Organon and Philosophy

Susceptibility concept in Homeopathy

Dr Anitha MA  BHMS,MD(Hom) Dr.Padiyar Homoeopathic Medical College.Kerala Everything that has life is more or less influenced by circumstances and environment. This law is true in the vegetable and animal kingdom. Certain plants develop in […]

Organon and Philosophy

History of Philosophy and Modern Trends

Dr Smitha Madhavan Comes from the Greek word ‘Philia’, which means ‘love’ and ‘Sophia’ that means-‘wisdom’. Philosophy is defined in different ways: 1. Philosophy is the science of “general being” and human thinking i.e. attempts […]

Organon and Philosophy


Dr R Rejikumar The discovery of Homoeopathic healing art by our master was a revolutionary downlink of ideas from the mysterious universe. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was truly far ahead of his time with sound philosophy […]