Clinical verification of homoeopathic medicine tellurium metallicum in tinea cruris: a case study

Dr Rashmi Verma

ABSTRACT – tinea infection is also known as ringworm infection or dermatophytosis. The skin infection is caused due to dermatophytes. The common site if infection is skin, nails and hair. The responsible factor for this skin infection is non-hygienic condition, sharing object with infected people and improper clothing. Treatment for dermatophytosis is use of antifungal & tropical steroids. I would like to observe the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment in tinea cruris.1

KEY WORDS – tinea cruris, ringworm, homeopathy.

INTRODUCTION – dermatophytes are a group of fungi that only infect the superficial cutaneous keratinized tissue layer and break down the keratin for their growth, they can’t invade the subcutaneous tissue layer of the skin. Dermatophytes are also known as tinea or ringworm. The most common dermatophytes fungi that cause infection are trichophyton, microsporum and Epidermophyton.

Classification of ringworm are based on their affected part tinea capitis affected the scalp. Tinea corporis affects non-hairy skin. Tinea cruris affect the groin. Tinea pedis affect the foot. Tinea barbae affect beard & neck. tinea unguinum affect the nails. Tinea mannum affect the hand and involve hair follicles & scalp.

Clinically ringworm present with ring shape appearance with multiple lesions with redness and itching.2

INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE – According to WHO the rate of prevalence of this infection is 20-25%. Worldwide different countries have different rate of prevalence. The commonest type of infection is tinea corporis i.e. 78%. Then cruris i.e.10.1%. tinea pedis is i.e. 0.7%. tropical & subtropical countries such as India have more prevalence because of the heat and humidity.3

PRESENTATION OF TINEA CRURIS– fungal infection caused by epidermatophyton and trichophyton are common.

Tinea cruris appear in the inner thighs, scrotum, penis, vulva, buttocks and perineum. Symptoms of tinea cruris are intense itching circular well defined patches with inflammation and redness.

Chronic lesion may sign show sign of hyperpigmentation with well define papulo-vesicular border.2

A CASE PROFILE- A mother with her 1.5year daughter came to our OPD of government homoeopathic medical college and hospital on 06/01/2025. The mother reported that the child has complaint of papulovesicular multiple ring-shaped eruption on genitals and buttocks with intense itching, itching aggravates at night. Child is unable to sleep at night because of itching, offensive odor of perspiration at night and perspiration causes more itching.

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS- complaint arise 15 days before, complaint start gradually with red colored papular eruption on genitals and spread to the buttock. itching worse while perspiration which is very offensive odour agg. at night.


Mental generals Physical generals Particulars

-Fear of approaching



-Offensive odor of perspiration

-papulo-vesicular multiple, eruption on genital and buttock.

– itching <night



  1. MIND-FEAR-approaching of others of- touched least he be
  2. PERSPIRATION-ODOR-offensive -night
  3. SKIN-ERUPTIONS-herpetic-circinate
  4. SKIN-ERUPTION-ringworm-intersecting ring

Fig 1: Repertorization of case from complete repertory using SYNERGY software


Rx   Tellurium metallicum 30/BD/3 days, Rubrum200/TDS/7 days.


Tellurium metallicum is selected on the basis of repertorization.


13/01/2025 – eruption better, redness improves and itching relieved.

Prescription- Rx Rubrum200/TDS/7 days.

Dr. Rashmi Verma
MD Scholar, Department of Homoeopathic Repertory and Case Taking,
Government Tomoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

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