Common ophthalmologic conditions and homoeopathy

Dr A Yaswanth varunraja

Abstract : This article aims to provide insight into frequently diagnosed eye disorders using fundamental repertories and indications of commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines. Eye disorders are prevalent across all age groups, and homeopathic medicine can play a significant role in preventing and managing complications with the aid of effective remedies and a repertorial approach. These methods enable us to be helpful in every case we encounter in our daily practice, providing relief to all patients..

Key word- Eye disorders, Repertory, Homoeopathy.

Introduction: Eye diseases can significantly affect a person’s quality of life. Various factors, such as geographical location, access to medical facilities, and socio-economic status, can contribute to the development of these diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed an international classification system for eye diseases, which helps categorize patients’ vision :

Inflammation of the conjunctiva is known as conjunctivitis, a medical condition. The conjunctiva turns red and may have discharge ranging from watery to purulent. There are different types of conjunctivitis, such as infective, chlamydial, viral, ophthalmia neonatorum, and granulomatous conjunctivitis. Symptoms of this condition include congestion, chemosis, subconjunctival hemorrhages, eye irritation, photophobia, and continuous tears.

There are several conditions that cause progressive optic neuropathy, resulting in a unique appearance of the optic disc and a specific pattern of irreversible visual field defects. These conditions are often linked to high pressure inside the eye, but other risk factors may also be involved. Glaucoma comes in three main types: congenital/developmental glaucoma, primary adult glaucoma, and secondary glaucoma. Secondary glaucoma may cause symptoms like excessive tearing, sensitivity to light, and involuntary eye twitching, as well as corneal abnormalities such as swelling, enlargement, and tears in Descemet’s membrane.

Cloudy areas that can develop in the lens of the eye are known as cataracts. Normally, the lens is clear and allows

light to pass through to the retina at the back of the eye, where images are processed like in a camera. Cataracts can form due to opaque fibers in the lens (referred to as congenital and developmental cataracts) or as a result of a degenerative process that causes transparent fibers to become cloudy (known as acquired cataracts). In cases where surgery is deemed necessary, homeopathy can be an effective means of providing relief and promoting healing.

Stye is a sudden infection of the lash follicle and the glands of Zies which typically affects children and young adults with metabolic factors such as Diabetes Mellitus, chronic debility, or excessive carbohydrate or alcohol intake. Symptoms of stye include acute pain, swelling of the eyelids, mild watering, and photophobia. Applying hot compresses 2-3 times a day can be very helpful during the cellulitis stage. For recurrent styes, homoeopathy medicines have shown promising results.

If you have a small swelling or lump on your eyelid caused by a blocked gland, it might be a chalazion. These lumps are commonly found on the upper eyelid and rarely on the lower eyelids. They are one of the most common types of eyelid lumps and may occur on both eyes simultaneously. If you have more than one lump, they are referred to as chalazia.

A pterygium is a benign growth that develops on the white part of the eye, specifically over the cornea, which is the clear front layer of the eye. This growth typically has a wedge shape and does not pose any cancerous risk. Although it usually doesn’t require treatment, if it starts to have an impact on your vision, it can be removed. Symptoms of a pterygium are generally mild and include redness, blurred vision, and eye irritation.

Different Repertorial Approach In Eyes Disorders

  1. Kent Repertory2Chapter Eyes

Cataract: Calc; Calc.f; Caust; Mag-C; Sil; Sulph Glaucoma: Phos; Prun; Spig, Sulph

Inflammation Conjuctiva: Acon; Alum; Apis; Arg-n; Ars; Bell; Calc; Calc.s; Carbs; Euph; Rhus-t; Sulph Styes:Carbs; Con; Graph; Lyco; Puls; Sepia; Staph; Sulph

  1. Murphy Repertory3chapter Eyes

Cataract-Calc; Calc-f; Caust; Mag-c; Phos; Sil; Sulph; Carb-an; Sec

Glaucoma-Gels, Acon, Bell, Bry, Phos, Phys, Rhus-t, Spig

3. Bogers Repertory4- Chapter Eyes

Glaucoma- Osm, Phos., Pul.

Cornea-Opacity Or Cloudiness- Arg-n; Aur; Bell; Calc-c; Chel; Con; Euphr; Magc; Op

Homoeopathic Therapeutics

Aconitum napellus: Aconite patient have Red, inflamed Eyes. It Feels as if dry and hot, as if sand in them. The Lids are swollen, hard and red. Photophobia with profuse watering after exposure to dry, cold Winds, reflection from snow, after extraction of cinders and other foreign bodies.

