Homeopathic Materia Medica

Elusive Mercurius group homoeopathy medicines

Dr Ajit Kulkarni May I begin with three interesting stories of Mercurius (Romans), “hydrargium” (Latin), “liquid silver” (Aristotle), “Silver water” (Dioskorides), or “quicksilver” (Latin)? The name of the first story is ‘ The lake of the mountain spirits.” Russian […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Medorrhinum animalcule

Dr Ajit Kulkarani Medorrhinum, an attenuated preparation from the gonococcal discharge, which develops due to gonococci, is a far-reaching remedy of multi-miasmatic type often missed in practice. The statements, ‘Nosode is not always a nosode’ […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

A Lecture on Sepia

Dr Shiva kumar Full Name;Sepia officinalis. Common name;Cuttle Fish. N.O. Cephalopoda. Preparation;Trituration of dried liquid contained in the ink bag. Proved by Dr.Hahnemann,first prover is male. Clinical conditions; Amenorrhea. Bladder, weak. Cancer. Chloasma. Cystitis. Liver torpid. Menopause. […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Lonely Carcinosin

Dr Afsar Imam Sayyed Dr Haider Imam Abstract Discussion on the remedy solely as the rubrics standing with Carcinosinum being the only remedy. Most of similar modalities, desires, aversions and biphasic character discussed. Also possible […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Psycho-dynamics of Staphysagria

Dr.Ashis Datta   “ – Angry people get hurt and cause hurt.” Staphysagria is generally prescribed acutely for the physical affects of suppressed anger. In these causes, patient feels the anger and resentment clearly but […]