Cracking Homeopathic Codes in Breast Cancer

Book review by Dr Mansoor Ali 

Dr Sunirmal Sarkar PhD
Dr Shruti Shah PhD

Treating a Breast Cancer patient with Homeopathy is a tough job as no textbook was yet available. If you are really wants to treat breast cancer effectively – please read this invaluable book thoroughly. 

This book is based on the author’s vast clinical experience gained at “ Prayas Homoeopathy and Cancer research foundation” while treating cancer cases + experience of master of Homoeopathy such as TF Allen, Grimmer, Bernoville, Boericke, Kneer, Clarke, Lilenthal and Pulford. 

Setting up a cancer clinic is not a difficult task, we will get lot of patients. But treating patients with grave pathologies came out to be most difficult. 

Dr Sarkar successfully applied Cancer-specific remedies of Dr Grimmer. But still, variety of cancer cases including virgin cancer cases compelled authors to search remedies in various books and research papers. 

They studied current findings of our cancer remedies and integrated with materia medica after studying thousands of research papers to understand pharmacognosy, toxicity, phytochemistry and molecular behaviour of each drug. Cancer remedies, the Materia Medica presented in this book is integrated and updated with the latest scientific findings which were never done before.

This book acts as an Atlas which comprises a deeper, concise study of more than 80 Breast Cancer remedies in an innovative manner.

 This is being compiled from different homeopathic sourcebooks after a thorough study and only the most noteworthy symptoms are picked up. 

This unique compilation helps the physician to treat Breast Cancer patients in an easier way and will surely bring a new paradigm in Homeopathic Oncology.

The remedies are segregated alphabetically according to their kingdom and described aptly.

This book aims to make prescribing for breast caner easy, by bringing all the scattered information at one place. 

Major sections are 

  • Breast cancer – its clinical aspects
  • Clinical approach in breast cancer 
  • Homoeopathic remedies for breast cancer
  • Plant remedies and its indication 
  • Animal remedies 
  • Mineral remedies
  • Nosodes
  • Sarcodes
  • Radioactive substances
  • Synthetic remedies 
  • New Plant remedies for cancer 

DrSunirmal Sarkar is a Renowned and Busiest Homeopathic practitioner from West Bengal. He holds 40 years of clinical experience with mastery in cancer cases. His innovative thinking, tremendous knowledge, art of clinical application and success ratio in clinical practice are the source of inspiration for homeopaths across the globe.

DrShruti Shah, a very promising Homeopath, practising in Gujarat for 18 years. With her innovative ideas, she is doing scientific work on the role of Homeopathy in Cancer. A Researcher in herself, she has a very unique way of understanding remedies

Pages: 200

Rs. 229 

Purchase online


  1. Tomorrow Sunday 20 Nov 2022 Sunday 2 pm monthly homoeo discussion 9836573034

    including pediatrics and
    homoeopathic solutions=
    =- CHATTERJEE ardhendu Sekhar ( cte) of
    Monthly HOMOEO discussion of 20–11–2022

    RT infectious diseases are the mejor cause of expiry of any age.. HOMOEOPATHY carries the possibilities of Cure // Relief of every cases without any doubt..

    Something of these as I experienced
    Some causes already identified , are directly related with such disorders as
    * Living in damp basement, effect of air conditioners
    ** Aplication of row mustered oil , any apparent relieving treatment of problems of Upper RTI, as nasal drop, cough relieving ( even by Bryonia)
    *** Excess heat or excess cold weather , riding / bathing of rivers
    **** BCG not suppurated// reacted , post injection tumur// swelling, excess of vaccinations, h.o. vaccination problems,
    ***** H / presence.O. Tonsillitis , teeth infections
    ****** Tb, High ASO, Mantoux test BCG skin sensitivity test Eosinophillia,Thyroid dysfunctions positive, Tb of mother or any nearest close relatives
    ******* Psychological problems as death of nearest persons of parents, patients , economic losses of pt, Money cheeting, dimoneyterization ,
    ******** HO Measles Pox Dipththeria skin diseases Skin diseases

    In cases of pediatrics SO LONG the baby taking breast milk , the medicine ( Only) should be taking considering the Pregnancy history plus Mother’s present history plus babies present symptoms
    Every time for relieving purposes one acute medicine have to be choose then on relieving miasm related constitutional medicine has to be apply . during the treatment , at suitable scope or yo proceed the treatments block removals according to family past histories has to be apply.
    Every prescription should be varified with Kent’s 12 observations and hearings law of cure .

    Some conditions of such describing below


    Acon, Ars (plus groups as ars iod, ferr etc).Lyco,

    ACUTE COUGH ::- Acon, Ars Bryo Dulc R T ox Mephitis Kali bi Coccus c. Lach etc

    Crying before cough — Arnica
    Crying during cough -Capsi
    Persisting Cough — Drosera
    Thready ropy saliva hanging from mouth to out side , from uvula to root of tongue :- Kali bich, Cocc C.
    Red eye’s , corneal hmge – Nux v. Bell
    Cough after eating followed by vomiting – Mez.

    Salty expect — Kalu’s
    Sweety ex.– Stann

  2. Dr Fredrick Dearborn,catch breast cancer cachexia signs early PIGETs disease retraction nipples cystic mastitis blood stained discharge from nipple,fibrous reaction on skin as faint dimpling of skin,superficial epithelioma,pendulous dragging pains,mastitis he melted by conium 3x, lac can for pains many homeopaths recommend.old era homeopaths predicted advancement in society is advancement of cancer due to living on devitaminized demineralized food stuff,live like a agricultural labourer cancer is unheard,do not peel off potato nor boil it roast it in hot ash eat this master food,potato juice is alkaline they used it to cure acidity mother of worry hurry.

  3. Eli G Jones most practical homeopath voiced his concern recorded in homoeopathic recorder 1917,eighty percent breast cancer cases root cause lies in uterus ovary affections,he has given key symptoms for ovary pains like if a woman cannot stand erect up position dusky hue in face dark red discoloration abdomen in ovary area then thuja 30x is remedy,pains better by pressure is palladium,severe left ovary pains lachesis 30,chronic induration aurum nat mur low acute pains low potency is used as high potency may aggravate pain by sensory nerve excitation.this doctor says homeopaths do not send patient to surgeon to be mutilated unsexed and degraded.

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