Argentum nitricum: Argentum have marked effects on swollen Inner canthi and redness of eyes. Spots before the vision causing blurred vision in warm room. Marked medicine for Purulent ophthalmia. Great swelling of conjunctiva; discharge abundant and purulent. Chronic ulceration of margin of lids; sore, thick; swollen. Patient unable to keep eyes fixed steadily. Eye-strain from sewing; worse in warm room. Severe aching, tired feeling in eyes. better closing or pressing upon them. Useful in restoring power to the weakened ciliary muscles. Effective in paretic condition of ciliary muscle. Acute granular conjunctivitis. Opacity of cornea. Seen Ulcer in cornea.

Apis mellifica- Marked upper lids swollen, red, edematous, everted, inflamed; burning and stinging pain. Apis work good in Conjunctivitis where eyes look bright red and puffiness is marked. Lachrymation hotamd cannot bear light (Photophobia). Patient feels sudden piercing pains. Pain around orbits. Serous exudation, oedema, and sharp pains are characteristics. Suppurative inflammation of eyes. Keratitis with intense chemosis of ocular conjunctiva. Staphyloma of cornea following suppurative inflammation. Reccurent Styes, also prevents their recurrence.

Arsenicum album- Severe Burning in eyes, with acrid lachrymation. Lids are red ulcerated, scabby, scaly, granulated. Oedema around eyes. External inflammation, with extreme painfulness; burning hot and excoriating lachrymation. Useful in Corneal ulceration.Intense photophobia is usually seen; better external warmth.Ciliary neuralgia, With fine burning pain.The patient having intense unquenchable thirst.

Belladonna- Belladonna has marked congestion and throbbing is characteristics with deep pain in eyes on lying down. Pupils are dilated (Agnus). Eyes feels swollen and protruding, staring, brilliant; conjunctiva red; dry, burn; photophobia; shooting in eyes. Exophthalmos. Ocular illusions; fiery appearance. Diplopia, squinting, spasms of lids. Patient has Sensation as if eyes were half closed. Eyelids swollen. Fundus congested.

Cineraria martima- Has some reputation in the cure of cataract and corneal opacities. It is used externally, by instilling into the eye one drop four or five times a day. This must be kept up for several months. Most effective in traumatic cases and help in visionary troubles.

Euphrasia – Beautiful medicine in Catarrhal conjunctivitis; discharge of acrid matter. The eyes water all the time. Acrid lachrymation; bland coryza is the keynote of euphrasia. Discharge is thick and excoriating (Mercur has thin and acrid). Burning and swelling of the lids. Frequent inclination to blink.Free discharge of acrid matter. Sticky mucus on cornea; must wink to remove it. Pressure in eyes. Little blisters on cornea. Marked results in Opacities, Ptosis.

Silicia terra- The angles of eyes affected. Marked swelling of lachrymal duct. Aversion to light, especially daylight; it produces dazzling, sharp pain through eyes; eyes feels tender to touch; much worse when closed. Patient having confused vision; letters run together on reading, Styes, severe Iritis and iridochoroiditis, with pus in anterior chamber. Deep perforating or sloughing ulcer of cornea. Often having abscess in cornea after traumatic injury. Cataract in office workers. After-effects of keratitis, helps in clearing the opacity.

Staphysagria- Severe Heat in eyeballs, dims spectacles.Helpful in recurrent styes.Chalazæ (Platanus). Eyes sunken, with blue rings marked. Margin of lids itch. Affections of angles of eye, particularly the inner Lacerated or incised wounds of cornea. Feels bursting pain in eyeballs of syphilitic.

Syphilinum- Chronic, recurrent, phlyctenular inflammation of cornea; successive crops of phlyctenular and abrasions of epithelial layer of cornea; photophobia is intense, lachrymation profuse. Lids swollen; pain intense at night; ptosis. Tubercular iritis. Diplopia; one image seen below the other. Feeling of cold air blowing on eye.

Case of chalazion :
A 22 year old male presented with a swelling on the right lower eye lid since 6 days. The patient complains of frequent watery discharge and irritation from affected eye. Patient used allopathic medications & advised to go for surgical interventions as there are multiple bumps on the both lower eyelids and, after an unsatisfactory outcome the patient turned to homoeopathy to avoid surgery after considering the symptoms staphysagria 30 od over a period of 7 days and sac lac for one month was given and patient experienced progressive improvement.


  1. Khurana AK. Comprehensive ophthalmology 5th edition. New Delhi:New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers. 2012 pg no. 68,180,246,366
  2. Kent J. T. Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, reprint edition. New Delhi; B Jain publishers (P) limited, 2004. Pg no 236,240,1376
  3. Murphy R. Homoeopathic medical repertory. 2nd revised edition. New delhi; B Jain publishers (P) limited, 2004. Pg no 311-12,535,542
  4. Boger C. M. Boenninghausen’s characteristic materia medical and repertory, reprint edition. New Delhi; B Jain publishers (P) limited, 2004. Pg. no. 310-313

Corresponding author
Dr. A.Yaswanth varunraja
MD-Part 2, dept of materia medica,
Dr. Gururaju government homoeopathic medical college & hospital , Gudivada, Andhra pradesh

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