Delhi University MD Homeopathy Admission 2012

Delhi University Entrance Test for admission to Post-graduate Degree Courses in Homoeopathic Medicine (PGMET-H) for the following subjects, will be held on Saturday the 26 November, 2011 at Delhi.

1. Practice of Medicine – 2 Seats (UR)

2. Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathy Philosophy – 2 Seats (UR)

Admission at : Nehru Homeopathic Medical College. New Delhi

Date of entrance exam : 26.11.2011

Application forms will be available : 18.10.2011 onwards


1. Sale of Bulletin of Information 18.10.2011 (Tuesday)

2. Last date for receipt of request  for supply 31.10.2011 (Monday) of Bulletin of information By post

3. Last date of sale of Bulletin of Information 08.11.2011 (Tuesday)

4. Last date for receipt of Application Form 08.11.2011 (Monday)

5. Issue of Duplicate Admission Ticket 24&25 November, 2011 (Thursday & Friday)

6. Entrance Test 26.11.2011 (Saturday)

7. Declaration of result Tentative within 10 days

8. Last date for re-checking  of result 07 days after declaration of result

9. Counselling :  Delhi University Quota 20.12.2011 (Tuesday)- Rank 01 to Rank 05 open category. All India Quota- Rank 01 to Rank 05 open category

10. Commencement of session 02.01.2012 (Monday)

11. Close of admission 31.01.2012 (Tuesday)

Distribution of Seats:
50% of the total seats in Homoeopathic Post Graduate Courses per  specialty are reserved for candidates who have passed  BHMS Degree from the University of Delhi and the rest 50% of the total seats are open to the candidates who have passed  BHMS Degree from other recognized Universities in India except Delhi University.

Syllabus :-The Entrance test shall cover all the subjects covered during BHMS degree Course. It shall consist of one paper having three parts. Bifurcation of the paper shall be as follows:-

Part A : Pre and Para-Clinical subjects i.e. Anatomy, Physiology and Bio-chemistry, Pathology and Microbiology, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. It shall contain 30 multiple choice questions of one mark each.

Part B : Clinical Subjects i.e. General Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy, Radio-Diagnosis, Community Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology. It shall contain 30 multiple choice questions of one mark each.

Part C: 
 Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Organon & Homoeopathic Philosophy, Repertory. It shall contain 60 multiple choice questions of one mark each.

Thus the maximum marks : 120/-  

Total number of questions : 100 

TIME : 10.00 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON

9.30 A.M. Reporting Time.

The candidate shall report at the Centre of Examination as indicated on the Admission  Ticket by 9.30 A.M.

9.50 A.M. They will be given Test Booklet.  They will be required to go through instructions printed on the booklet and fill in the particulars on the test booklet in ink without breaking the seal open.

9.55 A.M. The candidates will be asked by the invigilators to break open the seal and take out the answer sheet.  They will tally the serial number of the answer sheet with that  of the booklet and confirm that the two are the same.  Discrepency, if any  should be brought to the notice of the invigilator and the test booklet and answer sheet shall be got replaced with the new one.  They will also fill the particulars on the answer sheet with the ball pen.

10.00 A.M. Paper starts.

Late entry : No entry will be permitted once the examination starts at

10.00 A.M.  All gates will be closed and no one will be permitted to enter in the Examination Hall for any reason whatsoever.

12.00 Noon Paper ends. 

Applicationfee :
By hand   for      1000/- (    One Thousand  only)  for   General/OBC  Categories  &             800/- (    Eight Hundred   only)     for SC/ST/PH     Categories    between     10:00    A.M.   to  03:00    P.M.   on   all  working   days   from   18th  October,   2011  to  08    November, 2011.

By post for      1050/- (    One Thousand and Fifty only) for General/OBC Categories &    850/- (   Eight Hundred Fifty  only) for SC/ST/PH Categories along with a self addressed envelope of 10″ X 8″ upto 31st  October, 2011.

(i)  The   candidate   must   have   passed  the   degree   of   Bachelor   of   Homoeopathic   Medicine   &   Surgery   (BHMS)   from   the University of Delhi or from any other University established by law and recognized by Central Council of Homeopathy,     after undergoing a course of study of five years and six months duration including one year compulsory internship which    must be completed by 31st July 2011 and should have obtained permanent registration from the State Council/Board of    Homoeopathic System of Medicine.

Stipend : Rs.40,000/-month

For more details :

College website

Download application form :

Source :


  1. thank you sir for giving such informative and latest update in homoeopathy . Its greatest help for a homoeopath that you provide in the time of need . Thank you .

  2. Sir
    with request tell me about MD course in homeopaty for entrance exam. a bankdraft for Rs. 1000-in what name to make from bank

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