CCH directs Govt of Kerala to Equalize External MD

cch-2CCH directs Govt. of Kerala to Equalize External MD with Regular MD

Central Council of Homoeopathy India (CCH) Secretary Dr.Lalit Verma issued a letter to Govt. of Kerala recently (F.No.19-2/2009- CCH 35281 dt 22 Mar 2011) with a  subject line as ‘Sanctioning revised AICTE – reg’ –  which states that “Postgraduate Degree qualification in Homoeopathy ie. MD(Hom) awarded to the students admitted as regular or external is to be treated equivalent and at par for all the purpose including the service matters and pay scales”. Dr.Lalit Verma issued a similiar letter earlier also.

But as per the legal opinion CCH has no power to issue an orderlike this, since course equalisation comes under the perview/power of concerned universities. Universities in Kerala like Mahatma Gandhi, Calicut, Kerala or recently constituted Kerala University of Health Sceinces so far not ready to equalise external MD because of its poor quality.

This excutive order is aginst Honorable Supreme Court judgment on February 25, 2009, (Civil Appeal No. 4173 of 2008, Annamalai University versus Secretary to Govt., Information & Tourism Dept & Others) which observed that a Masters degree awarded to a candidate who has not undergone a degree (Bachelor’s) course cannot be valid.A Bench consisiting of Justices S.B.Sinha and Mukundam Sharma upheld a Madras High Court Judgment invalidating Annamalai University PG degrees conferred on distant education students. The Bench said the provisions of the University Grant Commission Act “ are binding on all universities, whether conventional or open. Its powers are very broad”

“Postgraduate degrees awarded  under the distance education programme to students  who did not have the basic three year  degree could not be treated on a par with PG degrees obtained after regular study  from a recognised University”

More over  Kerala University of Health and allied Sciences (KUHAS) expelled eight homoeopathy external MD teachers from the PG board of studies.

Keral Govt. also issued an order recently. As per the Govt. of Kerala order dated 12.08.2011 “Regular PG and the external PG are different in all respect  including the period of study. The external PG is a Course as distant education and hence it cannot be treated on par with the regular PG.

All Kerala Homoeopathic Postgraduate  teachers association president Dr.Arun Prasad told to media that “Diploma in homeopathy is the only qualification mentioned for admission to this course (CCH Regulations Special provisions for external candidates 5th November 2001). So these courses are meant only for senior most diploma holders of before 1983 and not for Degree holders. So it was illegal to admit BHMS holders to External MD and CCH not equalised these two courses through a gazatte notification”.

He further states “There is a strong attempt at present in certain quarters to equalize regular PG degree and external PG degree in Homoeopathy on the background of pay revision of Homeopathic Medical College Teachers of Kerala. We as teachers fear that this move will result in deterioration of academic standards in the field of Homoeopathic medical education & practice.”

Earlier Govt. of Kerala had appointed a commission chaired by Honorable Pro Vice Chancellor of Kerala University Prof.S.Kevin on the matter of External PG course in homoeopathy. This commission submitted the report in 2003 which clearly stated that External MD cannot be equivalent to Regular MD and it cannot maintain the academic standard expected of a PG degree in medicine

Kerala is the only state in India where external MD is not treated as par with regular MD for appointment, promotion or salary. Kerala Public Service Commission also not considering External MD for appointment.

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CCH direction to Govt. of Kerala to equalise external MD march 2011 :

Recent Govt. of Kerala order on External MD :

Kerala University PVC Commmission report on External MD :

Report by the Controlling Officer of Homoeopathy   on External MD :

Memorandum Submitted by AKHPTA :

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