Dr Mansoor Ali
” Medicines prepared from cultures of non lactose fermenting bacterial flora of the intestinal tract are called intestinal Bowel Nosodes” .They are not the morbid product of disease _ but they come under nosodes.
Following the discoveries of Louis pasture ,medical field concentrated on the laboratory technique for the isolation & identification of specific germ for each disease.In many cases the gene can be isolated & identified ,but the specific germ is not always the cause of the disease.
B.coli in the intestinal tract perform normal & useful function when the intestinal mucosa is healthy ,but any change in the organism that affect the intestinal mucosa which affect the balance and change the biochemistry of B.coli.It should be noted that the primary change ,the disease originated in the host ,which compel the bacilli to modify inorder to survive.
The proving of bowel nosodes are not conducted in the strict Hahnemannian sense _ but on clinical observation of the sick person.
1.Dr.Edward Bach (1886 – 1936)
A bacteriologist in London discovered that certain intestinal germs belongs to non lactose fermenting gram -ve coli typhoid group has close connection with chronic disease and its cure. These germ present in healthy and diseased individual but in the later case it is pathogenic. He isolated the bacilli and given back to the patient in the form of vaccine – an autogenous vaccine – and claimed to cure the disease.
Years later he potentised the vaccine according to the Homoeopathic principle and administered ,cured so many patients. First full preparation of clinical proving was done in 1929 by Thomas dishington on Dysentry.co.
In 1930 Bach briefly summarized clinically derived indication for most of the nosodes.
In 1930 he stpooed the research on Bowel nosodes and discovered “Bach flower remedies”.
2.JHON PATERSON (1890- 1955)
A co-worker of Bach concentrated the research after 1929
He studied more deeply the characteristics of the bowel flora ,especially their behavior in health,disease and in drug proving. He examined more than 20,000 stool specimens and conducted research over 20 years.
He came to the following conclusions
The non lactose fermenting non pathogenic bowel flora (B.coli) undergo definite changes in the disease condition. While this alternation in the nature of bowel flora might be a more concomitant to the disease condition, her is reason to believe that the B.coli actually turns pathogenic.
The balance of the bowel flora is distributed in disease.
Similar changes are also observed in drug proving.
- He advocated specific recommendation on potency. dose & Repetation of Bowel nosodes
- He related each of the Bowel nosed to a group of Homoeopathic remedies.
- Bach fond out that the non lactose fermenting was closely associated with the symptoms collectively called Psora by Hahnemann.Paterson belived that gram -ve diplococcic was directly related to the sycotic miasm.
- He grouped and typed the flora by continues experiment and observation. He was able to detect a definite relationship between certain drugs and certain type of bowel flora.When particular drug was administered in potencies the bowel flora was altered in a particular way.
- He divided the Morgan group of bacteria into 2 sub classes on bacterilogical grounds and thus created nosodes – Morgan pure &Morgan gartner.
Paterson continued the incubation of agar solution for specimen of the Morgan group until 72 hours after inoculation, some specimens were unchanged in their fermentation reaction, while others showed fermentation reaction in tubes in which they have produced no change at 18 hours. This made him to classify Morgans into 2 categories.
- In1933 Paterson presented a paper on Sycot.co
- In 1950 he published summary of his accumulated experience.
- After his death in 1954,his wife Elizabeth Paterson continued the research.
Indication for the use of bowel nosodes
While case taking great attention should be given to the past as well as the presenting complaint. Bowel nosodes are the deep acting remedies so that the case taking must cover the totality of symptoms. The nosode should be administered in the same manner as any Homoeopathic remedy, they should not be given empirically but only on Homoeopathic principles.
Paterson divided the case in to 2 groups
New case _ when the patient has not taken Homoeopathic treatment.
Old case – A patient under Homoeopathic treatment but not responding well.
New cases :
1. In a new case where a definite symptom picture points to a remedy,that should be given not the nosode.
2. In cases where the choice may be within a number of possible remedies ,
Eg. Sulphur,calcarea,graphitis, and it is difficult to select a remedy from this,Morgan pure can be considered to cover the totality of symptoms by referring the table.
