Differentiation of Mind Rubrics

 Dr Satish M Gajera MD (Hom)

Analysis of the case – Strong Rubric(Suitable to miasm) – Other combined rubrics(Kentian method)- Any characteristic physical general symptom &/or physical particular rubric – Generals – Repertorise

Differentiate the remedies according to the present disposition.

  1. WILL

How to probe will?
Ask patients what should they do when any critical situations happened? How confident they are when handling alone? did the patient have taken any responsibility alone in life?

Will has two parts-

  1. Positive will – confident, positive part of will, can take responsibility and handle situations alone.
  2. Negative will – Lack of confidence, do not do according to their desire.

Rubrics denoting positive will are

  • COURAGEOUS: Having the state of mind to face danger or hardship with confidence. A person is not afraid of any dangerous consequences of the situation in which he is placed i.e. having many suffering is not prepared to change his course of action as he has the courage to withstand it.
  • PERTINACITY: Marked by an unyieldingly persistent fixedness of opinion or purpose that is often annoying perverse in fact. A person who has certain fixed ideas & hold firmly to them even if others do not agree to them. Holding or adhering to any opinion, purpose or design with obstinacy.
  • AUDACITY: Disregard of normal restraints recklessly bold. Daring boldness with assurance, presumption or open disdain for any restraint. Being overbold, imprudent, in a shameless way, too much self-confidence.
  • CONTRADICT, DISPOSITION TO: A tendency to oppose or contradict the speech, action or version of anybody with argument & by using his intellect. Such persons have no questioning of their own opinion but they are used to contradict others.
  • OBSTINATE: Firmly adhering to an opinion or purpose. Person will never change his opinion or view point even if it harms him or does him all.
  • POSITIVENESS: A type of dogmatic assertiveness. Self-assured. People who think they will reach their objectives. Always affirmative.
  • DEFIANT: Bold resistance to an any opposing force or authority. It is a part of the person’s nature to defy normal rules & regulations & warnings, in an aggressive way.
  • QUARRELSOME: Tendency to pick up quarrels at petty matters. Apt to violent dispute with loud & angry words. Easily irritated person.
  • FIGHT WANTS TO: Aggressive person who gets violent at the slightest provocation. A person comes to a physician & enters the chamber of the doctor even if others are waiting but while doing so. If it is objected by other patients, he starts fighting with them.
  • DICTATORIAL, DOMINATING: tending or commands to issue authoritatively.
  • VIOLENCE, VEHEMENCE: Characterized by extreme force, marked by abnormally sudden physical activity & intensity. Vehement to the point of being improper unjust or illegal. Extreme excited.
  • IMPULSIVE: Tending to do act without premeditation or consideration whether it is worth doing at that moment.
  • IMPULSE: A sudden & momentary thought which comes with a force to do anything.
  • RAGE, FURY: A mental State of anger which expressed in wild excited words & gestures, spread with destructive effect.
  • DESTRUCTIVENESS: A mental state of a person the act of ruining, tearing, down or breaking up. A person has got a tendency to destroy things, also observed in children as behavioral problems.

