Delhi Homoeopathic Board re-constituted

Dr. K.K. Juneja Re-nominated as Chairman, Board Of  Homoeopathic System of Medicine, Delhi (Govt.of NCT Delhi)

Delhi Homoeopathic Board is reconstituted  after completing the process of Elections held earlier and Govt. Nominations by the Hon’ble Health Minister Dr.A.K.Walia.

The Newly Constituted Board team comprises of:

  • Dr.K.K.Juneja- Chairman,
  • Dr.Aditya Kaushik -Vice Chairman ,
  • Dr.R.C.Aggarwal -Member
  • Dr.R.K.Sahota – Member (All Elected).
  • Dr.Narender Nath ,Hon’ble MLA- Member
  • Dr.Surender Verma (Dy.Director (Homeopathy),Dte. of ISM&H – Member
  • Dr.Anil Kumari ( Principal, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College) – Member
  • Dr. LaL Singh- Member
  • Dr.Maan Singh- Member (All Nominated)
  • Dr.A.K.Gupta – Ex.Officio/ Advisor –Press & Media
  • Dr.Pritam Singh – Advisor- Scientific
  • Dr.Anil Mehra –Inspector
  • Mr.G.S.Rawat, Registrar – Secy.

The first inaugural meeting of the Board was held with the introduction and welcome of the members and pursuing the earlier uncompleted tasks were taken up and the Chairman Dr. Juneja urged all the members to work tirelessly and also informed about the upcoming meetings with Hon’ble Health Minister to discuss and work for the betterment and upliftment of Homoeopathy specially for the problems of  New Amendments , Starting of Homeopathic Pharmacy Course, get exemption of  Homeopathy from   Clinical Establishment Act 2010 etc. All presented in the meeting assured of smooth and better functioning of the various activities of the Delhi Homoeopathic Board.

The Board has been functioning for the development of Homeopathy. More than 3500 Homoeopathic doctors are registered with this  Board.  Delhi Homoeopathic Board has been carrying out the inspections also to curb the Quackery and Mal Practices.  Annual CME program for the  Homoeopathic Doctors is organized on the World Homoeopathic Day ,while celebrating the birth anniversary of Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, founder of Homoeopathy. Having a Dr. Hahnemann Hall in Delhi for Homoeopaths , where facility of conducting Seminars and Conferences can provided is also a dream of Homeopaths of Delhi which the Board would have to look into in the coming time.

Reported by Dr.A.K.Gupta


  1. Before I attempt to expailn homoeopathic aggravation, I’d want to see evidence that it happens any more often with homoeopathic remedies than with placebo. After all, aggravation of symptoms happens all the time, with or without homoeopathic remedies.Any double-blind RCTs demonstrating the effect that you could cite?

  2. It is surprise for me that Delhi has some Homeopathic Board. Though Delhi has Homeopathic College, but Homeopathic students are forced to take-up other job which is available for any Bachelor degree holder. After 6 year rigorous study of medicine students are forced to competes with ordinary (Arts, Science) 2 year graduates. If they attempt to do job in medical, they are paid meagre amount of 4-5 thousands only which is not sufficient even to pay dormitory charges in Delhi. Other states are preferring candidates from their own states for any contractual medical job. We don’t expect government jobs which is available only for relatives of bureaucrat’s and leaders and reserve categories. We feal cheated after completing our degree.
    If you are at some position do something for homeopathy.

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