Old case :
This individual had Homoeopathic treatment over a period and received a considerable number of remedies in various potencies. These are difficult cases, there is no available evidence from stool culture to give a clue to the group of remedies likely to be useful or as to the phase in which the patient is at the moment.
In such cases, it should be remembered that the potentised remedy can alter the bowel flora and that in old cases the remedy already given May have caused a positive phase ,that is changed the B.coli to non lactose fermenting bacilli. If the percentage of Non lactose fermenting bacteria in the stool is greater than 50% the administration of bowel nosode is contraindicated, the nosode given at that time produce a negative phase with the corresponding period of vital depression in the patient. In such cases use a nosode in 6cpotency in the first instance to avoid the chance of violent negative reaction.
The choice of the nosode for any case may be determined by a study of the clinical histories and noting down the remedies which has given the greatest ,although not sustained effect. Tabulate this list of remedies and compare it with the nosode list and associated remedies and chose the nosode which has the greatest number with in its group.
Dose, potency & repetition
As in Homoeopathy more obvious the mental, higher the potency ,but lower the potency if marked pathological symptoms are present. But between these two extremes use 30th potency – when there is a combination of acute and chronic state.Eg. in chronic bronchopneumonia.
Paterson prescribed a high potency nosode with a low potency related remedy .
Eg.Sycotico 1M one dose with Nat.s 6x Bid.
Proteus acts best in high potency
Gartner will not work in low potency
Morgan 200-CM in all conditions.
Dr.Agarwall suggested a single dose of high potency nosode with repeated doses of low potency of the indicated remedy from the list of associated remedies.
The number and doses of the chosen nosode can be determined only by clinical observation and experience.
The higher the potency chosen less frequent the repetition and number of doses. After a dose of appropriate nosode for the case, considerable benefit may follow the use of the low potency remedy chosen from the list of associated remedies, and give for a long period.
According to Paterson do not repeat a bowel nosode with in three months and not to prescribe a bowel nosode again with in three months if one has been ceased.
How bowel nosodes work
After the administration of the suitable nosode,the curative process begins, the non lactose fermenting bacteria begin to mutate to other group and ultimately disappear, these happenings occur simultaneously with the disappearance of the symptom,re appearance of the old symptoms and the efflorescence of the skin eruptions with ultimate clearing and associated with a marked increase in the vitality of the patient.
The bacilli change with the patient.This mutation of the non lactose fermenting bacteria back to normal coli has been demonstrated in the laboratory.
Important bowel nosodes are
B.Morgan (Bach)
Morgan pure (Paterson)
Morgan gartner (Paterson)
Dysntry.co (Bach)
B.Proteus (Bach)
Gartner (Bach)
Sycoti co (Paterson)
Bacillus No.7 (Paterson)
B.Mutabile (Bach)
B.Feacalis (Bach)
Bacillus No.10 (Paterson)
Cocal co
1. MORGAN (Bach)
A non lactose fermenting ,most frequently found in stools and it has the greatest number of associated remedies than other nosodes.
” Congestion” is the keynote
Biochemistry : Sulphur & Calcarea carb stand the most
Frequently prescribed when there is repeated bronchopneumonia in children
MIND. Introspective, avoid company but often show mental anxiety if left alone
Depression with suicidal tendency
HEAD . Congestive head ache with flushed face in hot climate, traveling etc.
Vertigo from high BP
GIT. Bilious attack with severe headache > by vomiting large quantity of bile stained mucus ( In Migrane & Menopause). Cholecystitis ,Gallstone,constipation, hds etc.
RESP. Recurrent attack of bronchopneumonia in children
URINARY. Congestive pneumonia & menopausal flushing.
CIRCULATION. Tendency to varicose veins & hds in children due to congestion
Painful swelling of articulation of hand.
SKIN. Is the most important area of action Congestion of skin with itching eruption Aggravation from heat,Papulopustular eruption on face
Associated skin remedies are Sulpghur,Graphitis, Petr & Psorinum
Indicated when there is marked skin eruption, disturbance of liver ,bilious headache or gallstone.
