BHMS Practice of Medicine Question Papers

1) Environmental Diseases and Homoeopathic therapeutics 

  1. Biological effect of radiation on children? Medicines for bad effect of radiation.
  2. Chemical pollutants? General Management, Medicinal management with 3 medicines.
  3. Lead poisoning:- symptoms & diagnosis with Therapeutics.
  4. Rat-bite fever:- clinical features, diagnosis & Therapeutics.
  5. Snake bite:- pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, general management &  Therapeutics.
  6. Arsenic intoxication:- pathophysiology, clinical manifestations with Therapeutics.

2)Digestive system and Homoeopathic therapeutics 

  1. Clinical approach to a child with jaundice?
  2. Clinical approach to a child with vomiting,   abdominal pain?
  3. Clinical approach to a child with hepatosplenomegaly
  4. Acute diarrhoeal disease-Etiopathogenesis, clinical differentiation of watery and invasive diarrhoea, complications of diarrhoeal illness with therapeutics.
  5. Assessment of dehydration, treatment at home and in hospital.
  6. Fluid and electrolyte management. Oral rehydration, composition of ORS.
  7. Clinical features and management of acute viral hepatitis with miasms
  8. Causes & diagnosis of Chronic Liver Disease with therapeutics.
  9. Common causes of constipationwith therapeutics.
  10. Inflammatory bowel disease types & examples?
  11. Disorders of malabsorption?
  12. Chronic diarrhea, causes, managent general & medicinal management
  13. Acute appendicitis symptoms & sighns?
  14. Common hernias in childhood & treatment of each?

3) Respiratory System And Homoeopathic Therapeutics

  1. Clinical approach to a child with cyanosis with therapeutics.
  2. Respiratory distress & wheezing. Therapeutics.
  3. Significance of recession, retraction of chest muscles in respiratory complaints.
  4. Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications, investigations, differential diagnosis and management of acute upper respiratory infections.
  5. Pneumonia with emphasis on bronchopneumonia?
  6. Explain about bronchitis.
  7. Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, classification and management of bronchial asthma, Treatment of acute severe asthma.
  8. Pulmonary tuberculosis-tuberculous infection versus tuberculous disease, difference between primary and post-primary.
  9. Tuberculosis Etiopathogenesis, diagnostic criteria in children versus adults.
  10. Diagnostic aids-technique and interpretation of Mantoux test and BCG test. Radiological patterns, Multidrug resistant tuberculosis,
  11. Explain about  Bronchiectasis. With therapeutics.

k) Describe the etiopathogenesis and management of a child with pneumonia.

  • Write a short note on acute severe asthma with therapeutics

4)   Cardiovascular system and Homoeopathic Therapeutics.

  1. Clinical features, diagnosis, investigation, treatment and prevention of acute rheumatic fever therapeutics with indication?
  2. Common forms of rheumatic heart disease in childhood. Explain miasms of each?
  3. Differentiation between rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis. Explain the Jones criteria.
  4. Congenital acyanotic and cyanotic heart disease differentiate both.
  5. Hemodynamics
  6. Clinical features and management of VSD, PDA, ASD and Fallot’s tetralogy (Cyanotic spells).
  7. Recognition of congestive cardiac failure in children.
  8. Hypertension in children-recognition and referral.
  9. Diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis, pericardial effusion, myocarditis.
  10. Describe the clinical features and management of rheumatic fever.
  11. Describe the pathogenesis of rheumatic heart disease.

5) Loctomotor System & therapeutics.

  1. Osteomylitis etiology pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics?
  2. Spondylosis & spondilolisthesis differentiate & explain about clinical manifestations, radiological evaluation & general & medicine management?
  3. Suppurative arthritis etiology, pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics
  4. Osteochodritis etiology, pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics

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