CCH again requested Kerala to Equalize External MD Homeopathy

Dr Mansoor Ali 

Dr Ashis Datta  Asst. Secretary (tech),Central Council of Homoeopathy requested Govt of Kerala to equalize External MD with Regular MD in Homoeopathy. Since last few years CCH had written several letters like this.

Download CCH letter

With great surprise and utter disappointment, we have very recently learned that the Central Council of Homoeopathy in its very recent meeting (Letter No.14-24/2011-CCH dated 29.02.12) has “resolved to request the Govt. of Kerala to include the MD(Hom) qualification possessed  by Homoeopathic Doctors enrolled as External or Regular MD (Hom) course also be given AICTE/UGC scale of pay”.

“It is resolve that the panel of Guides/Examiners need to be prepared by concerned Universities in Kerala including all eligible doctors of Homoeopathy holding MD (Hom) qualification included in second schedule of HCC act irrespective of the fact whether they were enrolled as external or regular basis” equalize regular PG degree and external PG degree in Homoeopathy”. – the letter continues.

A CCH member from Kerala – teacher in Organon of Medicine who supposed to took regular MD as service candidate  with all service benefits – purposefully took  external MD – and compelled his colleagues(so responsible for offers) to took External MD now in trouble. He frequently visits CCH office and collect this type of ridiculous orders from officials like Dr Ashish Datta & Lalit Varma and used to submit Govt of Kerala and Universities. But all in vain.  That fellow stayed the CCH election of Kerala University, eventhough his tennure was over. He is the only External MD teacher in department of Organon of Medcine in Kerala. CCH issuing these type orders only for the sake of this teacher.Still he can take regular MD with full service benefits.

Why not in Kerala

  1. Kerala Govt had given ample opportunity to all homeopathy teachers of Government and Aided sector to took Regular MD in Homoeopathy irrespective of the department  they belongs, on the seniority basis – by giving full service benefits. So enough regular MD teachers are available as Examiners/Guides
  2. Examiner/Guides for a 3 year regular PG course should be persons who had completed that course. The external PG  is an off campus course of two years which does not require formal institutionalized training
  3. None of the Universities of Kerala including KUHS so far has recognized or approved the external PG in Homoeopathy.
  4. Government Kerala had appointed a commission in 2001 chaired by Honorable Pro Vice Chancellor of Kerala University, Prof. S. Kevin, on the matter of External PG course in homoeopathy.   This commission submitted the report in 2002 which clearly stated that “the University of Kerala need not sanction the External PG Degree in Homoeopathy as it cannot maintain the academic standards expected of a PG degree in medicine”.
  5. The Health & Family welfare department, Govt. of Kerala has also made it amply clear in 2010 that the two courses cannot be considered equal. (Order No.20535/J2/2010/H&FWD dt 08/12/2010)
  6. It may be relevant to recall the Honorable Supreme Court judgment on February 25, 2009, (Civil Appeal No. 4173 of 2008, Annamalai University versus Secretary to Govt., Information & Tourism Dept & Others) which observed that a Masters degree awarded to a candidate who has not undergone a degree (Bachelor’s) course cannot be valid.
  7. PG degree is the basic qualification for appointment as Lecturers a per the new UGC norms implemented for Homoeopathic Medical Colleges in Kerala. If the authorities see external PG course as equal to regular PG degree, then it will be a severe blow to the prospects of fresh regular PG holders applying to the post Lectures.
  8. According to Kerala Homoeopathic Medical College Service Rule 2001, Page 16, Note i (a), External PG is acceptable “provided three years class attendance is the minimum requirement of PG as in Kerala”. But the current external MD is two year without attendance.

Academic bodies of Kerala who first coined BHMS course as a graduation in Homoeopathy for the first time in the world and the same goes true for MD. Ironically it is at the same Calicut University, which was once the seat of these two courses and a part of history of Homoeopathic education worldwide, where the External MD holders managed to flood into the Faculty of Homoeopathy and recently attempt to equalize these two courses which has evident difference in quality, conduct, duration & technical parameters which cannot be even compared to one another and the attempt here was to equalize both. A faculty with more than 95% External MD teachers!.