Rubrics denoting Negative will are

  • BASHFULNESS: Inclined to shrink from public attention due to shyness. This is so great that the person escapes the attention of other people. Easily put to confusion, modest to the excess.
  • YIELDING DISPOSITION: The quality of concealing or submitting or surrendering to be able to admit that the other may be true. Indulgent, pliable. The opposite of obstinacy.
  • MILDNESS: Characterized by kindness or soothing behavior with everyone.
  • QUIET DISPOSITION: A tendency to remain calm & peaceful. Person does not feel disturbed even if somebody tries to do so. Small provocation has no meaning for him to feel disturbed.
  • TRANQUILITY: The quality or state of being free from disturbance. A state of calmness.
  • CONFUSION OF MIND: lack of certainty orderly thought or power to distinguish, choose decisively. In this state power to distinguish & choose decisively is lost & the intellectual facilities are blunted.
  • CAUTIOUS: Marked by prudent forethought to minimize risk. Being alert, being watchful, taking security measures, looking for guarantees, expecting anger. Wary; watchful; careful to avoid evils; prudent; circumspect”. More an attitude than a way of doing things.
  • COWARDICE: cannot face situation where expected. So much weak in his mind that he cannot face a situation where other easily succeed.
  • TIMIDITY: Lack of courage & venture-some ness. Keeping away for fear of facing a situation or person. Fearful, wanting courage to meet danger, timorous not bold.
  • CONFIDENCE, WANT OF SELF: Lack of feeling or consciousness of reliance on one self to perform an act under a particular condition or circumstances necessitating his attention.
  • PESSIMIST: A tendency to take the least hopeful view of a situation.
  • CONTENTED: satisfied with what one has, not wanting more. Despite various sufferings or hurdles, a person is determined for his routine or content against his difficulties & yet feels satisfied. Cheerful & happy with all his sufferings & has an active interest in life.
  • IRRESOLUTION, indecision: The state of being unable to make decisions or to make up the mind; indecision. “Want of decision in purpose”. A fluctuation of mind as in doubt or between hope & fear. Person cannot make up his mind in turmoil when asked to make a selection he may change his decisions frequently. Not able to decide.
  • WILL CONTRADICTION OF: A lack of co-ordination in the desires & execution of those desires by the body parts. First, he want this way, then again he wants it the other way.
  • ANTAGONISM HERSELF WITH: Actively expressed oppositions hostility & antipathy with in a person himself. Opposition in physiological actions.
  • FEAR: An unpleasant emotional state characterized by something involving the nervous system creating an anxious excitement as to what may happen.
  • ANGUISH: Excessive or extreme pain of mind. Mental agony. Any keen distress from sorrow, remorse, despair, and the kindred passions. i.e. out of control pain hence Syphilitic.
  • EXERTION, MENTAL AGG: A feeling of worse from any work which involved the mind like thinking, calculating etc.
  • DULLNESS: A mental state a person has no luster or brightness on his face marked by sluggishness, difficulty in thinking & comprehending.
  • ENNUI/BOREDEM: Dullness of spirit, languor, or uneasiness, connected with a feeling of disgust”. “Weariness, heaviness, lassitude of fastidiousness”. The patient experiencing Ennui may be both Restless and/or discontented but his condition is peculiarly heavy and languid and characterized by the “lassitude of fastidiousness”. Thus, Ennui may have much in common with what we nowadays describe as boredom. Ennui may also need careful distinction from “Loathing, life of” and “Weary, life of”.
  • WEARISOME: Causing physical or mental fatigue, to become exhausted in patience, tolerance or liking. An annoying, tiresome person. (Torments everyone with his complaints.)
  • INDIFFERENCE: lack of concern. Generally, a person should have enough affection with his family members but whenever there is a change of circumstances, he has no desire to talk to them or he does not wish to hear about them.

Take the information about how is he/she in their studies, work abilities, decision making? In this try to see the intellectual level that is sharp or slow? Like many persons instantly understand what the doctor try to ask in little conversations means they have sharp intellect like Lachesis, opium, coffea, sulphur etc.

Intellect can also be divided into two parts:

  1. Dull intellect &
  2. Good/sharp Intellect

The following rubrics denotes as Dull intellect –

  • DULLNESS:- A mental state a person has no luster or brightness on his face marked by sluggishness, difficulty in thinking & comprehending.
  • INDISCRETION:- Marked by lack of discretion. An act at variance with the accepted morality of a society. Equated by Kent with “Circumspection, lack of” and Imprudence. Can thus be seen as applicable to those who lack the ability to assess what to say and what not to say according to context. Such people tend to be insensitive to the moral codes or particular milieux. Distinct from the rubric “Confiding” in that while the latter reveals secrets knowingly and perhaps with a conspiratorial air, Indiscretion is by no means necessarily intentional but rather more to do with clumsiness or naivete. “Reveals secrets” has more to do with the patient who is driven to do so not so much from indiscretion as from an inner compulsion. hile the indiscrete person tends to be unable to actually see the need for any discretion or secrecy in the first place, he who “Reveals secrets” has formerly kept them to himself.
  • REVEALS secrets: This rubric is more specific than Indiscretion (qv) in that it denotes the particular tendency of the patient to reveal things which were hitherto “studiously concealed; unknown” (W.). While Indiscretion may involve the revealing of secrets, it may be that this derives from naivete, clumsiness or insensitivity. “Reveals secrets” however is unambiguous in that the very aim is the revealing of secrets itself. Only if, in this process, the person shows awareness that what is being divulged is confidential, is he or she “Confiding” (qv).
  • FOOLISH BEHAVIOR:- A type of behavior which can be judged to be unintelligent or lacking consideration according to the occasion.
  • CHILDISH BEHAVIOR:- Lacking maturity. A mental condition when a matured person behaves like a child. Since the behavior of a matured person is like a child, it can be in general due to improper development of brain of that person or during the course of sickness.
  • IDIOCY:- a condition of subnormal intellectual development or ability marked by intelligence in the largest measurable range. This is dull to incomplete or abnormal development of brain.
  • FRIVOLOUS:- Not worth serious notice characterized by lack of seriousness. Unserious. Taking things easily. Do not become that serious as usually people do in similar situation as he is in.
  • GIGGLING:- To laugh with repeated short high-pitched sound.

