MD(HOM-II) — Paediatrics-1 2009
Time: 3 hours Full marks : 100
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Answer all questions.
1.Describe the pattern of prenatal and postnatal growth and discuss the various factors influencing growth. 25marks
2.Explain the physiology of adolescent psychology . 25marks
3.Discuss the needs and practice of school health service. 25marks
4.Describe the function of Vitamin A and its deficiency signs in growing child. 25 marks
MD(HOM-II) — Paediatrics-II
1. What do you mean by Mental retardation? What are the degrees? Can it be rectified homeopathically? 25
2. What is PEM? What are its clinical presentations? Write four medicines with their indications for Marasmus. 25
3. What is ARDS(Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)? Write its pathology and four medicines with their indications. 25
4. Write the commonest skin problems in children? How will you treat scabies in children? Write four medicines with indications. 25
MD(H2)-Paediatrics 2011(Reg)
Time: 3 hours Full Marks: 100
Questions are of equal value. Answer all questions.
- Describe the pattern of prenatal and postnatal growth and discuss the various factors influencing growth.
- Describe the functions of Vitamin A and its deficiency signs in growing child.
- Write the commonest skin problems in children. How will you treat scabies in children? Write four medications with indications.
- What is PEM? What are its clinical presentations. Write four medicines with their indiactions for marasmus.
- What is ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)? Write its pathology and four medicines with their indications.
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