Homeopathy Articles

Cheaper Medicine vs Cheap Homoeopathy

 Dr Ravi Singh Whenever I attend a scientific homoeopathic conference or Hahnemann’s Birthday celebration our chief guests, ministers and dignitaries on stage says that homoeopathy should be promoted because it is cheaper than allopathic medicine. […]

Homeopathy Articles

Ramadan health message

Contributed by AbuSuad, UK. Emai : muslimmessage@hotmail.com “…What will convey unto you what the Night of Power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein, […]

Homeopathy Articles

Dangers of pseudo-classical homoeopathy

Dangers of pseudo-classical homoeopathy Dr.Rajesh Shah and Dr.Rupal Shah Editorial: Homoeopathy Time  http://www.indiaspace.com/homoeopathy/index.html While introducing themselves, some teachers have introduced their partially tested ideas as a part of classical homoeopathy. This has amply confused the […]