Applications are invited by CCRH from interested undergraduate homoeopathic students to participate in the Short Term Studentship in Homoeopathy Program (STSH 2021)
Registrations are open.
Students can apply and submit proposals by 15th Nov 2021.
The main objective of this program is to provide an opportunity to undergraduate homoeopathic students to familiarize themselves with research methodology and techniques by being associated for a short duration with their seniors on ongoing research program or by undertaking independent projects. This may serve as an incentive for them to take up research as a career in the future. The Institution must provide the student with all facilities for carrying out research.
This program is only for undergraduate Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) students before they appear in their final exams and therefore, interns/ PG students are not eligible to apply.
The student must carry out the research in his/ her own medical college under the guide who is employed in the medical college as a faculty. Only permanent full time faculty members working in any of the Department of the Medical College where the student is enrolled can act as the guide. Part time consultants/visiting faculty/ residents/ Tutors/ PG students cannot be the guide.
Only one student will be allowed to work under one guide. Two or more are not permitted to work on the same topic together. Proposals submitted on the same topic by different students are liable to be rejected outright. The student may have one Guide and other Co-Guides. However, CCRH will recognize only ONE main Guide for all purposes.
The value of the studentship will be Rs. 10,000/- only and is meant to be a stipend for the student. Cost of research must be borne by Medical College/ Institution where research is carried out.
For any queries please contact preferably through email:
Telephone No.: +91-11-28525749.
Or E-mail:
Register and submit information by filling the google formÂ
For more information about STSH 2021 offline process, visit the CCRH website ccrhindia.nic.inÂ
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