Chhatisgarh Public Service Commission. Raipur Medical Officer Homeopathy Exam 04/04/2010.
CGHP. 09 Question Paper (Sub. Code 01).
No. of Questions in Booklet :100.
Time : 2 Hours, Total Marks : 300
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Note :1.This question paper has 100 questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Attempt All questions.
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(1) Materia Medica
1. Devil’s Dung is the common name of :
- (A) Baptisia tinctoria (B) Asafoetida
- (C) Melilotus (D) Helleborus niger
2.At every menstrual nisus throat, mouth and tongue become intolerably dry especially when sleeping :
- (A) Nux vomica and Nux moschata (B) Lac can
- (C) Tarentula (D) Cyclamen
3.Kreosotum is inimical to :
- (A) Carbo veg (B) Kali carb
- (C)Nux vomica (D) Phosphorous
4. Mental labor best performed at night :
- (A) Nux vomica (B) Argentum nitricum
- (C) Lachesis (D) Fluoric acid
5.In goitre after Spongia the medicine can be given is :
- (A) Iodum (B) Bromium
- (C) Thyroidinum (D) Fluoric acid
6. Must change position frequently but it is painful and gives little relief :
- (A) Causticum (B) Arsenic
- (C) Natrum sulph (D)Both (A) and (C)
7. Chronic asthma in summer :
- (A) Psorinum (B) Syphilinum
- (C) Medorrhinum (D) Bovista
8. Dreams that she is drinking :
- (A) Arsenic (B) Medorrhinum
- (C)Phosphorus (D) All of these
9.Vertigo at night with urging to urinate :
- (A) Theredivn (B) Spigeiia
- (C) Tabacum (D) Hypericum
10.Pain in back when swallowing :
- (A) Kali carb (B) Lycopodium
- (C) Graphites (D)Zincum met
11.Fear of being assassinated :
- (A) Lac can (B) Plumb met
- (C) Aurum met (D) Zincum met
12. Which of the following is known as louse seed :
- (A) Phytolocca (B) Staphisagria
- (C) Lycopodium (D) Anacardium
13. For first stage of ulceration of cornea :
- (A) Sulphur (B) Physostigma
- (C) Calendula (D) Sarsaparilla
14.Can not eat meat, it causes eructation, pruritis
- (A) Cal. Phos (B) Nitric Acid
- (c) Rumex (D) Bovista
15.The remedy for pain of death, soothes the last struggle
- (A) Tarentula cubensis (B) Veratrum album
- (C) Hypericum (D) Phosphoric acid
16.Albuminuria at later and full term pregnancy
- (A) Merc cor. (B) Phos
- (C) Apis mel (D) Helleborus
17. Aconite is contraindicated
- (A) Malarial fever (B) Pyaemic condition
- (C) Both of the above (D) None of these
18. Chills runs up and down the back with shivering, followed by a suffocating sensation:
- (A) Medorrhinum (B) Mag phos
- (C) Cyclamen (D) Spigelia
19. Will often abort a beginning suppurative process near the rectum
- (A) Rhustox (B) Ruta. g.
- (C) Ratanhia (D) Silicea
20.Vivid dreams of fire is found in
- (A) Heper sulph (B) Phosphorous
- (C) Sulphur (D Cicuta
(2) Biochemic Medicines
21. Fears financial ruin :
- (A) Kali. phos (B) Cal. flour
- (C) Cal. phos (D) Natrum phos
22.Dreams of Running water :
- (A) Kali sulph (B) Natrum sulph
- (C) Kali phos (D) Natrurn phos
23. Hippocratic countenance :
- (A) Calcarea sulph (B)Kali. mur
- (C) Kali phos (D) Natrum phos
24. Sensation of hair at tip of the tongue :
- (A) Natrum phos (B) Natrum mur
- (C) Mag phos (D) Kali mur
25. Golden yellow coating on tongue :
- (A) Natrum sulph (B) Kali sulph
- (C) Mag mur (D) Natrum phos.
