Comparison of repertory to the symptoms of intermittent fever by WA Allen & Fever chapter in BBCR
Dr Rumsheed Necholi BHMS MD(Hom)
- Author: William .A. Allen. M.D
- Published by: B. Jain Publishers New Delhi
- Published in: 1883
- Forwarded by: T.F. Allen
- Total No: of remedies: 133
- Total No: of pages: 107
Typography used:
- Bold (Nux)
- Italics (Nux)
- Roman (Nux)
- Roman (?) (Nux(?)) For eg: Page No: 42 chill – symptoms during chill – Mouth, form at: Cina(?)
This book consists of the following:
- Preface by the author
- Contents
- Remedies
- Repertory
William .A. Allen.M.D was interested in the treatment of intermittent fever because
- He had many cases of intermittent fever during his professional career
- It has so often been asserted by the physician and layman that the homoeopathic treatment is totally unable to suppress the paroxysms, to remove the pathological conditions and symptoms incident to them- to cure
The repertory was written as an aid to himself in studying up the intermittents. This Repertory is based on The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever by H.C.Allen, Lippe’s repertory, Boenninghausen’s therapeutics and Gross on Comparative Materia Medica.
To use this repertory, the physician must obtain as many symptoms as possible from the patient (symptoms related with chill, heat, sweat and apyrexia stage) then taking the repertory , he should look upon the symptoms ,the remedies indicated is noted and select the drug which is most frequently mentioned.
For eg: Miss A is suffering from tertian type of intermittent fever
- Symptoms before chill: Pain in limbs & yawning
- Symptoms during chill: Shaking chill at 11 am
- Pain in the limbs
- Skin and nails blue
- Desire to be covered
- Vomiting after drinking
- Sleep
- Followed by sleep
Symptoms during heat:
- Headache during heat
- Thirst
- Face alternating red and pale
- Shivering from motion
- Cheeks red and hot
- Pain in the limbs
Sweat: Profuse, Pain relieved by sweat
Apyrexia: Pale face during Apyrexia
Total no: of symptoms taken: 24
The remedies most frequently mentioned, may be tabulated as follows
- Nux vom………….23
- Nat mur ………….16
- Eupat perf………..14
- Chin……………..10
- Ars ………………14
Nux vom is selected because it covers most of symptoms presented by the patient.
- He says that, he had cured intermittent fever with tinctures and potencies. But the most successful potency is from the 200th
- The best time to begin administer the remedy is after the height of paroxysm has been passed.
- He says that this repertory has saved much time and given many successes.
Aconite, Aethusa, Agaricus, Alstonia, Alumina, Ambra, Ammon carb, Ammon mur, Anacardium, Angustura, Antimonium crud, Antimonium tart, Apis mel, Aranea, Argentum, Arnica, Arsenicum, As arum, asafeotida baptisia,baryta carb, belladonna, benzenium,beriberis, bovista,bryonia,cactus, caladium,calc carb, camphora, canchalagua, cantharis,capsicum,carbo an, carbo v ,causticum, cedron, china, chin sulph, cicuta, cimex, cina,cocculus, coffea, colchicum, colocynth, conium, cornus flor, crocus, curare, cuprum, cyclamen, Daphne ind, Digitalis, Drosera, Elaterium, Elaps, Eupatorium perf, Eupatorium purp, Euphorbium, Euonymus, Ferrum, gelsemium, graphitis, guajacum, heeleborus, hepar, hyos, ignatia, iodum, ipecacuana, kali bich, kali carb, kali iod, kreosotum, lachesis, lachnanthes, laurocerasus, ledum, lobelia, lycopodium, magnesia carb, magnesia mur, magnesia sulph, manganum, marum verum, menyanthus, mercurialis, mercurius, mercurius cor, mezerium, muriatic acid, natrum mur, natrum carb, nitric acid, nitrum, nux mosch, nux vom, oleum an, opium, paris quad, petroleum, phosphoric ac, phosphorus, plantago, podophyllum, polyporus off, psorinum, pulsatilla, rhustox, robinia, ruta, sabadilla, Sabina, sambucus, sarracenia, sarasaparilla, secale cor, sepia, silicea, spigelia, stannum, staphysagria, stramonium, sulphur, taraxacum, theridion, thuja oc, valariana, veratrum alb.
This section contains 133 remedies.
In repertory part all rubrics are arranged in alphabetical order
Repertory part is mainly divided into four sections.
- Chill
- Heat
- Sweat
- Apyrexia
Each section is further subdivided into causation, character, location, modalities (aggravation, amelioration, and time), and concomitants (symptoms before, during and after).
Time is also arranged in alphabetic order. After this clock time is given from 1 am to 12 midnight.
