Dr Gajanan Supekar
Tinea capitis (also known as “herpes tonsurans”ringworm of the hair”, “ringworm of the scalp”, “scalp ringworm”, and “tinea tonsurans”) is a cutaneous fungal infection (dermatophytosis) of scalp.The disease is primarily caused by dermatophytes in the genera Trichophyton and Microsporum that invade the hair shaft. The clinical presentation is typically single or multiple patches of hair loss, sometimes with a ‘black dot’ pattern (often with broken-off hairs), that may be accompanied by inflammation, scaling, pustules, and itching. Uncommon in adults, tinea capitis is predominantly seen in pre-pubertal children, more often boys than girls. TINEA CAPITIS generally get worse during the summer and the rainy season and tend to get better spontaneously during winter. This study has opted with the rising incidence of tinea infections in India to ascertain the usefulness of homoeopathic medicines. Homoeopathy treats the patients based on symptom similarity, the totality of symptoms and individualisation, much before the diagnosis is established, which increases its significance further over other conventional treatments.
There are many well-evident case reports and clinical trials for the treatment of tinea in Homoeopathy, especially of tinea cruris and corporis and capitis. There are many specific medicines for tinea capitis such as Sepia, Tellurium, Mezereum, Arsenic album and Sulphur, syphilinum,tellurium but this case report aspires to show the usefulness of homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of tinea capitis through an individualised constitutional approach.
Case Report –
A 5-year-old girl presented in an outpatient clinic with the complaint – of itching in scalp with burning and when she scratches it burns . scalp was sensitive to touch and cold. there were circular patches of bare spots .nightly burning and itching was more severe along with dandruff. Scalp very sensitive; cannot brush hair.The patient was apparently well 6 months back when the eruptions started . she was suffering from recurrent cough and cold along with burning and pain in throat since 1 year. All complaints were aggravated from cold in general,cold drinks and cold food. better by warmth and warm drinks. She also took allopathic treatment for the same with no relief.There was no significant family history of any disease. The patient studies in the first grade in school. She became irritable due to these complaints she was very particular about her belongings and school bag and cleanliness.she becomes angry when things go against her will.
Physical Generals
The patient’s appetite was very low since the time of the eruptions. She had a good appetite earlier but now reduced The patient had a desire for cold drinks and ice creams but she was unable to take due to aggravation of complaints by cold. The thirst was extreme with small quantity of water at a time. She had no complaints related to urine and defecation
Mental Generals
She was very irritable and particular about her belongings.She did not like sharing her toys with other children.she was restless and moving here and there during case taking. She was very particular about studying and homework. she hardly takes leave from her school. She liked dressig up, dancing and makeup. Her parents said that initially, she used to hesitate to go outdoors due to the associated hair loss but later, it did not affect her much.
Clinical findings and diagnostic assessment
Based on the clinical findings and history, this case wasdiagnosed as a case of tinea capitis. The patient had multiple circular lesions over the scalp, with intolerable itching with burning and when she scratches it burns . scalp was sensitive to touch and cold.there were circular patches of bare spots .nightly burning and itching was more severe along with dandruff. Scalp very sensitive; cannot brush hair Severe hair fall was noted. The weight of the patient was 28 kg. Other physical parameters were normal.
Case analysis and repertorisation
After the analysis of the case, the following characteristic signs and symptoms were considered for making the totality:
- irritablity
- fastidious for study
- fastidious for cleanliness
- restlessness
- thirst increased for small quantity at a time
- Desire for cold drinks and icecreams
- eruptions with dandruff
- Burning sensation in eruptions.
Repertorisation of the case was done through the Synthesis repertory of radar software .
Therapeutic intervention
After repertorisation, and further consultation with materia medica, the homoeopathic medicine arsenic album 30 was prescribed in the 30 th potency. The medicine was dispensed in globules of size 30, four globules to be taken on an empty stomach, once a day. The patient was advised to report to outpatient department after 2 weeks
Follow-up and outcomes
The patient was followed every fortnightly, or as and when required. Potency and repetition varied as per requirement of the case depending upon the homoeopathic principles .adherence to the homoeopathic treatment was confirmed at every follow-up by the patient’s attendant. The patient showed marked improvement after beginning the homoeopathic treatment. Signs and symptoms kept on getting better with every follow-up. Further, after 3 months of treatment, she was well and her itching has gone and hairs have started to regrow
This is a case of tinea capitis in a female child effectively treated with individualised homoeopathic medicine Arsenic album. The case was diagnosed as that of tinea capitis based on the history of complaints and clinical examination. The treatment with the modern system of medicine (antifungal treatments, anti-inflammatory agents such as systemic steroids, antifungal shampoos and topical applications) is not only costly but also has potential side effects such as headache, gastrointestinal distress, taste disturbances, cutaneous eruptions and liver enzyme abnormalities. The same has been described by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Organon of Medicine (aphorism 203), as ‘this pernicious external mode of treatment, hitherto so universally practised, has been the most prolific source of all the innumerable named or unnamed chronic maladies under which mankind groans’. The patient had already undergone allopathic treatment for 3 months with no significant relief. Homoeopathy considers the patient as a whole, taking into account all the signs and symptoms to be part of his disease and works by improving immunity. Homoeopathic medicines direct and stimulate the body’s self-regulatory mechanisms to restore its natural equilibrium. The treatment is customised individually with the objective of curing the patient while addressing the underlying cause of the disease.
Dr.Gajanan Supekar
PG Scholar ,Department Of Organon of Medicine
DKMMHMC CHH Sambhajinagar
Under the Guidance of Dr Shubhangi Mali
Asst Professor Dept of Organon of Medicine
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