a child with vomiting, abdominal pain?
- Clinical approach to a child with hepatosplenomegaly
- Acute diarrhoeal disease-Etiopathogenesis, clinical differentiation of watery and invasive diarrhoea, complications of diarrhoeal illness with therapeutics.
- Assessment of dehydration, treatment at home and in hospital.
- Fluid and electrolyte management. Oral rehydration, composition of ORS.
- Clinical features and management of acute viral hepatitis with miasms
- Causes & diagnosis of Chronic Liver Disease with therapeutics.
- Common causes of constipationwith therapeutics.
- Inflammatory bowel disease types & examples?
- Disorders of malabsorption?
- Chronic diarrhea, causes, managent general & medicinal management
- Acute appendicitis symptoms & sighns?
- Common hernias in childhood & treatment of each?
3) Respiratory System And Homoeopathic Therapeutics
- Clinical approach to a child with cyanosis with therapeutics.
- Respiratory distress & wheezing. Therapeutics.
- Significance of recession, retraction of chest muscles in respiratory complaints.
- Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications, investigations, differential diagnosis and management of acute upper respiratory infections.
- Pneumonia with emphasis on bronchopneumonia?
- Explain about bronchitis.
- Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, classification and management of bronchial asthma, Treatment of acute severe asthma.
- Pulmonary tuberculosis-tuberculous infection versus tuberculous disease, difference between primary and post-primary.
- Tuberculosis Etiopathogenesis, diagnostic criteria in children versus adults.
- Diagnostic aids-technique and interpretation of Mantoux test and BCG test. Radiological patterns, Multidrug resistant tuberculosis,
- Explain about Bronchiectasis. With therapeutics.
k) Describe the etiopathogenesis and management of a child with pneumonia.
- Write a short note on acute severe asthma with therapeutics
4) Cardiovascular system and Homoeopathic Therapeutics.
- Clinical features, diagnosis, investigation, treatment and prevention of acute rheumatic fever therapeutics with indication?
- Common forms of rheumatic heart disease in childhood. Explain miasms of each?
- Differentiation between rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis. Explain the Jones criteria.
- Congenital acyanotic and cyanotic heart disease differentiate both.
- Hemodynamics
- Clinical features and management of VSD, PDA, ASD and Fallot’s tetralogy (Cyanotic spells).
- Recognition of congestive cardiac failure in children.
- Hypertension in children-recognition and referral.
- Diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis, pericardial effusion, myocarditis.
- Describe the clinical features and management of rheumatic fever.
- Describe the pathogenesis of rheumatic heart disease.
5) Loctomotor System & therapeutics.
- Osteomylitis etiology pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics?
- Spondylosis & spondilolisthesis differentiate & explain about clinical manifestations, radiological evaluation & general & medicine management?
- Suppurative arthritis etiology, pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics
- Osteochodritis etiology, pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics
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