Cautions while using homoeopathic remedies

Dr Haripriya G

Homoeopathy is that system of medicine which follows  holistic approach to cure, that takes into account both physical as well as mental symptoms. Though the side-effects from Homoeopathic medicines are almost none, certain cautions must be kept in mind before prescription to avoid unwanted complications. Hence one needs to pay attention to such cautions when it comes to Homoeopathic prescribing.

This article is an attempt to compile few important and useful cautions of few important remedies from various materia medicas, which will be useful in prescription.

1. ACONITUM NAPELLUS Unless indicated by the exciting cause, Aconite is nearly always injurious in the first stage of Typhoid.

Never give aconite in those inflammations that is about to run a prolonged course, to take suppuration, blood poisoning, any form of zymosis.

2. ADRENALINUM Should not be too frequently repeated owing to its cardiac and arterial lesions.
3. ARNICA MONTANA For local application should never be applied hot or when abrasions or cuts are present as it may bring on erysipelas.
4. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM Should not be repeated often or in low potencies as it will be followed by bad effects.
5. BACILLINUM Should not be given below 30th potency and not repeated frequently.
6. BELLIS PERENNIS It is well not to give it near bed time, as it is apt to cause sleeplessness.
7. BLATTA ORIENTALIS Should give lowest potencies during an attack and higher for the cough remaining but should be stopped with improvement to prevent return of aggravations.
8. BORAX VENETA Should not be used before or after Acetic acid, Vinegar, or wine.
9. CALCAREA CARBONICA Should not be repeated in aged people, especially if the first dose benefited as it will usually do harm.
10. CAMPHORA OFFICINALIS Should not be allowed in sick room in its crude form, as it antidotes nearly every vegetable medicines.
11. CANTHARIS VESICATORIA For local applications if the skin is unbroken it should be administered as alcoholic solution and if the skin is broken should be administered through boiled or distilled water along with internal administration.
12. CHAMOMILLA Mental calmness contraindicates Chamomilla.
13. CHRYSAROBIUM During external application should use with caution on account of its ability to produce inflammation.
14. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS Caution should be taken against using low potencies where there is organic heart affections.
15. DROSERA ROTUDIFOLIA Never give a second dose immediately after the first as it would not only prevent the good effect of the former, but would be injurious.
16. ECHINACEAE ANGUSTIFOLIA Should not used in case of neglected appendicitis with pus formation as it promotes suppuration and would probably cause rapture of appendix.
17. FERRUM METALLICUM Should never be given in syphilis as it always aggravates the condition.
18. IODIUM Should not be given during lying-in period except in high potencies.
19. JABORANDI Contraindicated in cases of heart failure, post-puerperal uraemia and in senile cases.
20. JUSTICIA ADHATODA Severe aggravations have been noticed from lower potencies.
21. KALIUM CARBONICUM Never use any salts of potash where there is fever.

Should be used cautiously in old gouty cases, advanced cases of Brights’ disease and Tuberculosis.

22. KALIUM CHLORICUM Use cautiously locally as it is poisonous.
23. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM It is rarely advisable to begin the treatment of a chronic disease with Lycopodium unless it is clearly indicated.
24. MEDORRHINUM The very highest potency only of service and must not be repeated often.
25. NATRUM MURIATICUM Should never be given during fever paroxysm.
26. NATRUM SALICYLICUM Must be used carefully as it is often destructive to kidney tissue.
27. NUX VOMICA Acts best during repose of mind and body, hence should be given on retiring or several hours before going to bed.
28. PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM In cases of pthisis, should not administer below 6th potency.
29. PHOSPHORUS Should not be given too low or in too continuous doses, especially in Tuberculous cases as it may act as euthanasia.
30. PITUITRIN Contraindicated in myocarditis, nephritis and arteriosclerosis.
31. SANTONINUM Do not give to a child with fever or constipation.
32. SECALE CORNUTUM As long as uterus contains anything, be it child, placenta, membranes, clots never administer Ergot.
33. SEPIA OFFICINALIS Lachesis should not be used before or after Sepia.

With Pulsatilla it should never be altered.

34. SULPHUR The caution is usually given to repeat Sulphur seldom in cases of tuberculosis; and to give it only in the early stages.
35. THYROIDINUM Must not be given in physiological doses where with feeble heart there is high Blood pressure and not in tubercular patients.
36. TUBERCULINUM Should not be given without a most careful cardiac examination especially in children, seniles and to young seniles.
37. VERATRUM ALBUM In diarrhoea should not administer below 6th potency.
38. YOHIMBINUM In physiological doses is contraindicated in all acute and chronic inflammations of abdominal organs.


  1. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory – Dr.William Boericke.
  2. Allens Keynotes Rearranged And Classified With Leading Remedies Of The Materia Medica And Bowel Nosodes Including Repertorial Index – HC Allen M.D
  3. Lectures On Homoeopathic Materia Medica – J.T. KENT
  4. A Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica – John Henry Clarke

Dr. Haripriya G
M.D Part I, Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica,
Under the guidance of Dr. Renuka S Patil
HOD Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica,
Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital,Bengaluru.

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