BHMS Repertory Syllabus – A proposal

Dr Mansoor Ali

Changes to incorporate in the forthcoming proposed amendment to Homeopathy Degree  Regulations

Central Council of Homeopathy is planning to amend BHMS Syllabus and intend to start Case Taking & Repertorisation  from second BHMS onwards.  If we are modifying  the repertory syllabus like this- it will be more practical and useful to students both during their study and clinical practice.


Need of repertory,logic ,merits & de-merits and how to overcome it

History & Evolution of repertory ,terms and language of repertories

Importance and utility of observation in homeopathic case taking

Effective methods & techniques of case taking. Pre-requisites,do’s & don’t’s.  Case taking in different clinical conditions and  situations. Different methods of case taking  in the class room, in clinic, open air, OPD,  IPD, public & rural areas

Repertorial approach in case taking

Relevance of Organon in case taking & repertorisation. How to operationalize the concept of unprejudiced observer. Difficulties in taking chronic cases.

Case taking –  Approach & concepts by classical authors.

Standardized case record, record keeping

Symptomatology- types and understating of symptoms and their importance

Anamnesis, analysis & evaluation of case


Methods & techniques of repertorisation including cross repertorisation

Scientific methodology of repertorisation

Methods and criteria in the selection of rubrics, precautions in psychological & psychiatric cases

Classification of repertories

Detailed study of  Kent’s, Boenninghausen’s and Boger’s repertory

Brief idea about card repertories

Clinical repertories- Oscar Boerike’s, Calrk’s, Pathak’s Repertory

A brief concise study of various  repertories-  Kunzli’s repertorium general, Synthetic repertory, R.P.Patel’s additions to Kent’s repertory, A synoptic key to materia medica,Times of remedies & moon phase, Desires & aversion, Short repertory to Indian drugs, Allen’s fever, Bell’s diarrhea.

Five cases each of  Medicine, Surgery, Gynaceology and Obstetrics worked out by using Kent’s, Boger’s and Boenniaghausen’s repertories. Rubric hunting from these repertories to be assigned by teachers and students

4th BHMS Syllabus

Comparative study of basic repertoires

Concise study including a brief  comparative study  of modern repertories-

                   Repertorium homeopathicum  Syntheticum ( Synthesis)

                   Murphy’s repertory and

                  Complete repertory.

Interpretation of mind rubrics and comparative study, effective methods of tracing and converting mental symptoms

Miasmatic approach in selection of rubrics, methodology of miasmatic cleavage

Brief idea about Concordance repertory, Gentry’s repertory, Kneer’s Repertory

Computer repertory- History,construction & utility of software packages in homeopathy.

Concise practical knowledge including comparative study  about Hompath, RADAR, ISIS etc

Effective utility of repertory in the management of acute diseases

Terminologies in repertories – a comprehensive study

Importance of pathology in disease diagnosis & individualization in relation to repertory

Practical Works

A) Five acute and five chronic cases by Kent, Synthesis and  Murphy’s repertory each pertaining  to medicine, Surgery and  OBG .

B) Five chronic cases using softwares.

Dear teachers  & students : If you have any suggestions… please forward to us

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