Books and Journals on effective Medical Teaching &Training

jurnals4List of some worthy Books and Journals on Medical Education, teaching, training, communication skills, Techniques and strategies and assessment…

Starting out and developing as a teacher * Healthcare professionals as teachers * Health care teaching in context * Educational concepts: theory behind the practical aspects of teaching and learning * Adult learning and self-directed learners * Developing your teaching style and techniques * Curriculum: constructing a programme for learning * Matching methods with message * e-learning and virtual learning environments * Teaching in ambulatory care settings * Organising educational activities * Writing educational materials * Giving effective feedback * Assessment * Appraisal * Evaluation * The challenging trainee * Providing supervision and support * Leadership training * Applying education and training to the requirements of the healthcare systems * Best evidence medical education.

Introduction to clinical education, professional supervision and mentoring * The clinical education process and the role of the clinical educator * Teaching and learning * Challenges in clinical education * The self in supervision * Beyond clinical education * Evaluation and future directions in clinical education and supervision.

Teaching and Learning * Curriculum * Educational Objectives * Writing Instructional Objectives * Microteaching * Taking a Lecture *  Tutorials and Small Group Discussion * Student Assessment * Assessment of Knowledge * Short Answer Questions * Objective Type Questions * Test and Item Analysis * Question Banking * Assessment of Practical Skills * One Minute Preceptor * Oral Examination (Viva Voce) * Assessment of Non-scholastic Abilities * Continuous Internal Assessment * From Marks to Grades * Academic Counselling * Teacher Evaluation * Managing the Learning Needs * Media in Medical Education * Newer Methodologies in Medical Education.

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  1. The most common teacher interview questions in PSC and UPSC

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