(3) Pharmacy
26. Which of the following is false :
- (A) Sp Gr of olive oil is 0.813-0.890
- (B) Sp Gr of glycerine is 1.255-1.266
- (C) Sp Gr of dilute alcohol is 0.913-0.916
- (D) P Gr of absolute alcohol is -0.7935
27. Q.L. or Quantum libet means :
- (A) As much as required (B) As much as you please
- (C) As much as one can repeat (D) None of these
28. “Poison is everything and nothing is without poison, the dose make it a poison or a remedy” declared by :
- (A) Hahnemann (B) Asclepiades
- (C) Paracelsus (D) Rademacher and Hahnemann both
29.Drug power of Moschus by new method of preparation is :
- (A) 1/10 (B) 1/20
- (C) 1/30 (D) 1/100
30. Anacardium orientale is prepared in which class of old method :
- (A) Class IV (B) Class IX
- (C) Class VII (D) Both Class IV and IX
(4) Forensic Medicine
31. Number of hours since death is calculated by multiplying the fall in rectal temperature :
- (A) 0.33 (B) 0.67
- (C) 1.33 (D) 1.5 32
32. Puglistic attitude in burn is seen in :
- (A) Antemortem burn
- (B) Postmortem burn
- (C) Both Antemortem and Postmortem burn
- (D) Suicidal burn
33. To make a positive identification with the help of a partial finger point, the points of similarity should be at least :
- (A) 10 (B) 16
- (C) 12 (D) 22
34.Pearson’s formula is used for :
- (A) Race (B) Age
- (C) Stature (D) Cephalic index
35.A dead born fetus does not have :
- (A) Rigor mortis at birth (B) Adepocere formation
- (C) Maceration (D) Mummification
(6) Toxicology
36.Run Amok Homicid delusion is characteristic of :
- (A) Cannabis (B) Cocaine
- C) Dhatura (D) Alcohol poisoning
37. Perforation of stomach is more common due to :
- (A) Nitric acid (B) Sulphuric acid
- (C) Hydrochloric acid (D) Carbolic acid
38. Macewan’s sign is associated with :
- (A) Alcohol poisoning (B) Pontine Haemorrhage
- (C) Cerebellar tumour (D) Cocaine intoxication
39. In organophosphorus poisoning the following are seen except :
- (A) Pupillary dilatation (B) Salivation
- (C) Bronchospasm (D) Sweating
40. About 20 gms of hair required to be preserved in :
- (A)Mineral poisoning (B) Antimony poisoning
- (C) Codeine poisoning (D) Aconite poisoning
(6) Community Medicine
41.Pasteurization kills all except :
- (A) Sore throat causing bacilli
- (B) Bacillary dysentery organism
- (C) Staphylococcal exotoxin
- (D) Brucellosis
42.Colour produced in orthotoluidine test is :
- (A) Red (B) Yellow
- (C) Blue (D) Green
43. Floor space for two persons is :
- (A) 70-90 sq. feet (B) 90-100 sq. feet
- (C) 50–70 sq. feet (D) 110-120 sq. feet
44.Bhopal gas tragedy is an example of :
- (A) Point source epidemic (B)Propagated epidemic
- (C) Mass epidemic (D)None of these
45.Diagnostic accuracy of a test is determined by :
- (A) Sensitivity (B) Specificity
- (C) Predictive value (D) None of these
(7) National Health Programme
46.Problem village is all except :
- (A) Where no water source in a distance of 1.6 km from a community
- (B) Water is more than depth of 15 m
- (C) There is excess of Na+, K+, F+, Salts
- D) Risk of Guinea worm infection
47.ICDS package does not include :
- (A) Nutrition (B) Immunization
- (C) Health check up (C) Formal education
48.All of the following programmes are sponsored by ministry of social welfare except :
- (A) Balwadi Nutrition Programme (B) Special Nutrition Programme
- (C) Mid-day Meal Programme (D) ICDS
49. Iodized oil used in preventing goitre is :
- (A) Croton oil (B) Castor oil
- (C) Almond oil (C) Poppy seed oil
50. Child guidance clinic is helpful for :
- (A) Bedwetting problem (B) Impaired hearing
- (C) Eye squint (D) Cerebral palsy
(8) Surgery
51.In Glasgow coma scale all of the following are considered except :
- (A) Eye opening (B) Verbal response
- (C) Motor response (D) Sensory response
