Comments invited on Pre Accreditation Entry Level draft Standards for AYUSH Hospitals

National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH), Quality Council of India in consultation Ministry of AYUSH has prepared draft Pre Accreditation Entry Level Standards for AYUSH Hospitals. 

The comments, suggestions, objections, including deletions/additions if required in the draft document are invited from public at large, including the stakeholders like hospitals and other clinical establishments, industry, consumer groups, etc. 

The comments may kindly be sent to NABH at email ID with a CC at latest by 3rd December, 2018. 

The Pre Accreditation Entry Level draft Standards for AYUSH Hospitals may be accessed at 

Download  Pre Accreditation Entry Level draft Standards for AYUSH Hospitals

1 Comment

  1. Yes, I’m fully agreed with the steps which are taken by the CG for the betterment of AYUSH sector.The Pre Accreditation Entry Level for AYUSH industry is needed for it’s long run. Fusibility of AYUSH system can be up graded by such accreditation authority.If it could be ever possible , job opportunities will be open up for the AYUSH graduates.

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