Clinical utility of single remedy rubric in Knerr repertory on hair care

Juhee jain1, Neelima Singh1, Priyanka Naraniya1

PG scholar part 1, Homoeopathy University, constituent college Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur.

ABSTRACT: The hair plays a very important role in gender identification and acts as style item, a reference of beauty. The voluminous hair thus means health and youthfulness and hair loss may adversely affect psychosocial status and quality of life (QOL). Almost every society in the world associates luxurious hair with youth, beauty and good health. Through this article we can emphasised a clinical importance of Knerr repertory as well as keynote rubrics which are less countable during clinical practice. 

Keywords- Knerr repertory, Hair care, Homoeopathy, Single remedy rubrics

 INTRODUCTION: 1 Knerr repertory is a clinical repertory which has been classified under concordance repertory, which are used mainly for the reference work. It has a wide use in the practice as a easy reference book. Knerr repertory was augmented by Dr. Calvin Brobst Knerr;  born on 27th December 1847. He joined as a assistant to Dr C Hering . He compiled Repertory of Hering’s Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica and published in the year 1896.The symptoms are arranged almost in its original form without much change. 

 ARRANGEMENT: Symptoms are arranged according to the organ or part of the body in which they appear, not where they originate; for instance motions or positions of the head are placed to the outer head, not to the neck, the muscles of which cause the position or motion.

  • I  Is the lowest, and designates an occasionally confirmed symptom. It is omitted in most  case, and is     sometimes used to mark a difference of value in the same line.
  • II Symptoms more frequently confirmed.
  • I  Symptoms verified by cures.
  • II Symptoms repeatedly verified.
  • θ The Greek letter “theta” stands between the cured symptom and the pathological condition, or the physiological general state, f.i., pregnancy or climacteric years. This by no means excludes the characteristic nature of the symptom in other forms of disease.
  • t. Toxicological.
  • r. Right. l. Left.
  • < Increase, or aggravation; worse.
  • Decrease, or amelioration; better.
  • The Greek “pi “stands before symptoms observed only on the sick.


  • Above downwards.
  • From within outwards.
  • Functional symptoms first followed by the organic conditions.
  • First the parts and then the whole body.


1.  Mental condition given in all particular sections.

2.  Pregnancy, Parturition, Infants chapter is well represented and found nowhere in other repertories. Even children as a sub rubric are represented well.

3. Concomitants in urine, stool, menses, and headache are well represented in this repertory.

4. In Stages of Life and Constitution chapter, especially size, occupation, constitution, diathesis, and temperament is well represented and not found like this in any other repertories.

5.  In urine specific gravity is given.

6. Pulse rate is given with remedies.

7. Temperature is also given in Fahrenheit with remedies.

8. Tissue chapter gives the regional and remedy affinities to it.

9. Touch, passive motion, injuries chapter is also well-represented chapter and found nowhere else.

10. Percussion sounds given in lung are very useful for objective prescription where there is lack of subjective symptoms.

11.  It is source for many other repertories.

12. It is the only one where Materia Medica is in the form of repertory with gradation.

13.  Though the drugs mentioned are very less, yet we get the chance of choosing different drugs of similimum, which are very authenticated other than polychrests also. This helps in easy selection of remedy in a narrow field.


hair baldness: Especially on crown: BAR-C.

circular patch: LYC

large spots: HEP.

Spots covered with short woolly hair: Vinc.

Circumscribed spot on front, covered with herpes: Graph.

Spot as large as a silver dollar, left side (after gonorrhoea): KALI-S.

Spot over right parietal: Cupr-s

Premature: Sil.

Spot as large as a twenty five cent piece, on front part, glossy smoothness, hair around as if cut short at roots , place covered with dry crusty scales, soon after one on right side, soon after four spots:Sep.

bristling  When chilled: Calc.

brushing, painful: Carbn- s.

causes sneezing: Sil.

does not bear combing:ASAR.

Can’t be combed smooth: Borx.

Dry breaks of and falls out: FL-AC.

in cholera: CALC. 

in chorea: Thuj.

falling out in bunches: PHOS.

in children: Arund.

in circular patches, which become rough and dirty:ARS.

in handfuls, when combing: Sulph.

 after severe, acute disease: Manc.

on front part of head: Ars.

in handfuls: MEZ.

after grief and sorrow or after fevers:PH-AC

melancholy after mortification: IGN.

 more on occiput: CARB-V.

during pregnancy: LACH.

mostly on sides and temples: MERC.

in spots: FL-AC.

in single spots and white hair grows: VINC.

on vertex, in megrim:CALC.

thin THUJ.


1.Knerr C B. Repertory of Hering’s Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2017.

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