Cantankerous child- chamomila

Dr Sanjay Thomas Raj  

Chamomilla is a widely used homeopathic remedy known for its efficacy in treating various ailments in children. Derived from the chamomile plant, it possesses therapeutic properties that make it particularly suitable for addressing the unique health needs of pediatric patients. One of the primary indications for Chamomila in children is irritability and restlessness, especially during teething. Children who exhibit extreme irritability, crying, and agitation, often accompanied by colic and sleep disturbances, can benefit from Chamomila. Its calming effects help soothe the child and alleviate associated discomfort.

Chamomila is also commonly prescribed for gastrointestinal issues in children, including diarrhea and abdominal pain. Its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties contribute to its effectiveness in relieving digestive discomfort and restoring balance to the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, Chamomila is useful in managing respiratory conditions such as coughs and ear infections in children. It helps reduce inflammation, soothe mucous membranes, and alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions, providing relief to young patients.In addition to its physical benefits, Chamomila addresses emotional disturbances in children, particularly those who are oversensitive to pain. It helps promote emotional balance and resilience, supporting the overall well-being of the child. However, individualized treatment based on the child’s specific symptoms and constitution is essential for optimal results.

Chamomila is a valuable remedy in pediatric homeopathy, offering gentle yet effective treatment for a range of common childhood ailments.

Keywords: #chamomila#hahnemann#drugpicture#homoeopathy#pain

SOURCE                                       : vegetable kingdom
COMMON NAME                       : matricaria chamomile
FAMILY                                        : compositae
PROVER                                       : dr hahnemann(1805)
MIASMATIC                                 :  psora
TEMPERAMENT                          :  irritable and nervous
DURATION OF ACTION              : 20 to 30 days

The ugliest remedy in our materia medica. Chamomila is a plant which is also called corn-fever-few. German botanist BOCK named the plant chamomila from 2 greek words- ‘chamoemelum & matrix’ meaning ‘apple on the ground’.

It is an annual wild plant growing wild in cultivated fields amongst paddy and wheat.

This remedy is called as ‘pain remedy’.

It is found in europe, india, & australia.It is quite toublesome weed in australia but cultivated in germany & great britain. It is an annual herb. The terminal flowers are yellow & white, bloom from may to august. The    leaves are numerous alternative & sessile. The upper leaves are simple.

PREPARATION AND PARTS USED: The whole fresh plant is taken when in flowering condition to prepare the mother tincture.

ACTIVE PRINCIPLE: Volatile oil, bitter principle, anthemic acid, yellow colouring substance apigenine


PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION: This drug is a diaphoretic and emmenagogue.It acts on sensory motor nerves and produces clonic spasms of intestines and uterus.When it taken in large doses it induces epistaxis and emesis with excessive mental irritability.

The plant is widely used in the form of “chamomile tea” as adomestic remedy among german families and by midwives.

PHYSIO-PATHOLOGICAL ACTION: It acts on the nervous system causing intense irritability, spasms and convulsions.It acts on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines producing inflammation of the mucous membrane setting in diarrhoea and dysentery.

It acts on joints and causes rheumatic or neuralgia pains. Since  bitter principle has  of stomach ache property , so it action as a carminative is well known.

It has some influence on the pulp of teeth also on the gums.

CONSTITUTION: Particularly adpted to persons, especially children with light brown hair, who are of an irritable temperament ,one cheek red & hot & the other is pale & cold,In particular children during the dentition.

AILMENTS: ANGER, Dentition, Cold, Tobacco, Suppressed sweat.

MENTALS: Patient is very sensitive ill humoured, inclined to weeping. Patient is very irritable, peevish, spitefull, sudden and snappish. Child cries, quiet only when carried.

Aversion to talking, Cannot bear anyone near him. Child does not want to be touched. Over sensitive to pain, Music is unbearable.


Reaction with heat and cold.

  • Aversion        : beer, coffee, warm drinks, food, meat.
  • Desire            : coffee, sour, acids, cold drinks.
  • Sleep             : sleepy but cannot sleep.
  • Appetite       : loss of appetite, hunger in the evening.
  • Sweat       : from anger, during anxiety, from coughing, from pains,  symptoms aggravate while sweating.
  • Dreams    : accidents, anger, animals, ghosts, quarells, misfortune nightmare.
  • Side                : left side . It also affects the right side of internal head, eyes, ears, chest, upper extremities.

CHAMOMILA CHILD: it is mostly indicated in newly born child and during dentition. the typical physical built if cham child is light brown haired with one cheek red and hot and other pale and cold. Child suffers from convulsion or fever or diarrhoea usually caused by anger especially during dentition. Head is hot but rest of the body is cold in its fever,convulsions etc. General constitutional state of chamomila is that of great sensitiveness. sensitive to every impression to surrounding and lastly to pain. the constitutional irritability is so great that it makes the appearance of the child violent.

