Biopsychosocial model as an assessment tool in Homeopathic practice.

Dr Aditya Dilipkumar Patil

Homeopathy a science of microdoses justified on the basis of presences of nanoparticles in the various serial dilution. Lot of research had been done on the aspects of basic science fundamentals (Physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics). However there are various practising methods in this field integrating with the subjects of Materia medica, Repertory, Organon of philosophy. The assessment crieteria in homeopathy need to be revised and so this is an attempt to understand the Biopsychosocial model performing as an assessment tool for the follow up in an chronic cases.The assessment criteria is correlated with the published scales ORIDL scale, PRATHoT, SPIRITUAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT scale and VCSS scale.The hypothetical working of model in cases of Varicose vein is an innovative approach but need to be reviewed with define cases.

Keywords – Nanoparticles, Biopsychosocial model, ORIDL scale, PRATHoT, SHAS scale, VCSS scale.

Homeopathy a science which leads towards a dynamic part is now been proved on scientific basis . Researcher all over the world are been mesmerised by this field of science. Although the presence of nanoparticles in these serial dilution had given answer to the orthodox society about its medicinal properties present but the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinectics are still a revolving phenomenon stuck in homeopathy(6,7). There are various assessment tools used in practice by the homeopathic physician.

Follow up assessment is an important task for a homeopathic physician for his further assessment of treatment to a case. There are some of the published assessment scale or assessment criteria which is used in practice by physician. PRATHoT known as Patient’s Response Assessment Tool after Homeopathic Treatment has been the most promising tool for the follow up analysis of the homeopathic medicine and potency in chronic cases based on Hering’s law of assessment(3). The SHAS named as Spiritual Health Assessment Scale has also been an important tool in understanding the degree of Spiritual health in assessment for follow up(2). The ORIDL known as Outcome Related to Impact on Daily Living or GHHOS – Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital Outcome Scale an patients view about its impact on daily living and changes in the aspect of routine activities is also used by homeopathic physician in reviewing the treatment mode(4).

These assessment criteria if interlink to each other can lead us to ideal pathway of assessment of homeopathic medicine with their respective potency and can give the judgemental and justified answers for the selection of the potency and remedy with these assessment scale. Understanding all these scales the following model has been hypothetical proposed. Its practical implementation needs to be reviewed with the chronic cases.

Model Construction of Biopsychosocial assessment tool
The philosophy of homeopathy revolves around the trinity of life parameters. Which is well understood by Mind, Body and Soul. This leads to ideal cure explained by Master Samuel Hahnemann in the organon of medicine stated in aphorism 2(5). Homeopathy being an Holistic science its authority of existence has been found to be its key principles i.e “SIMILIA SIMILBUS CURATURE” explained as “Like cures Like”. The theoretical aspect of homeopathic principle’s are sound which makes the speciality and originality in learning it and implementing it. Ideal cure can be stated when the homeopathic medicine acts on all the sphere (Mind, Body and Soul) which explains the action of medicine on Physical parameters, Mental parameters and Spiritual parameters.

The Biopsychosocial model is design with the interlinking of the above mention tools which can be used for assessment of the follow up on the basis of trinity sphere.

Utility of Model in Varicose vein cases.
For the assessment of the clinical condition of varicose vein the VCSS scale(Venous Clinical Severity Score) is guideline in assessing the category of the varicose vein which can be used as follow up assessment treatment in cases of varicose vein(1).

The above mentioned Biopsychosocial model needs the review of many practioner with its utility in practice with various chronic cases. These model represent scale which are set with the questionnaires in it and scoring system. The mentioned scale are found to be effective in homeopathic practice. If these all scales are used to review follow up , it might provide the effective data and can lead the practioners to justify there selection of remedy with the required potency. The VCSS scale is just an example about how this model must be utilized explained with the flow chart. All the scale mentioned in Biopsychosocial model must be used after each follow up in order to get a comparative data of assessment in potency, score of scale and remedy.


  1. Venous Clinical Severity Score and quality-of-life assessment tools: application to vein practice.
  2. Measuring Spiritual Health: Spiritual Health Assessment Scale (SHAS).
  3. Hering’s Law Assessment Tool Revisited: Introducing a Modified Novel Version— Patients’ Response Assessment Tool After Homeopathic Treatment (PRATHoT) in Chronic Cases.
  4. ORIDL – Outcome Related to Impact on Daily Living
  5. Organon of Medicine – Aphorism 2
  6. Why Extreme Dilutions Reach Non-zero Asymptotes: A Nanoparticulate Hypothesis Based on Froth Flotation.
  7. Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective.
  8. The biopsychosocial model and its potential for a new theory of homeopathy.

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Dr Aditya Dilipkumar Patil
PG Schlar,Bharati vidyapeeth homeopathic medical collage Pune

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