Book review on MCH Observatory

Book review on MCH Observatory

Author : (Prof. Anil Kr. Vangani)

Book Published on art paper with colour photograh

Being in teaching profession and practicing for last 15 years I observed that amongst all our patients Female and Children are most accustomed visitors in our OPDs rather than the robust male and that there is a lacuna in Homoeopathic Literature that not any single armament addressing Mother and Child Health Care issues is available in our armamentarium where as MCH is burning issue for all of us.

Although a few books of Repertory are available on Uterine Therapeutics and also on Paediatrics separately but no book addresses challenges in the field of Mother and Child Health Care separately as a whole that too with authentic, time tested data as given in this book by world renowned team of  Synthesis, in such an objective and interesting way so that study of repertory becomes a memorable experience.

We see that on the other hand Government and other systems of medicine are now looking at Homoeopathy for dependable therapeutics in field of MCH, therefore  I felt the need of constructing such wholesome work in form of repertory so as to fulfill this deficiency that too in very classified, handy, user friendly even for beginners of medical science as pictorial help is inserted wherever possible in order to make it more interesting and presentable, to break dry textual image of repertories. Not necessarily all observations are pictorial but there are textual references also.

Book has a collection of rubrics related with women during phases of motherhood like Pregnancy,  During Labor, During Delivery and  After Childbirth and a concise paediatric repertory for ailments during Neonatal phase, Infancy and Childhood.This is the uniqueness of this Repertory that all above data related to Mother and Child Health Care are given at one place in such a phasewise arrangement, to prevent confusion of being intermixed between data related to Before and during labour, labour and delivery, delivery and after delivery complaints as well as neonate and infancy, infancy and childhood etc.

Book contains authentic information with the source of information quoted. Source of information quoted as authors abbreviated names subscripted under each medicine can be referred to Synthesis Repertory.

Alphabetical arrangement  is  followed as far as possible. I wish this repertory be useful for practitioners, teachers as well as researchers in homoeopathy.

Book Size: 22 cm x 14 cm.

No. of Pages:134

Book Code :1916

Price Rs 300.00

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