Dr Jugal Kishore Passed Away

Dr Jugal Kishore Passed Away on 23.01.2012.
Cremation on 24.01.12 at Delhi   

We pay our respect and homage to this great soul of homoeopathy
May his soul rest in peace

Dr Jugal Kishore one of the outstanding homoeopathic consultants, practicing Homoeopathy for more than 56 years in Delhi.

He was born in1915, graduated from the Foreman Christian College.Lahore (Punjab University) getting the highest aggregate marks and winning merit scholarship both in school and college. He graduated in Homoeopathic medicine from the Faulty of Homoeopathic Medicine. West Bengal.

He has the distinction of being appointed four times as the Hon. Physician to the President of India. Even now, he is a visiting Consultant to Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital and Safdarjung Hospital.

In the Scientific are, he has proved a number of remedies like Saraca indica, sulphourous acid, Cynadon dac, Abroma augusta, M&B 693 and Tylophora indica.

He is the creator of the Kishore Cards– the best punch card system for Homoeopathic Reportorial analysis and is the author of ‘Evolution of Homoeopathic Repertories ans Repertorisation’ and ‘Intergrated Homoeopathic Repertory-Mind’.

Some of his other original contributions are :

  • Monograph on Iodine as a Homoeopathic Remedy
  • Remedy of Post-nasal catarrh
  • Rhododendron
  • Aralia Racemosa
  • The Problem of Potency
  • Some Therapeutic byways of Kali bichromicum
  • Remedies affecting the Posterior Nares
  • Rauwolfia Serpentina
  • Abroma Augusta

He was an Indian delegate to the International Congress held at Vienna in 1973, and later in 1976 to the International Congress at Athens in Greece.

His team of Doctors

He was the President of the Central Council of  Homoeopathy
Hony. Homoeopathic Advisor to the Govt.of India
Hony. Homoeopathic Physician to the  President of India
Founder Director of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi
President Asian Homoeopathic Medical League (AHML)
National Chief Executive International Homoeopathic Medical Organization (GENEVA) OHMI.
He is very fond of Indian Classified music, photography and golf.

We pay our respect and homage to this great soul of homoeopathy
May his soul rest in peace

His website : http://www.drjugalkishoresclinic.com/


  1. I’m deeply grieved by the news … I’d chance to learn under him for a few weeks …when I was young I went from W-Bengal … actually in W-Bengal the then use of Repertory was scant …It was Dr. Kishore-ji who took all the pains to teach me …and as token of indebtedness I wrote an article on ‘Amelioration’ from his Repertory on Generalities [Published in The Homeopathic Links, Germany] Finally I pray to Sri Ramakrishna to give peace and solace to this noble soul. Dr. Sakti P. Chakravorty [WB] 27.01.12

  2. I feel a great personal loss also as I had the fortune of being his student in the college at NHMC and then working under him at Golf Links way back in 1977. I pay my deepest homage to Respected Dr.Jugal Kishoreji from whom I’ve learnt a lot. He had been my source of inspiration and my mentor. It is indeed a very big loss to the Homoeopathy at large. I pray to Almighty to rest his noble Soul in Peace and we follow his teachings and work for the cause of Homoeopathy.
    Director- AKGsOVIHAMS

  3. He has the distinction of being appointed four times as the Hon. Physician to the President of India. Even now, he is a visiting Consultant to Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital and Safdarjung Hospital.

  4. On behalf of my Father Late Dr. K.L.Bhola, through whom I came to know about respected Dr Jugal Kishore ji,pay respect and homage to the great soul and may he remains in peace in the lap of almighty.

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