Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma
There are two types of body lotions and creams-
Moisturizers, lubricants or softening ones.
Cleansing ones.
1- Body lotions and creams are the cosmetic emollient substances, which when applied to skin, protect it from loss of moisture, lubricating and softening dead keratin, thereby lowering the rate at which water evaporates from the skin surface, acting similarly to the natural sebum, secreted by sebaceous glands of the skin.
2- Cleansing creams and lotions are detergent-based or emulsified oil systems that are designed primarily for the removal of surface oil, pollutants, or cellular debris along with makeup.
Perfumed oils
About 3100–2907 BC, during the First empire of Egypt, men and women used perfumed oils, stored in unguent jars made of alabaster and marble, to maintain soft, supple, and unwrinkled skin.
Face pack
By the middle of the first century AD, Romans used a face pack of barley-bean flour, egg, and mashed narcissus bulbs to promote smooth skin.
Cold cream
A Greek physician of the second century AD invented cold cream containing water, beeswax, and olive oil. When rubbed on the face, the water evaporated, cooling the skin. (Cold cream formulations of the 1920s were of similar composition.)
Oiled packs
By 1700, smooth skin was in fashion and women applied oiled cloths on their foreheads and wore gloves in bed to prevent wrinkles.
Herbal lotions
Herbal lotions were often used by Europeans to improve complexions scarred by various diseases. The twentieth century led to the major industrial development and marketing of facial beauty lotions.
Functions of Body Lotions and Creams
- To protect skin from loss of moisture.
- Lubricating and softening dead keratin.
- Lowering the rate at which water evaporates from the skin surface.
Composition of body lotions and creams : Body lotions and creams are colloidal dispersions or emulsions, consisting of two or more liquids insoluble in each other.
Lotion- Oil dispersed in water.
Cream- Water dispersed in oil.
The essential ingredient of each is a fatty or oily substance that forms a protective film over the skin, thereby retaining skin moisture and secondarily skin flexibility.
Composition of Cold cream
A typical cold cream formulation was historically an emulsion of approximately-
- 55 % mineral oil
- 19 % rose water
- 13 % spermaceti (wax derived from sperm whales)
- 12 % beeswax, and
- 1 % borax .
Skin barrier enhancing substances
Typical ingredients that are currently used to enhance skin barrier functioning include-
- Mixtures of alkanes derived from petroleum (e.g., mineral oil or petroleum jelly)
- Dimethicone.
Skin dermal lipid barrier enhancing substances
Ingredients that provide sustenance to the dermal lipid barrier include-
- Natural fats (e.g., lanolin)
- Collagen (protein in connective tissue)
- Oils (e.g., olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, apricot kernel oil, sunflower seed oil, macadamia nut oil, orange oil, and corn oil).
- Other ingredients include-
- Water
- Fragrances
- Pigment colorants
- Waxes (e.g., beeswax, orange wax)
- Emulsifiers (e.g., cetyl alcohol, cetearyl alcohol, polysorbate 60, propylene glycol, and glycerin)
- Opacifying agents and thickeners (e.g., glyceryl stearate, magnesium aluminum silicate, and xanthan gum)
- Vitamins (e.g., tocopheryl acetate and tocopherol [vitamin E])
- Herbal extracts (e.g., rosemary, Aloe barbadensis, and matricaria)
- Preservatives (e.g., disodium EDTA, diazolidinyl urea, citric acid, methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben, and butylated hydroxytoluene [BHT]).
Cleansing creams and lotions
Cleansing creams and lotions are detergent-based or emulsified oil systems that are designed primarily for the removal of surface oil, pollutants, or cellular debris along with makeup from the face and neck areas.
Composition of cleansing lotion and cream
Most emulsified cleansing creams are manufactured similar to cold creams but modified to enhance their debris-removal capability.
They usually contain from 15 to 50 % oils (e.g., mineral oil, vegetable oils, fatty esters, and propoxylated oils) with limited quantities of waxy materials.
Side effects of various ingredients of Body lotions and creams
- Lanolin- lanolin skin reaction typically produces a mild allergic reaction, but in some people it may be more extreme. A mild reaction consists of a scaly patch of skin or small, red itchy bumps. If applied the product to face, lips and face might swell. In more extreme cases, rash might not only itch and burn, but may even develop into blisters.
- Collagen- May block pores, suffocating the skin. Eye irritation, skin irritation, skin drying, defatting. Ingestion has serious health effects that can include death and coma.
- Cetyl alcohol- It is practically non-toxic, but may cause slight skin irritation in some.
- Cetearyl alcohol- people may have an allergic reaction, called contact dermatitis, to cetearyl alcohol.
- Polysorbate 60- May cause sensitization by skin contact.
- Propylene glycol- this strong skin irritant can cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage.
- Glycerin- Skin lotions and products containing vegetable glycerin may cause redness and irritation for some users.
- Glyceryl stearate- Can be irritating to the skin.
- Magnesium aluminum silicate- Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact.
