BMJ admits antipsychotic drugs kill more people than terrorism

drugNew report published in the British Medical Journal has found that dangerous antipsychotic drugs are responsible for killing at least 1,800 dementia patients a year, which means that more people are killed byU.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) approved dementia drugs every two years than died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

For their study, researchers fromHarvard Medical Schooltracked more than 75,000 dementia patients living in nursing homes that were being prescribed antipsychotic drugs like haloperidol (Haldol) and quetiapine (Seroquel) for their conditions. Antipsychotic drugs are not typically administered to dementia patients, which means this is an “atypical” or “off-label” use of these drugs, despite the fact than an increasing number of doctors and nursing home personnel are prescribing them to dementia patients.

In the end, it was confirmed by the team that the use of antipsychotics by dementia patients is responsible for a surge in drug-related deaths, presumably as a result of negative side effects both internally to the body, and externally in the form of altered behavior. The findings also confirmed previous ones that identified an uptick in at least 1,800 additional deaths a year as a result of dementia patients taking antipsychotic drugs.

These 1,800 deaths, of course, are just the additional deaths caused by antipsychotic drugs when they are used for off-label purposes in those with dementia, which means there are tens of thousands — and perhaps even hundreds of thousands — of deaths every year in other patients taking antipsychotics for other purposes. This means that far more people dieevery single yearthan haveeverdied from so-called terrorist attacks.

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  1. Antipsychotic drugs are very harmful to the body.Dementia patients as such could be given brain sharpening memory exercises.To control the psychotic symptoms the prescription of these drugs like Haloperidol damages the body & leads to multiple organ diseases nearly killing the person in the end.

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