Most useful in acute inflammatory conditions as in renal colic and gallstone colic
Aggravation at 4- 8 pm
Loss of hair in bunches
Noisy eructation with bad smell
Rectal prolepses
Thick brown corrosive bad smelling leucorrhoea
2.PROTEOUS (Bach )
Key note. Suddenness in nearly all complaints
Always related to central and peripheral nervous system
Biochemistry . The outstanding element is chlorine
MIND. Brain storm
Out burst of violence and temper especially if opposed.
Child lies on floor kick & screams
GIT. Duodenal ulcer due to prolonged mental strain (Nat.m )
Cramps of muscles (Cup0
Spasm of peripheral circulation resulting in intermittent
claudicating and dead fingers.
Highly recommended in Raynadue’ s disease and Miner’s disease.
SKIN. Angioneurotic edema (Apis)
Marked sensitivity to UV light.
3.BACILLUS No.7 (Paterson)
Key note. Mental & physical fatigue ,old rheumatism
Biochemistry . Br & Iodine
MIND. Out standing mental fatigue
URINARY . Feeble urinary out flow, loss of sexual function, premature senility
RESP. Asthma, bronchial cattarah,tough mucus (Kali.c )
HEART. Slow pulse rate with low BP
K+ as a specific action on cardiac muscle
Throbbing of capillary vessels of fingers
4.GARTNER (Bach)
Key note. Malnutrition
Biochemistry . Sil,p,Fl,Merc.viv
Over active brain with undernourished body
Chew nails, sleep for a long time
Git. Intestinal infantilism
Inability to digest fat- celiac disease Chronic gastrocolitis,tabes mesentrica,thread worms
Presence of blood and mucus in urine
Profuse fetid leucorrhoea with prostration
Key note. : Anticipatory nervous tension
MIND. Anticipation
Hypersensitive to criticism
Shyness and un easiness
GIT. Selective action on the pylorus causing spasm & retention of digestive content Inflammation of nasal ,ocular and pharyngeal mm
Duodenal ulcer from nervous tension, which alongs precedes the physical symptoms.
In proteus – nervous tension is insidious in action ,unperceived by the patient and the physical condition – the ulcer- tend to come suddenly with out warning.
CVS. Anticipatory discomfort in cardiac area.
6. SYCOTICO. ( Paterson)
Key note : Irritability with special reference to synovial & mucus membrane
Mind. Temporary nervous irritability (Lyc)fear of dark alone while
HEAD. Head ach due to sinusitis abundant perspiration at night
Persistent headache in a child may be a feature of or prodomal sign of tubercular meningitis
Premature grayness
GIT. Chronic irritation of the whole elementary tract (Med)
Urgent call to stool,as soon as rising from bed
RESP. A/c ,sub a/c & c/c bronchial catarrh
Enlarged tonsils and adenoids in children
Fibrosity of the thoracic wall
Considered as a tubercular remedy
CIRCULATION. Always an anemic look
Painful swollen hds with pain in soles
NEUROMUSCULAR. Rheumatic complaint < in damp & rest (Rhus)
SKIN. Vesicular warts on an oily skin
Warts on mucocutaneous surface
Fibrosic indurations of skin
URINARY. Nocturnal enuresis in children
Peylonephritis ,urethritis and cystitis
FEMALE. Pain in Lt. Ovary during menses
Tubal infections, profuse leucorrhoea
7. MUTABILE (Bach)
It is named so because it mutate as soon as it is sub cultured from a non lactose to a lactose fermenter.it is an intermediary form between B.coli and the true non lactose fermenting type.
Associated remedy is Pulsatila
Used in the treatment where there is alternation of symptoms or changeability
Eg. Skin eruption alternate with asthma
Food allergy of all type
Albuminuria ( Foubiister)
Similar to sepia
Not well proved
9. BACILLUS No.10 ( Paterson )
Spongy gums
Cannot digest egg and fat
Greenish fish smelling leucorrhoea
Numerous flat warts on hands
10. COCAL CO. (Paterson)
In septic state
Not well proved
Associated remedies are available in the back part of keynote’s with nosodes by Dr. Allen
Paterson. Bowel nosodes
Julian.o A MM of nosodes
Allen Key notes with nosodes
Schroyens 1001 small remedies
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Hello i want to buy gartner bach i m unable to get please help me
The influence of the gut on general health cannot be over estimated and is not sufficiently acknowledged by general practitioners.