Doctors and Associations in Entrepreneurial Gowns

Sanjay Nagral

It is unfortunate that Medical organisations like the IMA and many other mainstream professional organisations have degenerated into essentially obsession with the entrepreneurial and trading interests of the profession.

The Indian Medical Association has morphed into a body representing the trade and commerce of medicine rather than the practice of medicine as a whole. Given the increasingly commercial and corporatised nature of healthcare, organisations like the IMA should provide leadership and a sense of direction to the individual medical professional overwhelmed by change. They should protect the individual rights of doctors working in an increasingly cut-throat private sector which uses professionals as pawns in a game.

Not only has the IMA chosen to remain silent on some of the critical issues of medicine like the need for universal healthcare as well as unethical practices in the profession, there seems to be hardly any internal debates on such issues.

The social aspects of medical care and the historical proactive role of the profession have completely escaped their attention.

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