LUDICROUS, THINGS SEEM:- Person feels that everything is foolish absurd & laughs sometimes even at the most serious & important things. Adapted to raise laughter without scorn or contempt. Ludicrous differs from Ridiculous; the latter implying contempt or derision.

Following rubrics denote as Sharp intellect

  • INTELLECTUAL: Relating to reasoning as distinguish from feeling. Rational rather than emotional.
  • IDEAS ABUNDANT, CLEARNESS OF MIND:- A product of reflection or mental concentration, a formulated thought or opinion.
  • WITTY: Having “the faculty of associating ideas in a new and unexpected manner so as to produce surprise joined with pleasure”. By this definition Wit is a definite ability for the “unusual and striking” association of ideas and is thus quite distinct from Jesting.
  • JESTING: Joking; talking for diversion or merriment; saying what is not true merely for diversion”.
  • THEORIZING: To formulate a theory from opinion or imagine just by talking & imaging without any data, information, background. A supposition explaining a way of thinking an explanation of things by hypothesis, a speculating way of thinking, only based upon a theory.
  • MENTAL AGILITY/ACTIVITY: Nimbleness, ability to move with quick easy grace. The quality or state of being mentally quick & resourceful. Who can use their mental faculty without getting fatigue, memory is very sharp an who can take any mental drill without confused.
  1. MORAL:

Morals could be elicited from the life story of patient. From his social relation and sexual function, duties toward society, work, family etc.

Following rubrics denotes as good morals 

  • RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS: Committed, dedicated to the service of the divine.
  • Sympathetic: Those persons have pity, sorrow for the distress of another because of the affection & understanding for the feeling of others, even those who are not very close to him.
  • BENEVOLENCE: Disposition to do good, an act of kindness. Such a person is always ready to help others even at the cost of his health. The disposition to a good, to love mankind, to heal people with homoeopathy.
  • VENERATION: The act of admiring humbly & respectfully. Show a great respect toward dignity more than required or then others.
  • AFFECTIONATE: People with goodwill, love & attachment.
  • OBSEQUIOUS(ONES RESPECT TOWARDS OTHER): Too willing to obey, too respectful especially in the hope of getting a reward of favour.
  • ANXIETY CONSCIENCE OF: This is a futuristic rubric.