On mental aspect of child is very much irritable, fretful,and  peevish, cross, spiteful. Once u ask a question he cannot return a civil answer to you. The baby is impatient wants everything but rejects them when offered. He has piteous moaning all the time as he cannot get what he wants.


1) Irritability and Anger: Chamomila children often exhibit extreme irritability and anger, which can manifest as tantrums, outbursts, and mood swings. They may become easily agitated by discomfort or frustration, leading to explosive emotional reactions.

2) Impatience: These children tend to be impatient and demanding, expecting immediate gratification of their needs and desires. They may become increasingly frustrated if their demands are not met promptly.

3) Sensitivity to Pain: Chamomila children are highly sensitive to pain, both physical and emotional. They may react strongly to even minor discomfort, seeking immediate relief and comfort from their caregivers.

4) Restlessness: There is a notable restlessness in Chamomila children, both mentally and physically. They may have difficulty sitting still or focusing on tasks for an extended period, constantly seeking stimulation and movement.

5) Hyperactivity: In addition to restlessness, some Chamomila children may display hyperactive behavior, characterized by excessive energy and constant motion. They may have trouble winding down or relaxing, even during bedtime.

6) Clinginess: When feeling unwell or distressed, Chamomila children may exhibit clingy behavior, seeking close physical proximity to their caregivers for comfort and reassurance.

7) Sensitivity to External Stimuli: These children are highly sensitive to their environment and may become easily overwhelmed by sensory stimuli such as noise, light, or crowds. They may prefer calm and quiet surroundings to avoid overstimulation.

8) Desire for Comfort: Chamomila children have a strong desire for comfort and nurturing when feeling unwell. They may seek warmth, gentle touch, and soothing activities to alleviate their discomfort and emotional distress.

9) Difficulty Sleeping: Sleep disturbances are common in Chamomila children, especially during periods of teething or illness. They may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep due to restlessness and discomfort.

10) Sensitivity to Emotional Atmosphere: These children are acutely attuned to the emotional atmosphere around them and may pick up on tension or conflict within the family environment. Negative emotions or stressors can exacerbate their own emotional volatility.

11) Aggravation from Contradiction: They may strongly react to contradiction or interference with their desires or preferences. Any attempt to oppose or contradict them can trigger intense emotional responses and exacerbate their irritability.

12) One-sided Symptoms: Symptoms may be one-sided or predominantly affect one part of the body. For example, earaches or toothaches may occur primarily on one side, and symptoms may worsen when lying on the affected side.

13) Sensitivity to Touch: Chamomila children may be extremely sensitive to touch, particularly in areas where they experience pain or discomfort. They may recoil or become agitated when touched, especially if the touch is too firm or rough.

14) Clinginess during Illness: When unwell, Chamomlla children may become even more clingy and dependent on their caregivers. They seek constant reassurance and comfort until their symptoms improve.

Caused by anger, from downward motion or from nursing after a fit of anger in mother. Again congestive fits may occur due to anger with restlessness and quarelling [ moch] due to suppressed grief [ignatia] due to fear [aconite,opium].

Earache or pain in stomach pain in stomach in babies or children is cured when the mental symptoms are found.

TOOTHACHE: neuralgic{HYP} and relieved by taking cold water into mouth{ mer, calc fl, mez} due to decayed {kreo} with fever {bell} relieved by pressure{bry}.

Labour pain after pain or menstrual colic: unbearable pain drives the patient to despair with numbeness of the affected parts, tearing pain down the legs and pressing upwards. cannot bear even any little pain.

Rheumatic pain : with numbeness and restlessness.

Breast: nipples are inflamed and tender to touch. infants breast is tender to touch[helleborus, phytolacca]. milk runs out in nursing women.


  • It is the leading anger remedy of materia medica.
  • One of the leading remedies for pain.
  • Oversensitivity of pain with numbeness.
  • In rheumatism.
  • Restlessness and sleeplessness.
  • Cough worse at night.


  • FOLLOWS WELL:   aconite, arnica, bell, bry, cact, cocculus, merc, nux, puls
  • ANTIDOTES: aconite, alim, borax, camph, china,cocc ,coff, ign

Chamomilla is a versatile homeopathic remedy derived from the chamomile plant. It is commonly used to address a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms, particularly those characterized by extreme irritability, heightened sensitivity, and restlessness. Chamomilla is indicated in individuals who are highly sensitive to pain, touch, and noise, and who may exhibit intense anger that is easily provoked. It is often prescribed for conditions such as teething pain in children, colic, and various types of acute and chronic pains, especially when accompanied by the characteristic mental and emotional symptoms.


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Dr Sanjay Thomas Raj
PG scholar,Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Manglore, Karnataka.

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