CCH not yet approved the PG Examiners’ panel forwarded by KUHS – Kerala University of Health Sciences – because of the above reason!!

The professional homoeopathic organizations also strongly support this cause in the State and has made strong representations to Govt & Universities. Organizations who include the students too are also prepared for organized agitations to any extend that it requires if the Govt or Universities are repeatedly pushed on the cause by CCH under sheer influence of beneficiaries’ (External MD holders) which we believe is the biggest challenge that is faced by Homoeopathic education in history.

In one way we believe that such efforts from you shall be a big help and shall prove one big way to reach this to larger agitation and a larger notice to media & public so that we can even reach the matter back to the legislative apparatus of the nation and correct it at the parliamentary level as one of the biggest mistake a stream of healthcare academic control bodies have ever committed across the world. Active movements are going on in this direction.

A concise comparison between the two courses:


Regular MD

External MD


3 years

2 years

Minimum Eligibility



Selection process

PG Entrance by CEE Govt. of Kerala

No entrance

Criteria of admission

Exclusively on merit

Payment only

Mode of teaching

Regular classroom oriented




Regular & systemic training

Teaching students

Seminars, clinical discussion, journal club,


House Job

One year

No house job


3 year regular

No attendance.

Only for exam


Part. I &II

1 exam

University approval

Approved by all universities in Kerala

Not approved by any universities in Kerala.

Kerala Homeopathic Service rule2001


Not included due to lack of 3 year regular attendance

Colleges in Kerala

Now in 2 Govt. Colleges.  Will start soon in aided colleges also

Conducted by deemed universities of Maharsathra, Tamil Nadu etc.

Related Articles
Letter from CCH dated 29.02.2012
directing Govt. of Kerala to include External MD teachers in PG Exam Panel

Report by the Controlling Officer of Homoeopathy on External MD

Kerala Government Order on External MD Homoeopathy –AICTE/UGC

External MD in Homeopathy could not be considered for Job

Continuation of External MD in Homoeopathy- is it justified?

CCH directs Govt. of Kerala to Equalize External MD

Kerala Govt enquiry report on External MD in Homoeopathy

Counter Points by PG Teachers Association ( AKHPTA) :


  1. you cant command a person if you are not worth commanding him.2morrow,der wil be a situation that all d RMP’s going to the court that they had taken MD through a so called ‘external’ course n they need d previleages of regular pg given that they dont have BHMS course at their times…Will u people accept it???who else will lose??Homoeopathy loses.

  2. sir,
    WE still keep fighting for this.i think the fight is among teaching faculties in colleges about their parity.external MD has been approved by CCH for whatever the reason and its over.these doctors who took externaal pg needs 10yrs of clinical experienced to be eligible for external MD.
    whn they passed out,included BHMS of earlier batches also there was no MD in homoeopathy.Give them fair chances to excel in their careers too instead of fighting.CCH could have made that also regular.if its teaching and quality parameters as tuors or something,give weightage to regular MDS.and then external DHM,became DHMS,then BHMS.let tht pattern grow.thats what i have to say to homoeopathic fraternity.lets stop tarnishing our own image

    • Its not about the fight that matters.External PG holders r jeapordizing the homoeopathic educational system…i knw it very well as i am from an institution whose 95% faculties r ext MD holders.No matter these guys r gud old efficient practitioners in life..but teaching is sumthing different,its a talent gifted or developed through training.Teaching for d UG level is manageable,but i have seen these guys teaching in the PG level..its worse than catastrophe.For the diploma holders,let them bring an external BHMS..n from there let them decide whether to do regular PG or not.Those guys getting selected through the entrance tests itself shows themselves they r worthy of a post graduate degree

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