Following rubrics denote as Bad morals –

  • MORAL AFFECTION, WANT OF MORAL FEELING: Appears to have no sense of right and wrong. Obviously, the patient is not necessarily “Cruel”, “Malicious”, “Lascivious” etc but there is a discernible lack of what we nowadays call “conscience” in his or her approach to things. The behavior appears to be lacking in morals & humanitarian treatment, yet there may be a desire to do something good.
  • MORAL affections antisocial
  • MORAL affections perversions
  • MORAL affections criminal, disposition to become a, without remorse
  • LIBERTINISM: Immoral People who behave in an unrestrained perverted manner always contrary to the code of behavior. Free from restraint, licentious life, no bound.
  • REVERENCE LACK OF: Fear mingled with respect and esteem; veneration.
  • IMPERTINENCE, INSOLENCE: A disposition which proves that person is not following the normal channels of behavior or actions which are expected. Behave rudely, improper manner without showing respect to other people.
  • DEPRAVITY: A State of being corrupt, evil & perverted, moral corruption.
  • CRUELTY, INHUMANITY: Disposed to inflict pain or deliberately causing suffering to others, void of pity & he is away, from having any moral obligations.
  • GODLESS, FEELING: Having no reverence for God; impious; ungodly; wicked
  • MALICIOUS, SPITEFUL, VINDICTIVE: A tendency to have an intention or desire to harm another. Generally, in the habit of making plans to harm others with an extreme disposition to injure.
  • MORAL AFFECTION, WANT OF MORAL FEELING: The behavior appears to be lacking in morals & humanitarian treatment, yet there may be a desire to do something good.
  • UNSYMPATHETIC, UNCOMPASSIONATE: Those persons lack the ability for understanding & sharing the feeling & problems of another person.
  • REVENGE: A tendency to take revenge by harming somebody who has harmed earlier or is suspected to have harmed in anyway.
  • LOW MINDED: Certain people are repulsive in their behavior. Their level of thinking is always petty & they are looked down upon by others.
  • UNFRIENDLY HUMOR: Unfavorable attitude toward near known person & friend cool welcome of a friend by friend.
  • REPULSIVE MOOD: Tending to repel or reject. This is a feeling of sense dislike. Tendency to forbid familiarity, to refuse, to repel, to be disagreeable.
  • LEWDNESS, OBSCENCE: A mental tendency to remaining without clothes or exposition of the body or body parts. The unlawful indulgence of lust. Lewdness refers to a pattern of behaviour and does not entail Nymphomania or “Desire, increased” at all.
  • LASCIVIOUS, LUSTFUL: A tendency to have too much desire for sex or always devoting his energy towards this type of lustful desire.
  • SHAMELESS: The lack of sensibility to disgrace & dishonor. A man may move around naked with any sense of guilt displaying a lack of shame.
  • NAKED WANTS TO BE: Desires to expose himself by talking or activity.
  • NYMPHOMANIA: Excessive Desire by a female for sexual activity usually based on feeling of personal inadequacy.
  • ADULTEROUS: person having sexual relationship with a female/male other than his lawful wife.
  • AMOROUS: Strongly moved by love esp. sexual love. Greatly attracted towards sexual matters even in thoughts or dreams. Practical indulgence is not important but it is the diversion of mental energy toward that side.
  • ABRUPT :- Suddenly breaking off, without giving notice or without the usual forms. Producing the effect of sharp break or sudden ending, unexpected unceremoniously curt in manner. Sudden & unexpected (of speech) not smooth, disconnected (of behavior).
  • EXCITEMENT, EXCITABLE :- Rousing of strong emotional response, an exaggerated feeling of pleasure in various condition during the illness can be easily judged by his actions.
  • HURRY, HASTE :- A state of eagerness or urgency. A state of mind in person has peculiar characteristic of restless mind always quick & fast in doing all his                                                                                                                                                  work even though he has all the time on hand to do it at his leisure.
  • IMPATIENCE:- A behavior of a person who is always in a hurry & restless & intolerance of delay. If a person is having pain & he is so restless with the pain that he can not wait for the reaction of the drug which relieve his pain. He will repeatedly ask the physician to do something to relieve his pains.
  • IMPETUOUS:- Marked by sudden action with headlong energy. Person who tends to do things abruptly in an impulsive manner without any thoughts of the consequences.
  • QUICK TO ACT:- A great coordination of ideas & actions in the mind of a person.
  • RASHNESS:- “Inconsiderate readiness or promptness to decide or act implying disregard of consequences or contempt of danger”. Inclination to take risks. Rashness is distinct from Impulsive both in the fact that the latter is implicitly spontaneous and in that it does not necessarily involve any risk-taking . Rashness is distinguished from Heedless by the fact that while Rashness is characterised by an apparently wilful disregard of possible danger, Heedless denotes a failure to actually perceive danger in the first place. Impetuosity implies “a rushing with violence and great force” absent from these comparable rubrics.
  • HEEDLESS, CARELESS:- Not taking any care or taking any notice of what others say etc.

It is part of observation. Hoe he enters the cabin; how energetic looking in his appearance, gestures and conversations; how his reaction while telling his life situations (good or painful situations).