52.Nicoladoni branham sign is :
- (A) Compression causes tachycardia (B) Compression causes bradycardia
- (C) Hypotension (D) Systolic filling
53.The commonest complication of intracapsular fracture neck of femur is :
- (A) Osteoarthritis (B) Malunion
- (C) Shortening (D) Nonunion
54. Fracture zygoma shows all the features except :
- (A) Diplopia (B) CSF Rhinorrhoea
- (C) Epistaxis (D) Trismus
55. Skin graft survival in the first 48 hours is dependent on :
- (A)Random connection between host and donor capillaries
- (B) Plasmatic imbibition
- (C) Saline dressing
- (D)Development of New blood vessels
56.Seat belt causes injury to :
- (A) Duodenum
- (B) Head injury due to wind screen
- (C) Thorax
- (D) All of the above
57. Which one is not Ranson’s prognostic criteria in acute pancreatitis
- (A) Age over 55 years
- (B) Blood glucose more than 200 mg%
- (C) WBC more than 16000/mm3
- (D) Serum calcium more than 8 mg%
58.Commonest complication following the haemorrhoidectomy is :
- (A) Haemorrhage (B) Infection
- (C) Urinary retention (D) Fecal impaction
59. Vicryl, the commonly used suture material is a :
- (A) Homopolymer of polydioxanone
- (B) Co-polymer of glycolide and lectide
- (C) Homopolymer of glycolide
- (D) Homopolymer of lactide
60.Glod standard for reflux oesophagitis :
- (A) Manomary (B) Barium swallow
- (C)24 hrs pH study (D) X-Ray abdomen
(9) Obstetrics and Gynaecology
61. Screening by using maternal serum alpha fetoproteins helps to detect all of the following except :
- (A) Neural Tube Defect (B) Duodenal Atresia
- (C) Talipes equinovarus (D) Omphalocele
62. Lochia rubra is seen up to :
- (A) 5 days (C) 10 days
- (C) 15 days (D) 20 days
63. If division of fertilized egg occurs at 4th -8th day, what kind of monozygotic twin pregnancy will it give rise to :
- (A) Diamniotic Dichorionic (B) Diamniotic Monochorionic
- (C) Monoamniotic Monochorionic (D) Conjoint twins
64. Sex determination in early pregnancy is done by :
- (A) X-Rays (B)USG
- (C) Amniocentasis (D) Hysteroscopy
65. Most common site of puerperal infection is :
- (A) Episiotomy wound (B) Placental site
- (C) Vaginal laceration (D) Cervical laceration
66. Rule of Hasse is used to determine :
- (A) The age of the fetus (B) Height of the Adult
- (C) Race of a person (D) Identification
67.Cystocele is formed by which part of bladder ?
- (A) Trigone (B) Base
- (C) Superior surface (D) Posterior
68. Confirmation of the diagnosis of the vesicular mole is by
- (A) Vaginal examination (B) X-Rays
- (C) Abdominal examination (D) Ultrasonography
69. Most fixed retroversion of uterus results from :
- (A) Congenital (B) Endometriosis
- (C) Pelvic tumour (D) Salpingo-oophoritis
70. Meconium is excreted by a newborn till :
- (A) Second day (B) 3rd day
- (C) 6th day (D) 4th day
(10) Practice of Medicine
71. Decreased glucose level in pleural effusion is found in :
- (A) Rheumatoid arthritis (B) SLE
- (C) Pneumococcal infection (D) P. carini infection
72. Fibrosis around Brunner’s gland is characteristic of :
- (A) Intestinal lymphoma (B) Radiation enteritis
- (C) Amyloidosis (D) Scleroderma
73.In coeliac sprue there is deficiency of all except :
- (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B12
- (C) Folic acid (D) Iron
74. Hepatitis B virus is associated with :
- (A) SLE (B) Polyanteritis nodosa
- (C) Sjogren’s syndrome (D) Wegnar granulomatosis
75. Vitamin D resistant ricket is inherited as :
- (A) Autosomal dominant (B) Autosomal recessive
- (C) X-linked recessive (D) X-linked dominant
76.Astasia abasia is seen in :
- (A) Perkinsonism (B) Alzheimer’s
- (C) Schizophrenia (D) Hysterical convulsion disorder
77. Insulin stress test estimates :
- (A) Diabetes melitus (B)Growth hormone
- (C) Glucagons assay (D)Catecholamines
