Homeopathic Repertory

Mind Rubrics in Knerr’s Repertory

Dr Nahida M Mulla MIND & DISPOSITION: Abandon, wild (Cross Ref. – wildness) Abandoned feels. Abhorrence (C.R – aversion) Absentminded. Absorbed. Abusive, inclined to be. Act, no longer wishes to. Actions, foolish. Accounts, makes mistakes. […]

Homeopathic Repertory

Latest Repertories in Homeopathy

Dr  Rita Chakraborty Many people think a repertory only grows or improves when you put in more additions.  It is not only additions, it reorganizes, sometimes even restructures the repertory so that long existing, but […]

Homeopathic Repertory

Medium of Repertorisation

Repertory is the medium for conducting the exercise of Repertorisation,thus repertory act as a medium for Repertorisation. We may use one Repertory or more than one for this exercise. Thus depending on the number of repertories […]