- Xanthan gum- May cause skin irritation if contact is prolonged.
- Tocopheryl acetate- It has also been determined that Tocopheryl Acetate is a skin sensitizer that can instigate immune system responses that can include itching, burning, scaling, hives, and blistering of skin.
- Tocopherol rosemary- It is also believed to cause contact dermatitis.
- Aloe barbadensis- caution should be exercised before using Aloe from an Aloe plant because contact dermatitis can occur in sensitive individuals.
- Matricaria disodium- Hypersensitivity reactions include contact dermatitis.
- EDTA- It may cause skin irritation and can cause damage to lungs if aspirated.
- Diazolidinyl urea- It can cause contact dermatitis, or a skin allergy. The irritation might be mild or as severe as increased acne and redness.
- Citric acid- mild skin irritant.
- Methylparaben- It can cause contact dermatitis and skin irritations in people with paraben allergies.
- Propylparaben- cause skin irritation and contact dermatitis and rosacea.
- Ethylparaben- repeated contact with product may irritate and cause sensitization of the skin.
- Butylparaben- All parabens can cause skin irritation and contact dermatitis and rosacea, especially butylparaben and isobutylparaben.
- Butylated hydroxytoluene- Causes allergic contact dermatitis.
From above stated details, we can clearly see that there are numerous bad effects of various ingredients used in Body creams and Lotions. The common remedies for related problems are given below.
Homoeopathic remedies Allergic skin lesions
Acon. Aeth. agn. alum. Ambr. Am-c. Apis arist-cl. Arn. Ars. ars-i. ars-s-f. ars-s-r. Asaf. Aur. bac. Bacls-10. bad. Bar-c. Bar-m. bell. bell-p. berb-a. beryl. Borx. bov. Brom. bry. bufo Calc. Calc-s. calc-sil. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-ac. Carb-v. carc. CAUST. CHAM. chel. Chin. chir-fl. chlol. cina clem. cocc. Colch. com. con. cortico. croc. crot-h. crot-t. Dulc. euph. fago. fago. falco-pe. Fl-ac. Gels. GRAPH. HEP. Hydr. Ign. jug-r. Kali-ar. kali-br. Kali-c. kali-chl. Kali-s. Kali-sil. KREOS. lach. loxo-lae. Lyc. manc. mand. Mang. mang-act. m-arct. med. MERC. merc-c. merc-pr-r. Mez. moni. morb. morg. morg-g. myris. nat-ar. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. nux-v. ol-an. olnd. ox-ac. ped. Petr. ph-ac. Phos. physala-p. Phyt. pip-m. pitu-a. Plb. plb-i. positr. prot. psor. PULS. ran-b. raph. RHUS-T. ruta ruta s sabin. Sec. sedi. Sep. SIL. spiros-af. squil. Staph. streptoc. Sul-ac. sul-i. SULPH. syc. syph. tarent-c. tell. ter. thyr. tub. verat. viol-t. x-ray zinc.
Short repertory of Allergic skin lesions
Clinical – allergies, allergic reactions – metals, cause dermatitis merc. morg-g. pitu-a.
CLINICAL – ALLERGY – metal dermatitis morg-g. pitu-a.
Clinical – dermatitis, venenata – edema, malignant, with com.
Clinical – dermatitis, venenata – sebaceous, glands lyc. psor. raph. sil. sulph.
Clinical – dermatitis, venenata – tendency, to alum. ars. Asaf. Bar-c. bell. Borx. calc. camph. canth. Cham. chel. con. croc. euph. graph. Hep. hyos. lach. mang. Merc. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. Petr. plb. Puls. ran-b. Sil. staph. Sulph.
Clinical – dermatitis, venenata Acon. agn. alum. Anac. ant-c. Apis Arn. Ars. Asaf. Aur. bad. bar-c. Bar-m. bell. borx. bry. Calc. camph. cann-s. canth. caust. Cham. chlol. cina cocc. colch. com. con. croc. crot-h. Dulc. euph. Gels. graph. Hep. hyos. Kali-s. kreos. lach. lyc. mang. Merc. mez. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. petr. phos. Plb. Puls. ran-b. Rhus-t. ruta sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. tarent-c. verat. zinc.
Clinical – intertrigo, skin – children, in acon. Borx. calc. Carb-v. caust. Cham. graph. hep. hydr. ign. lyc. Merc. puls. sep. sil. sulph.
Clinical – intertrigo, skin acon. Aeth. agn. Am-c. Ambr. arist-cl. arn. ars. Bar-c. bell. Borx. Calc-s. calc-sil. calc. Carb-v. Caust. Cham. Chin. fago. Graph. Hep. Hydr. Ign. jug-r. kali-ar. kali-br. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-s. Kali-sil. Kreos. Lyc. Mang. Merc. mez. morg. Nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. nux-v. ol-an. olnd. ox-ac. Petr. ph-ac. phos. Phyt. plb. psor. puls. rhus-t. ruta sabin. Sep. Sil. squil. Sul-ac. Sulph. syc. syph. tub.