78. In diabetic nephropathy all of the following are true except :
- (A) Candiovascular abnormalities can occur
- (B) Micro and macro-albuminuria can occur
- (C) ACE inhibitors can reduce microalbuminuria
- (D)Insulin requirements become high
79. Isolated 3rd Nerve palsy seen in :
- (A) Frontal tumour (B)Weber syndrome
- (C) Diabetes (D) Internal carotid aneurysm
80.Lesion not seen in Lepromatous leprosy :
- (A) Papule (B) Macule
- (C) Vesicle (D) Nodes
81.Alopecia areata is due to :
- (A) Estrogen stimulation (B) Androgen stimulation
- (C) Lichenoid reaction (D) Autoimmune
82.Sinusitis in children is commonest in :
- (A) Frontal (B) Maxillary
- (C) Ethmoidal (D) Sphenoid
83.Thrombosis of superior branch of middle cerebral artery leads to :
- (A) Motor aphasia (B) Urinary incontinence
- (C) Homonymus hernianopia (D) Contralateral grasp reflex
84.Plucked chicken skin appearance is pathognomonic of :
- (A) Pseudoxanthoma elastica (B) Marfan’s syndrome
- (C) Homocystinuria (D) Acute intermittent porphyria
85.All of the following can cause diabetes insipidus except :
- (A) Multiple sclerosis (B) Head injury
- (C) Histocystosis (D) Viral encephalitis
(11) Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy including Repertory
86.In 2nd and 3rd edition of organon of Medicine the missing aphorisms are :
- (A)215, 216, 217 (B) 216, 217, 218
- (C) 217, 218, 219 (D) 218, 219, 220
87. Duty of Physician if no improvement follows after giving the drugs which have alternating action :
- (A) Give placebo
- (B) Give same medicine in higher potency
- (C) Give equally small dose of same medicine
- (D) Change the remedy immediately
88. During the course of LM potency if there is aggravation then medicine to be taken from 2nd or 3rd cup, is stated in :
- (A) Aph. 247 footnote 6th edition
- (B) Aph. 248 footnote 6th edition
- (C) Aph. 270 footnote 6th edition
- (D) Aph. 246 footnote 6th edition
89. Among the 12 observations which observations are unfavorable :
- (A) 5, 7, 10, 12 (B) 2, 4, 6, 8
- (C) 3, 5, 9, 11 (D) 1, 4, 6, 11
90. According to Hahnemann a person who is to be mesmerised should not wear :
- (A) Cotton (B) Wool
- (C) Silk (D) Linen
91.Camphor is antidoted by :
- (A) Camphor itself
- (B) Opium
- (C) Strong sulphuric acid
- (D) Nothing can antidote camphor
92. Prone to crave for spirituous liquors —> it belongs to which miasmatic state ?
- (A) Psoric (B) Sycotic
- (C) Syphilitic (D) Tubercular
93. During proving of the narcotics we observe the :
- (A) Primary action (B) Secondary action
- (C) Alternating action (D) All of these
94. Usually aggravated from eating any food and ameliorated by lying on the stomach or by pressure, belongs to :
- (A) Psoric (B) Sycotic
- (C) Syphilitic (D) Tubercular
95. Father of homoeopathic veterinary science is :
- (A) Hahnemann (B) M. Lux
- (C) Griesselich (D) Jenner
96. Preface to the “Repertory of the antipsoric medicine” was given by :
- (A) Boenninghausem (B) A. Lippe
- (C) Hahnemann (D) C. Dunham
97.Madame Hahnemann requested permission from the police to keep the master Hahnemann’s dead body for :
- (A) 2-3 days (B) 5-7 days
- (C) 9-13 days (D) 14-20 days
98. O tempora ! O mores ! has been stated by Hahnemann in connection to :
- (A) Large doses of Drug
- (B) Use of Alcohol
- (C) Disadvantages of poly pharmacy
- (D) Against the use of external application
99.Homoeopathic aggravation is the :
- (A) Primary action (B) Secondary counter-action
- (C) Secondary curative action (D) Alternating action
100. According to Hahnemann how long the power of globule remains undiminished and used for olfaction it kept away from sunlight :
- (A) 1-5 years (B) 6-10 years
- (C) 12-15 years (D)18 or 20 years
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