Following rubrics are related to Emotions –

  • VIVACIOUS: Lively in temper or conduct. Having vigorous powers of life.
  • CHEERFUL, GAIETY, JOYOUS: Being in good spirits, happy even during the course of sickness, a person is cheerful with a good mood & spirit arising from a carefree sanguine attitude & a heartily bright lively disposition.
  • MIRTH, hilarity, Liveliness: Hilarity; noisy gaiety; jollity; high excitement of pleasurable feelings in company.
  • AFFECTIONATE: Lovable, People with goodwill, love & attachment.
  • AFFECTATION: A false appearance or assumption of a state quality or manner or showing off one’s abilities accomplishments, position status or possessions etc.
  • HIGH SPIRITED: Full of spirit or natural fire; bold; daring. A bold, energetic feeling despite being in a tense situation.
  • JESTING: Talking in such a manner that the person who may be nearby can not control their laughing.
  • PASSIONATE:- Showing strong and warm feeling; easily moved to strong feeling or agitation of mind; intense; fervid. A less intense state than Kent’s “Violent, vehement etc”, “Wildness” or “Rage” but nevertheless a state in which the person’s emotions are considerably and forcefully heightened.
  • EXCITEMENT: Rousing of strong emotional response, an exaggerated feeling of pleasure in various condition during the illness can be easily judged by his actions.
  • EXHILARATION: Person feels inordinately happy & joyous without sufficient cause. Cheerful, contented, happy in noisy way, full of joy. Mirth is less strong. Exhilaration is more overexcited, a whirl of excitement.
  • SADNESS: This is a mental state where a person is depressed gloomy, cheerless grave, sorrowful always mourning & dejected.
  • GRIEF: Emotional Suffering as caused by bereavement affliction, panic or despair. Continued emotional disturbance with sentiment from an untoward behavior by somebody or failure in achieving a desired goal.
  • BROODING: ivacaarmagna, karNa vagar }MDI icaMtaa ko ivacaar krvaao. Gloom or depression over something with constant thinking.  A continued distressed feeling in the mind created by disturbance of emotional level.
  • INDIGNATION: Righteous anger at injustice etc; feeling caused by an unjust-ified slight. The thing which distinguishes this from other rubrics is that the patient feels keenly that someone (probably himself) has been wronged. Neither mortificatio-n nor Grief nor “Honour, effects of wounded” necessarily have this ingredient.
  • VEXATION:- KaIJ, ~aasadayak, saMtaapaJnak, naaraJgaI. Irritation, a cause of trouble or disquiet mind. Getting offended  due to arousal of his emotional feelings but whenever the unable to come out of that situation he is either angry or irritable.
  • FROWN DISPOSITION TO:- Tendency to wrinkle the brow, as in thought or displeasure to regard with disapproval or distaste. A person by nature has a habit to wrinkle his brow when telling something or illness.
  1. MEMORY:

DULLNESS: A mental State a person has no luster or brightness on his face marked by sluggishness, difficulty in thinking & comprehending.


DEMENTIA: Irreversible determination of intellectual faculties with accompanying emotional disturbance resulting from organic brain disorder.


IMBECILITY: The condition of being a deficiency of mental ability. Person has no consideration what is good or bad.

PROSTRATION OF MIND, BRAIN FAG: The Condition of being powerless in mind. Complete mental exhaustion.



It can be elicited through patient’s history and history given by attendants/relative.

CONCENTRATION DIFFICULT: The attention of such person is diverted very slow under various circumstances.

MEDITATION: A Private devotion or spiritual exercise consisting in deep continued reflection or on a religious theme. A series of thoughts occasional by any subject.

ABSENT -MINDED: In Absent-minded-ness there is no fixation of mind at all without any thoughts.

ABSORBED: Being fixed in certain thoughts. The mental capacities are working perfectly well, but the mind is fixed in certain thoughts, totally engaged in certain problems, introspective and not reading what is going around him.

ABSTRACTION OF MIND:- Withdrawal from worldly things.

Preoccupied; a person appear to be dazed with everything when he is interrupted. Here the person is totally out of reality, separated from the rest of the world. He is entirely engrossed in thought. This state is going on to schizophrenia. This is destructive symptom. Something in the mind has been lost. Here the person is totally out of reality, separated from the rest of the world.

UNOBSERVING: Lack of observing power, Failure to notice.

Dr. Satish M. Gajera, M.D. (hom.)
Consultant Homoeopath
Assist. Prof. – Hom. Materia Medica
Vidhyadeep Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Center, Anita, Kim, Surat, Gujarat.

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