- Abortion, threatened: Puls
- Anxiety, producing diarrhea: Gels
- Arsenic, after abuse of: Ipec
- Atmospheric changes, influenced by: Acon
- Cases, chronic: Apis, Caust, Gels, Natr.m
- —, recent: Acon, Natr.m
- Children: Ars, Cham, Cina, Gels, Nux.m, Puls
- —,nursing: Anac, Ars, Cina, Verat
- Cholera, during epidemics of: Verat
- Cold, easily takes: Baryt.c, Caust, Dulc, Psor
- Diathesis,psoric: Baryt.c, Calc, Cina, Psor
- Diphtheria, after: Baryt.c
- Eruptions, after: Apis
- Face,pale and skin flabby: Calc
- Fright, producing diarrhea: Gels
- Ground, exposure to recently turned up: Natr.m
- Irritability: Anac, Ign, Nux
- Mercury,after abuse of:
- People, old: Alum
- Quinine, after abuse of: Ars, Arn, Bell,Ferr, Ipec, Natr,m
- Scrofula: Baryt.c, Calc, Cina
- Seashore, contracted at: Ars
- Skin, delicate: Dulc
- Swamps,living near: Cedr, Natr.m
- Urticaria: Dulc, Elat, Rhus
- Whooping –cough, during epidemics of: Dros
- Women: Nux m, Puls, Sep
- Autumn: Ars, Nux
- Damp and cold: Cur
- Days hot with nights cool: Acon
- Rains, during: Aren Diad, Ced, Cur,
- Spring: Ars, Gels, Lach
- Summer: Caps, Ced
- Warm: Ars, Bell, Calc, Caps, Ced, Cina, Ipec, Lach,Sulph
- Wet, when becoming: Sep
- Wintered, over: Ars, Lach, Natr.m
Construction of the repertory :
- Chill……………..
- Wanting
- Chill
- Remedies special indications for,
- season and weather,
- Caused by,
- Preceded by,
- Time,
- Commences,
- Location of,
- Character of
- -chilliness ,
- chilliness with heat ,
- shivering with heat ,
- type
- Symptoms during
- Ameliorated
- Aggravated
- Followed by
- Heat,……………..
- Wanting
- Heat
- Preceded by
- Character, Location & time
- Chilliness , chills , coldness with
- Symptoms during
- Ameliorated
- Aggravated
- Followed by
- Sweat …………
- Wanting
- Preceded by
- Character & time
- Location of
- Symptoms during
- Ameliorated
- Aggravated
- Followed by
- Apyrexia, symptoms during
IN BBCR fever chapter is divided in to different 6 subsections
Fever totality is the unique contribution of Boger. The arrangement of the chapter on fever is self explanatory. For the practical point of view , this chapter is of immense use. It has many subrubrics also. Concomitant in relation to chill, heat, sweat under different headings are really valuable at bedside practice. Each stage of fever is followed by Time, Aggravation, Amelioration and concomitants. Thus they help to repertorize any simple as well as complicated cases of fever. This is one of the best repertories for fever cases. They should be arranged properly in order to get similimum with the help of Bogers repertory
- Blood
- Circulation
- Chill
- Heat & fever in general
- Sweat
- Compound fever
Adyamic, Bilious Fever, Catarrhal Fever,Gastric Fever,Hetic Fever,Infectious Fever,Inflammatory,Intermittent And Periodicity,Measles,Milk Fever,Puerperal Fever ,Putrid Fever,Quinine Fever,Rhumatic Fever,Scarlet Fever ,Septic Fever ,Small Pox,Sudoral Fever,Febrish Helodes, Thermic Fever ,Traumatic Fever,Typhoid Fever ,Typhus Fever ,Worm Fever,Yellow Fever
BLOOD – -arteries,veins ,thick ,thin,dark ,offensive, clotted
- Bld vessels- varicose,
- Congestion – anaemia ,plethora, ebullitions,
- Heart beat ,
- Palpitations , – time
- Pulse ,
- Time
- Partial chill,
- Coldness,
- Partial coldness,
- Shivering
- Time
- Aggravation
- Amelioration
- Concomitants(mind to sleep )
- Partial heat
- Time
- Aggravation
- Amelioration
- Concomitants(mind to sleep )
- Partial sweat
- Time
- Aggravation
- Amelioration
- Concomitants(mind to sleep )
- Beginning with heat,
- Beginning with shivering ,
- Beginning with sweat
In a fever case, if the stages are distinct, the following order would be preferable. If some stage is not available in the case only the next stage should be used for repertorization.
- Type / partial chill/ coldness— partial shivering
- Time
- Aggravation
- Amelioration
- Concomitant
- Type/partial
- Time
- Aggravation
- Amelioration
- Concomitant
- Type/partial
- Time
- Aggravation
- Amelioration
- Concomitant
Pathological types of fever mentioned in the repertory can be used for reference and final selection of the drug, but more importance should be given to the reportorial result which is obtained by following the above order. Section blood circulation should be used if symptoms are prominent during any of the stages of fever. Thus it is the unique chapter in Boger repertory . It has only merits and no demerits to mention. No other repertory can be compared with it.
Merits and Demerits
This is one of the important works by W.A Allen where he explained about intermittent fever, its causes, selection and time of administration of the remedy. In this book there is therapeutics which helps to have the clear picture of remedies which can produce fever. In the repertory section the types, causes, time modality and various stages of intermittent fever are represented well which helps to find the similimum easily.
There is some difficulty in understanding the arrangement of the sub rubrics and the grading of the symptom is confusing. Hence this repertory guides us to the quick reference.
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