Comparison of 1st and 2nd grade remedies of rubric Haughty of Kent’s repertory

Dr Maria Shaju

Meaning: haughty is arrogantly proud of something that one possesses may be looks, wealth, power, position or religion, with tendency to look down upon others.

Miasmatic background: sycosis

Remarks: it is a disapproving unfriendly behavior where one considers him superior to others.















  • Adapted to ailments gradually developing, functional power weakening, with failures of digestive powers seriously disturbed.
  • Head strong and haughty when sick.
  • Little things annoy, extremely sensitive.
  • Averse to undertake new things.
  • Haughty and dictatorial to those below to him.
  • Sensitive to noise and odors.
  • Feels if he is small, his survival will be difficult, he will be humiliated, he will be nowhere.
  • Theme: they become ambitious, desire to grow bigger, takes a lot of efforts which is concentrated fully on becoming bigger, being more powerful, reaching a higher position.
  • To achieve this goal, he can be dictate, dominate and will take the help of anyone.
  • Cowardice may be an outward shadow of bravado- this becomes necessary to protect his ego.
  • Egotism is his censorious attitude towards others.
  • Lyco has constant struggle between cowardice and egotism, between lack of confidence and haughtiness.
  • Lack of self confidence with compensatory haughtiness.


  • Suited to women, oversensitive women with dark hair and eyes.
  • Haughtiness, pride, over estimation of themselves: they look down on others and regard them s inferior to themselves.
  • It is not figuratively but concretely. The objects in the room looks too small.
  • Pride is said to be self conscious emotion which felt when self image in the society is at risk.
  • Pride is accompanied by feeling of ignored or abandoned by others.
  • She is sensitive to rejection.
  • Superiority complex is denoted in delusion as well – delusion of being a great person.
  • Illusion – everything around her is very small and everybody inferior to her.
  • Mania with great pride, with fault finding.


  • Suited to person who lead sedentary lives, lean, stoop shouldered.
  • His huge power of rational thinking and ability to look at things from philosophers view makes him think of himself as a great person better than others.
  • Thus he develops self esteem so much he will become presuming- he is a boaster.
  • Sulphur patient is the ragged philosopher.
  • Sulphur is an egotist and ego is manifested as foolish happiness and pride.
  • He thinks himself to be in possession of beautiful things and everything looks pretty which the person takes a fancy to.
  • Sulphur is indifferent to personal appearance and to the opinions of others.
  • Selfish individuals who thinks they are greatest.
  • Disgust is not for people, but for ignorance, stupidity and dogmatism.


  • Rigidity”- personality is quite stiff in thinking and cannot tolerate contradiction at all.
  • Dogmatic- Dictatorial- Haughty
  • Mental confusion, delirium of insanities, mostly mute, religious or with pride.
  • Overly critical, censorious- he believes himself to be superior to those around him.
  • Believes him to be the only one who is sane, all others being insane.
  • Delusion that he is communicating with God. It is the symptom of haughtiness of veratrum.
  • He misuse power, he covets power, and he wants to have power over somebody else.


  • They possess strong sense of social justice, which manifests in particular as intolerance to any kind of authority.
  • Feel victimized: a strong sense of injustice and need to control angry, dictatorial,haughty,defiant with high sense of responsibility.


  • Great hiliarity; inclined to laugh at everything.
  • Jealousy and suspicious- jealousy seems to motivate much of the behavior.
  • Person is not active, energetic or violent


  • They feel let down, pushed out of their position.
  • They feel they have such great qualities, but others cannot see it in her ignorance.
  • Haughty, elite.
  • Irritable; olds everything in contempt. Full of desires, for what they know not.
  • Fixed ideas, classifies everything, orderly.
  • Impatience and haughty.


  • Haughtiness born out of improper self love and from a search for an outlet to relieve.
  • Haughtiness as the need to compete and to be attractive.
  • Haughtiness born out from deep narcissism, an improper love of self.
  • 2 physical symptoms; hemorrhage and fluctuations in body heat corroborate Lachesis haughtiness.
  • It is the result of tremendous concern with a deep love of self.


  • Haughtiness from wounded pride, mortification and love of approbation.
  • It seeks out the praise and approval of others and becomes haughty when it is not received.
  • Haughty because, they crave attention- she wants to be flattered.
  • They can be quite egoistic, although they don’t show it, so directly; they are quiet, timid and lack of self confidence.


  • Indignation, pent up wrath and suppressed anger and feelings manifesting as haughtiness.
  • Haughtiness emerges from indignation as does the feeling of being scorned.


  • Delusion about his identity; thinks himself tall , double.
  • Loquacious, laughing, singing, swearing, praying, rhyming.
  • Desire light and company.
  • Delirium is more furious, the mania is more acute.
  • Haughtiness with shrieking, tearing, cursing, smashing things.

Dr. Maria Shaju
MD Part 2 .Department of case taking and repertory.
Under guidance of : Dr. Munir Ahamed R
GHMC, Bengluru.

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