Homeopathic Materia Medica

Trio remedies in homeopathy

Dr  Ajith Kumar D S Dr. Nash.E.B was one of the pioneers known for his Trio remedies, which means three best remedies for a particular disease condition. It is Dr. Nash who gave much importance […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Baryta Carb – Delusions

Liz Lalor Shaken Baby Syndrome Case: Woman aged 44. First consult: 25/4/06 Reason for consult: low energy. Medical History: Over weight. Kidney function problems. Diabetes Type 2 developed in early 30’s. No Mdx her doctor […]

Homeopathic Materia Medica

Children’s mind and Homoeopathy

Dr R Madan 1. Fear of aeroplanes flying overhead-acon.,arnica,cham.,ignatia,nat.mur  2. Fears to go to bed alone-causticum    3. Averse to amusement-baryta.c,staphy,sulph    4. Irritable gets angry with everything-bryonia    5. Awakens terrified,clings to those around-stramonium […]