Dr Anuradha Paraskar
Urticaria, commonly known as hives, is a dermatological condition characterized by transient, pruritic wheals (raised, erythematous, and edematous plaques) resulting from the release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators from mast cells in the dermis. These lesions typically resolve within 24 hours but may recur. It affects about 15–25% of the population at some point in their lifetime, making it a relatively common condition.
Classification: Urticaria is classified based on the duration and etiology:
- Acute Urticaria:-Lasts less than 6 weeks. Common triggers: infections, medications, food allergens, insect stings, and environmental factors. Chronic Urticaria:-Persists for more than 6 weeks, it Can be further divided into: Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CSU): Idiopathic or autoimmune in nature. Chronic Inducible Urticaria (CIU): Triggered by specific stimuli such as pressure, cold, heat, or sunlight.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY:- Histamine Release Mast cells and basophils in the dermis release histamine, leukotrienes, and cytokines, These mediators cause increased vascular permeability, leading to localized edema and erythema. Immunological Mechanisms:-Type I Hypersensitivity: IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation triggered by allergens (e.g., food, drugs):r IgE can stimulate mast cells directly. Non-Immunological Triggers Certain drugs (e.g., opioids) and physical stimuli can directly activate mast cells without IgE involvement.
CLINICAL FEATURES OF URTICARIA:- Primary Lesions: Pruritic wheals with a central pallor and surrounding erythema, Angioedema: Swelling of deeper dermis and subcutaneous tissues, often involving the face, lips, and extremities. Duration: Individual lesions typically resolve within 24 hours but can recur.
COMMON TRIGGERS: 1. Infections Viral: Upper respiratory tract infections, hepatitis, Bacterial: Helicobacter pylori, streptococcal infections, Parasitic infestation, Allergen, Foods: Shellfish, nuts, eggs, Medications: NSAIDs, antibiotics, Insect stings, Physical Stimuli:-Cold, heat, pressure, vibration, exercise, and sunlight, Other Factors:- Stress, autoimmune diseases (e.g., thyroid disorders), and hormonal fluctuations
CASE REPORT: A 50-years old Patient presents with recurrent episodes of red, raised , and intensely itchy wheals on the skin and burning rash all over the abdomen. Followed by he feels like it’s on fire, and the itching is unbearable. Duration of onset Since more than 1 yrs on and off episodes. Every time sweating and heat makes the rash worse, and he feels very uncomfortable. he scratches, it gets worse but he can’t help it. The constant itching and redness make him feel anxious and irritated. Complaints worsen after < Scratching, Exercise, warmth, Cold air, sweating. Onset: Sudden appearance of HIVES, after Exposure to heat, exercise, sweating. Duration: Symptoms last for 4-6 hrs. Nature: Burning and stinging sensation accompany the itching. Modalities: worsen after Exposure to heat, exertion, exercise, sweating. Past history– History of recurrent episodes of rashes on skin taking allopathic medications to Get relief but temporary better feelings. History of allergy- not known.
Mental symptoms-The patient feels easily annoyed with itching and burning sensation symptoms, feels very restlessness with itching, physical discomfort and unease feeling. Constant irritability of mind with slightest touch and irritation worse the symptoms. Patient is very oversensitive to touch, cold air, scratching followed by confusion and Frustration feeling in mind.
Physical generals: The patient’s appetite was normal since the time of the hives he had a good appetite earlier but now reduced, he had a desire no specific desire and aversions. The thirst was regular with normal quantity of water at a time. She had no complaints related to urine and defecation. sleep disturbed due to itching.
Therapeutic intervention: After characteristic totality of symptoms and individualization of patient , and further consultation with materia medica, the homoeopathic medicine Urtica urens was prescribed in the
30 th potency. The medicine was dispensed in globules of size 30, four globules to be taken on an empty stomach, two time a day. The patient was advised to report to outpatient department after 2 weeks.
Follow-up and outcomes
The patient was followed every fortnightly, or as and when required. Potency and repetition varied as per requirement of the case depending upon the homoeopathic principles .adherence to the homoeopathic treatment was confirmed at every follow-up by the patient’s attendant. The patient showed marked improvement after beginning the homoeopathic treatment. Signs and symptoms kept on getting better with every follow ups. after 1 months of treatment, he was well and her itching has gone and no recurrence further noted.
DISCUSSION: This is a case of urticaria in male patient effectively treated with individualised homoeopathic medicine Urtica urens This case was diagnosed as that of urticaria based on the history of complaints and clinical examination: Urtica urens is a well- known homoeopathic remedy particularly effective for skin conditions, allergies, for cases of urticaria, especially after characteristic indications totality symptoms. useful in individuals with hypersensitive skin and history of allergic tendencies. Its hallmark symptoms of burning, stinging, and itching make it an invaluable remedy for acute and chronic ailments. URTICA URENS : Key Characteristics: Burning and Stinging Sensations: A hallmark symptom, whether in the skin, joints, or urinary tract. Redness and Inflammation: Accompanies most complaints, particularly skin and joints. Intense Itching: Aggravated by warmth, touch, or friction. Modalities: Worse From:<Warmth (e.g., warm bed, warm clothing), Touch and rubbing. Better From:>Cool applications or cold water, Rest and lying down.
Conclusion: Urtica urens emerges as a multifaceted remedy with a vast scope of applications in homeopathy, demonstrating its efficacy in treating a wide array of conditions. From managing chronic skin ailments like eczema and providing relief for allergic reactions such as hives to addressing urinary problems and supporting lactation in nursing mothers, Urtica urens offers holistic benefits that enhance overall well- being. Its potent anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic, and diuretic properties make it a valuable tool for practitioners .
By effectively alleviating symptoms and promoting long-term health, Urtica urens exemplifies the principles of homeopathy, focusing on treating the root causes of ailments rather than merely suppressing symptoms
Dr.Anuradha Paraskar (M.D. Scholar)
Dept of Medicine , DKMM Homoeopathic Medical College..Sambhajinagar
Email : anuradha1994paraskar@gmail.com
Under guidance of Dr Suresh Tathe HOD
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