EXTREMITIES – ERUPTIONS – eczema – thigh – metal dermatitis morg-g.
GENERALITIES – ALLERGY – metal dermatitis morg-g. pitu-a.
RECTUM – ERUPTIONS – diaper dermatitis med. sulph.
Skin – DERMATITIS, venenata – edema, malignant, with com.
Skin – DERMATITIS, venenata – sebaceous, glands lyc. psor. raph. sil. sulph.
Skin – DERMATITIS, venenata – tendency to alum. ars. Asaf. Bar-c. bell. Borx. calc. camph. canth. CHAM. chel. con. croc. euph. graph. Hep. hyos. lach. mang. Merc. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. Petr. plb. Puls. ran-b. SIL. staph. Sulph.
Skin – DERMATITIS, venenata Acon. agn. alum. Anac. ant-c. Apis Arn. Ars. Asaf. Aur. bad. bar-c. Bar-m. bell. borx. bry. Calc. camph. cann-s. canth. caust. CHAM. chlol. cina cocc. colch. com. con. croc. crot-h. Dulc. euph. Gels. graph. HEP. hyos. Kali-s. kreos. lach. lyc. mang. MERC. mez. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. petr. phos. Plb. PULS. ran-b. RHUS-T. ruta sep. SIL. Staph. Sulph. tarent-c. verat. zinc.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – chronic sil.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – desquamation; with – newborn; in viol-t.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – desquamation; with cortico.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – detergent – agg. syc.
Skin – INFLAMMATION – edema, malignant, with com.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – Epidermis morb.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – fibrinous streptoc.
Skin – INFLAMMATION – flexures Bacls-10.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – inclination to alum. ars. Asaf. Bar-c. bell. Borx. Brom. calc. camph. canth. CHAM. chel. con. croc. euph. graph. Hep. hyos. lach. mang. merc-c. Merc. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. Petr. plb. positr. Puls. ran-b. SIL. staph. Sulph.
Skin – INFLAMMATION – inclination to alum. ars. Asaf. Bar-c. bell. Borx. calc. camph. canth. CHAM. chel. con. croc. euph. graph. Hep. hyos. lach. mang. Merc. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. Petr. plb. Puls. ran-b. SIL. staph. Sulph.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – itching – night syc.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – itching – warmth agg. – heat agg. syc.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – itching syc.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – malignant com.
Skin – INFLAMMATION – neurodermatitis carc. galph.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – painful Phos.
Skin – INFLAMMATION – sebaceous, glands lyc. psor. raph. sil. sulph.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION – superficial lyc. mang. Merc. sulph.
SKIN – INFLAMMATION Acon. agn. alum. Anac. ant-c. Apis arist-cl. Arn. ars-s-f. ars-s-r. Ars. Asaf. Aur. bad. bar-c. Bar-m. bell-p. bell. beryl. borx. bov. bry. bufo Calc. camph. cann-s. canth. caust. CHAM. chin. chir-fl. chlol. cina cocc. colch. com. con. cortico. croc. crot-h. crot-t. Dulc. euph. falco-pe. Gels. graph. HEP. hyos. Kali-s. kreos. lach. loxo-lae. lyc. m-arct. manc. mand. mang. MERC. mez. moni. myris. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. ped. petr. ph-ac. phos. physala-p. plb-i. Plb. positr. prot. psor. PULS. ran-b. RHUS-T. ruta Sec. sedi. sep. SIL. spiros-af. Staph. Sulph. tarent-c. verat. x-ray zinc.
Skin – INTERTRIGO, skin acon. Aeth. agn. Am-c. Ambr. arist-cl. arn. ars. Bar-c. bell. Borx. Calc-s. calc-sil. calc. Carb-v. CAUST. Cham. Chin. fago. GRAPH. Hep. Hydr. Ign. jug-r. kali-ar. kali-br. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-s. Kali-sil. KREOS. Lyc. Mang. Merc. mez. morg. Nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. nux-v. ol-an. olnd. ox-ac. Petr. ph-ac. phos. Phyt. plb. psor. puls. rhus-t. ruta sabin. Sep. Sil. squil. Sul-ac. SULPH. syc. syph. tub.
SKIN – Pityriasis ars-i. Ars. bac. berb-a. calc. carb-ac. clem. Colch. Fl-ac. Graph. Kali-ar. mang-act. merc-pr-r. Mez. nat-ar. phos. pip-m. Sep. staph. Sul-ac. sul-i. Sulph. tell. ter. thyr.
Further readings
- RADAR 10
- CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF EVERYDAY PRODUCTS by John Toedt, Darrell Koza, and Kathleen Van Cleef-Toedt
- Wikipedia.com
- Chemadvisor.com
- Cosmeticdatabase.com
Sir in co psoriasis should we suggest to apply lotion or not?
Better to avoid
Dr Rajnesh- a good article– purpose may be redefined ???
number of Homoeopathic medicines ,do you advise them to be used ??? – if yes how, and which potency ?? and under what condition ???