Research in Homoeopathy

How to write a good scientific paper

Dr. Ayanti Kundu, Dr Kaushik Majumder, nd Dr. Bhaswat S.Chakraborty Dept. of Medical Writing, CRO, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,   Dholka – 387810 Introduction: In   this   poster,   firstly   we   will   focus   on   the   Construction   of  introduction   and   […]

Research in Homoeopathy

Basophil models of homeopathy:a sceptical view

Madeleine Ennis* Respiratory Medicine Research Group, Centre for Infection and Immunity, Microbiology Building, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Grosvenor Road, Belfast BT12 6BN, Northern Ireland, UK This  paper  examines  the  activation  and  inhibition  of  activation  […]