Case taking and Repertory workshop for teachers and PGs at Sarada Krishna Homoeopathy College Kulashekaram

Srada Krishna Homoeopathy College Kulashekaram, Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu Organising two day workshop for faculty and PG student across India
This Homoeopathic Medical College with 100 UG admission and PG courses with 6 seats in each of the 5 disciplines per annum. The MGR Medical University, Chennai has also since sanctioned Ph.D. programme for all the above PG departments. In token of having reached its maturity, we are thrilled with the excitement of success to celebrate this God-sent event terming ‘2018 November’ as a ‘Foundation Month’ with a series of nascent ventures and functions.
In this context, it is proposed to conduct a 2 days’ Workshop on “Case Taking & Repertorisation” with a view to improving the skill of PG students in this subject of southern part of India at our Skill Development Centre attached to our collegiate hospital on 24th and 25th November 2018. Dr. Anoop M. Nigweker, Professor & Head of the Dept. of Repertory, M.L. Dhawale Institute, Palghar, Mumbai has kindly consented to be the chief faculty of the workshop. We fervently hope that the senior faculty of the subject of the various colleges will also participate in the workshop. The details of the workshop are furnish overleaf :
Venue : Virtual Lab, Skilled Development Centre,SKHMC
Date : 24-11-2018, Module -1
Time : 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
08.30 am : Registration 
09.00 am : Inaugural Session
09.30 am : Self Introduction of Participants
09.45 am : Division of Groups
10.00 am : Demonstration of case taking skill
10.45 am : Tea Break
11.00 am : Case Taking though Objective Structured Clinical Examination’ – Assisted/simulated patients                       
01.00 pm : Lunch Break
02.00 pm : Observer – Patient Physician Interaction
03.00 pm : Tea Break
03.15 pm : Case processing
Date    : 25-11-2018, Module -2
Time   : 8.30 am – 4.30 pm
08.30 am : Case processing (contd.)
10.30 am : Tea Break
10.45 am : Practical Repertorisation
01.00 pm : Lunch Break
02.00 pm : Discussion
03.00 pm : Tea Break
03.30 pm : Valedictory Function
We would aptly seize this occasion to invite the faculty and PG students of  Repertory of all the colleges in the region for rendering it as a very successful event. The intending participants are expected to inform that fact at the latest by 15th November 2018 by e-mail to the HoD of the Repertory of this college. There will be a Registration Fee of  Rs. 1,000/- per head inclusive of cost of the food during the 2 days workshop.
The participants will be provided accommodation, if necessary, on being informed to the effect sufficiently earlier.  
Dr. V. Sathish Kumar                                                            Dr. C.K. Mohan
Prof. & Head, Dept. of Repertory                                                 Principal
Contact :,
Mob. 9443558483

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