CCH issued show cause notice to KUHS on External MD

KUHS (2)CCH issued show cause notice to KUHS on External MD

Dr Jose Isac of Kerala and others moved a resolution at CCH and included in the MINUTES OF THE 52nd MEETING OF The Central Council Of Homoeopathy Held ON 19th FEBRUARY, 2014 AT NEW DELHI

“It also decided that the Kerala University of Health Sciences is not appointing the persons who have been holding M.D.(Hom.) qualification in Homoeopathic Philosophy (Organon of Medicine), Materia Medica and Repertory (after taking admission as external candidates) as such the University may be issued a show cause notice before filing a case in the High Court against the University.

External MD courses in Homoeopathy – not yet approved by the Universities in Kerala including Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS). Govt of Kerala also not ready to approve this course because of its substandard nature.

Moreover External MD Courses are not yet included in the second schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council act.

Read more on Govt. of Kerala & Universities decision on External MD in Homoeopathy

Kerala Govt enquiry report on External MD in Homoeopathy

University of Calicut quashed External MD

CCH direction to Govt. of Kerala to equalise external MD march 2011 :

Kerala University PVC Commission report on External MD

Report by the Controlling Officer of Homoeopathy   on External MD

Memorandum Submitted by AKHPTA

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