Concerns about ESI Exam homeopathy

The recent ESI Medical Officer Exam conducted on 25th October 2009 at Delhi created wide concern and exasperation among the candidates.

Similima team expressing our and candidates concerns by analyzing the question papers and pattern of questions.

Paper.1 ( 3hrs duration in morning)

  • Questions are very substandard comparing to PSC or UPSC exams in homeopathy
  • No questions from Organon of medicine, materia medica or Repertory which is the base of homeopathy
  • Questions, asked from Materia Medica, did not consist of whole symptoms, sometimes very irrelevant and confusing
  • E.g. Aconite is used for a) pleurisy b) pneumonia c) dry cough d)…. , there were no mental or physical general symptoms which is base of homeopathic prescription.
  • It seems many series of question were from same topics , no variety from all aspect.
  • Eg. 7-8 question from Cranial Nerves topics (only their Names) – 12 questions from 12 cranial nerves- simply asking the names of 12 cranial nerves in 12 questions.
  • 10-15 from Ophthalmic (almost no question from ENT/ Gynae Obs/ Patho etc), 4-5 question from Malaria.
  • Question booklet was not properly sealed, only temporary sealed.
  • Many repeated questions.
  • Questions were asked related to decease small Pox which is eradicated in 1982 and no question from current diseases, It shows they want us to concentrate eradicated diseases not current one.
  • No clarity in many questions – students found it difficult to understand and answer
  • Eg. Nux.vom 30, Ipecac 30 …..used in conditions??
  • Lot of spelling mistakes

Paper. II (2 hours in afternoon)

  • The Very important Point- No information regarding 2nd paper of Hindi Language
  • What they expect from candidates?
  • Whether it is medico exam or Hindi Literature exam.
  • Hindi knowledge is important but do you think whether this is right way to take whole paper (even not covering all topics in homeopathic in paper.I)….
  • Whether this will decide selection merit. This is not a selection test for Hindi teacher/Lecturer.
  • Questions were :  Hindi essay writing, one translation of very tough English terminologies and literatures, and lot grammar corrections.
  • Now a days in almost all competitive exams – Multiple Choice question are asked – they add authenticity in evaluation. How this fellows evaluate accurately and precisely paper II that contains essays and short answer type questions.
  • The Most important concern– There were no information available of 2nd paper is going to of Hindi language, even some of candidates already aware of the this Hindi Language paper as this information was provided to them by their Director. Don’t you agree all should have this information why only few guys?.

Students from different parts of country appeared for this exam after detailed preparation and traveling from very long distances.

They are really exasperated and angry on the way the ESI exams were conducted.

Similima team hopes that the authorities will understand the concerns and make proper corrections.

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