Homeopathic Materia Medica

Rubiaceae family medicines in homeopathy

Dr Sinsen Joseph Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Rubiaceae group of plants and their preparation, properties and clinical indications. This family contains 2 subfamilies; a. Cinchonaceae b. Galiaceae And these are called Rubiales. The word […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Natrum Group of Homeopathy Medicines

Dr Rajitha K N Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Natrum/ Sodium group  and their preparation, properties and clinical indications Sodium is a metallic element with symbol Na ,atomic no.11 atomicweight-22.991 silvery white lustrous alkali metal […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Spider remedies in Homeopathy

Dr  Anoob K K Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Spiders and their preparation, properties and clinical indications Spiders form the largest and most widely distributed order of class of animals called ARACHNIDA, which also includes […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Solanaceae group remedies in Homeopathy

Dr Satheesh Kumar P.K Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Solanaceae group of plants and their preparation, properties and clinical indications 1. Belladonna. (i) Atropa Belladonna. (ii) Atropa Mandragora.( Mandragora officinarum ) (iii) Atropinum. (a) Atropinum […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Snake remedies (ophidia) in homeopathy

Dr.George Mathew Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Snake Venom and their preparation, properties and clinical indications A considerable part of Homoeopathic materia medica consists of medicines taken from animal kingdom. As the name implies, the […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Rubeacea family in homeopathy

Dr Satheesh Kumar P K Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Rubeaceae group of plants and their preparation, properties and clinical indications Medicines 1. Cainca 2. China boliviana 3. Cinchona officinalis 4. Coffea cruda 5. Coffea […]